





TWIS Music Academy (TMA) is another milestone for Tungwah Wenzel International School (TWIS). Since its announcement, TMA has received a highly favorable response from the TWIS community. The music academy is officially launched on September 2nd.


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音乐对人的影响是深刻而久远的。在TMA的开幕式上,东华文泽学校总校长Ms. Ann援引了这样一则故事作为开场白——

Why is music important? How does music affect our lives? Ms. Ann, our Head of School, shared a story about the power of music as an opening remark during the ceremony:

2018年,一个社交媒体平台邀请关注者来分享一个关于音乐力量的励志故事。其中一则故事来自一位名叫费利佩·卡马乔(Felipe Camacho)的人。




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In 2018, a social media platform invited followers to share an inspirational story about the power of music. One of these stories was about Felipe Camacho.

In 1996, Felipe was a high school student with very little prospect in life. A migrant being raised single-handedly by his mother in one of the poorest districts in Philadelphia. Felipe was hanging out with the wrong crowd so he would usually find himself in serious trouble.  Boys like Felipe have a rather predictable future. They drop-out of school and would end up in shelter homes, in prison or six feet under. Felipe seemed to be destined to follow the same pathway.... until music entered his life in a rather surreal way:

It was a usual day for Felipe, instead of being at school, he was hanging out with his friends and playing video games. In the middle of the game, the lead character found a musical piece. It was Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. The music played for 20 seconds. Twenty seconds. That's how long it took to completely reverse Felipe's destiny.

With tears running down his cheeks, Felipe felt compelled to listen to the sonata again and again and again. Felipe became hungry for music. He returned to school and enrolled in a music elective class. There he discovered that he could transfer emotions through classical composition.

For reasons unknown to him, Felipe suddenly found it was much easier to understand his other subjects like mathematics and sciences. As if his brain was suddenly switched on. He was interested in everything and everyone around him.


When Felipe graduated from high school, he pursued further studies in the medical world. He became a chemist and a pharmacist. Felipe continued to satisfy his hunger for music to become an accomplished pianist, oboist, classical composer and conductor.

The ability to transform lives - such is the power of music.

正如总校长Ms. Ann所分享的故事,音乐所蕴含的力量是无可比拟的。它可以赋予个体如费利佩以重塑命运的机会;可以像大提琴家马友友所创作的“安慰之歌”音乐系列赋予因疫情而阴影弥漫的人以宽慰;还可以像TMA的任课教师以其专业的音乐素养给不同年龄阶段的学生带来关于美育的终身启蒙。

Just as the story shared by Ms. Ann, the power of music is unparalleled. It can give individuals like Felipe the opportunity to reshape their lives, and offer comfort during uncertain times, like cellist Yo-Yo Ma's Songs of Comfort music series.

而这种启蒙, 或许也深蕴于这场涵盖古典音乐和流行音乐的开幕式音乐会中。从浪漫的《随想回旋曲》钢琴独奏、旋律欢快的《El Choclo》探戈舞曲双人合奏、诠释中国经典的《渔舟唱晚》古筝演奏,到梦剧院乐队最荡气回肠的歌曲《The Best of Time》电吉他演奏、结合各类舞蹈元素展现舞者力量与速度的《风吹一夏》,到最后震撼全场的花腔女高音声乐表演,优美动听的音乐长久地在礼堂中回荡,让观众意犹未尽


The opening cermony is a musical feast: from the romantic piano solo Rondo Capriccioso,  the melodic El Choclo for tango duo, the Guzheng-version of  Fishermen's Song Of The Evening, to the Dream Theater's most haunting song The Best of Time for electric guitar, and Summer Breeze in which dancers showcase their power through various types of dance, and last but not least, the opera singing which reverberated in the auditorium for a long time.

Showing the diversity of music genres and styles, as well as the diverse cultures behind them, TMA teachers presented a refreshing concert for the community. We look forward to witnessing our students embark on an exciting musical journey under the guidance of our highly-professional, multi-talented instructors.


Click to watch the video of TWIS Music Academy Opening Ceremony!


From the school year 2022-2023, Tungwah Wenzel International School is proud to announce that we will provide all applicants of different ages and music levels, and performance arts preferences with the opportunity to explore the beauty of music. The personalized music program will allow our students a high degree in singing, dancing and playing a musical instrument.










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