

在新学期,如何培养孩子的幼儿园主人翁意识?How to help students












▲ 刚开学就迎来了生日会



▲ Gamma班的姐姐主动帮助Alpha班的弟弟

▲ 在“共享地区”的探究单元,Gamma班的孩子在探究中了解到食物浪费对地球母亲的危害,并用行动倡导珍惜粮食,贯彻光盘行动。

▲ 国旗下的讲话 自信的身影




Separation and growth
From one embrace to another

It is a massive challenge for our kids to be separated from their parents for the first time, there is no need to mention that they also need to make friends in a completely new environment.

PIEP’s teachers will observe and record the different characteristics and needs of each child and help them overcome these "growth barriers" through daily communication with parents. Some children are strongly bonded with their family members, always feel insecure, and have some resistance to going to school. Sue, the homeroom teacher of the Mini class, shared with us how she coped with this situation: "We have to face up to the needs of our children. For children from 2- to 3-year-old, actively seeking help from teachers represent their most urgent needs, and I am the person to help them solve their problems. "

As parents pay more attention to their children, many of them will face similar anxiety. However, parents should calm themselves down, manage that anxiety feeling, and adjust their emotions. Whenever a child enters the school crying and expressing unwillingness to go to school, parents should learn to let go.

Timely communication between school and parents can also help to relieve parents’ anxiety, especially when parents have no idea about how to deal with their children’s separation anxiety. Here come some practical suggestions, such as parents can read picture books like “A Day in the kindergarten”, and “King of the kindergarten” with their children when they back home, encourage their children, and praise them for what they did in school. These methods can improve children’s confidence and courage so they will not be nervous when school time comes.

There is no immediate magic to eliminate separation anxiety, mutual trust for teachers, kids, and family can only be built through patiently accompanying and communication day by day.

Build connection
Help children to be the master in kindergarten

Kindergarten serves as a "family away from home" for children during their periods of growth. PIEP hopes that children will feel safe, warm, and happy when they are learning here, and finally become masters of PIEP. This means that children can learn and live here in the way they like from obeying the rules to making the rules following their own willingness. Only with a positive self-awareness and a high sense of well-being can they fully participate in deep learning.

▲ Birthday Party

In the past few school weeks, children gradually became familiar with the school environment, understood the rules and methods of using different spaces, areas, and teaching aids, and jointly created a classroom environment that supports their safe and enjoyable exploration games, and developed independent living skills. The little PIEPers are making progress step by step every day, gradually transitioning from being accompanied by their parents to being independent little learners and establishing a positive connection with the kindergarten.

As for the returning students who have been promoted this semester, we are delighted to see their growth of age and the enrichment of learning experience, which not only brings them more self-confidence and stable emotions but also improves their language skills, thinking skills, and sport capability. We are proud of the growth and changes of each child and hope that they can use the accumulated diverse knowledge, innovative thinking, and comprehensive ability to create a future that belongs to their own.

▲ Caring

▲ In the inquiry unit of "Sharing the planets", the Gamma kids learned about the harm of food waste to Mother Earth during the inquiry activities and used actions to advocate the cherishing of food and implement the ‘Clear the plate’ action.

▲ Confident speech during the flag-raising ceremony  

All the funs about Play-Based Learning

Here opens the anywhere door to the colorful new world

The plentiful "Play-Based Learning" curriculum activities enrich children’s school life, as well as the immersive transdisciplinary inquiry courses, multi-dimensional school activities, and abundant outdoor sports games... In PIEP, playing is a kind of learning with fun, learning is a kind of meaningful playing. Through games, children actively mobilize all senses to explore the surroundings and the whole world.

This engaging learning method not only attracts children's attention, relieves their anxiety, and helps them quickly get familiar and fall in love with kindergarten life, but also benefits the development of children’s all-round ability subtly. Little PIEPers, let’s confidently embrace the wonderful life in PIEP, the anywhere door to the colorful new world lies ahead and waiting for you to open it!







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