

Happy Graduation 祝愿首届毕业生 | 愿你们眼里有光,成为世界的“发光者”





Graduation Ceremony

It's been a week since the Graduation Ceremony and Dinner for the first graduating class of ISA Science City, and we are sure everyone who witnessed the day, whether it was the teachers, students or families of the graduates in attendance, is still overwhelmed with emotions even a week later. Three years ago, ISA Science City was officially launched, with the first year of classes from Kindergarten to Secondary Grade 10. The students who joined Grade 10 that year began their three-year high school career with aspirations for the future. For three years, they worked with the school to overcome the challenges of the epidemic, and were driven by their interests to excel in sports, arts and community service, setting an example for the whole school. Now, three years later, they were crowned and presented with their diplomas at the graduation ceremony in the presence of their most gracious teachers, families, special guests and the entire Secondary School community.


At the Graduation Ceremony, Mr Paul Bawden, the Head of School, gave the six graduates the "last lesson" of their high school career, teaching them to remember and live the four values of the school (wisdom, courage, integrity and service) and to cherish and be grateful for the help of their families, teachers and true friends, no matter how far they go, as well as giving them our best wishes on behalf of the school.

毕业典礼上,校长Paul Bawden先生用发自肺腑的言语,为六位毕业生上了高中生涯的“最后一堂课”, 教导他们无论今后走得多远,都要铭记与践行学校的四大价值观 (智慧、勇气、正直与服务),并珍惜、感恩家人、老师及真正的朋友的帮助,同时代表学校向他们致予了最真挚的祝福。

“I’m proud of you all. I’m excited for your future and I know as our first Alumni that your stories will help build the success story of ISA Science City.” 


——Mr. Paul Bawden

In his speech on stage, Mr. Shane, the Homeroom Teacher, recalled the hundreds of school days and nights he had spent with the students in the past, deeply acknowledged their efforts and growth in the past, and took the Graduation Ceremony milestone as an opportunity to offer his best and earnest expectations to the graduates.

主班老师Mr. Shane在台上的发言,追忆了过去成百上千个与学生共度的校园日夜,深切地肯定了他们在过去的努力和成长,同时以毕业典礼里程碑为契机,向毕业生们提出了最美好殷实的期盼。

“From this moment on, under this and every sky, the compass is you. Follow your heart and trust your true north.” 


——Mr. Shane Kennedy

Bill and Izwa, the first graduating students and the first School Captains, also took to the podium to express the impact of their past experiences on the present and their expectations for the future, focusing on the themes of 'past' and 'future' respectively.


Good afternoon ISA. Before I begin, on behalf of the first-ever graduating cohort at ISA Science City, I would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all the guests and fellow students present here today. Your time and support have been invaluable throughout our journey, and none of us could have reached this milestone without each and every one of you. Using this special occasion, I also want to say a big thank you to my parents, who brought me to this wonderful world and supported me no matter what.


My speech revolves around the theme of 'the past.' While it is true that we often emphasize the importance of looking towards the future, which you will hear from my fellow graduate and captain, Izwa, who will eloquently discuss it, I would like to take a few moments to talk about the significance of honoring the past—my past, our past—and how it has shaped us.


Some of you may have forgotten that this school only came into existence just three years ago when a few graduates, including myself, joined as tenth graders. At that time, half of the campus was still under construction, a significant portion of our classes were conducted virtually due to travel restrictions, and our sports teams could only compete against one another. However, look at how far we have come. Through unwavering effort and dedication, the school provided us with a campus to freely explore. They assembled an exceptional team that delivered offline education during the challenging times of Covid. And our sports teams have amassed numerous trophies, a source of great pride for me as I played an active role in the sports program. 

不知大家是否还记得,这所学校仅仅在 三年前才成立,当时包括我在内的几位毕业生作为十年级学生加入。当时,(受疫情影响)校园甚至尚未完成全部建设。而上学期间,受疫情管控影响,我们经历了不少“网课”时期,各种体育比赛也只能在校内开展内部比赛,无法与外校学生同台竞技。再回到现在,看,这些“困难时期”,我们也一一度过了。为提供一个供学生可以自由探索的校园,学校通过不懈的努力与付出,组成一支优秀的师资与后勤团队,在疫情严峻的时期也排除万难,尽可能为学生提供线下教学。我们的体育校队也在过去几年逐渐积累了众多的奖杯,在这些奖杯当中,也有不少我积极参与的功劳,这点让我感到非常自豪。

My journey at ISA began in 2015 when, as an eleven-year-old who spoke no English, I could never have imagined standing on this stage, addressing you all at my graduation ceremony. I never thought I would have the opportunity to lead. I was fortunate to be offered leadership roles by Coach Cedeno in the basketball team and Coach Maj in the soccer team. Although I may not have been the most capable leader, my commitment to my teams and every game I played was unwavering. I attribute my position here today to the "luck" of being given opportunities to lead, change, and make a difference. I am immensely grateful to everyone who offered me and us those opportunities, including my incredible teammates and brothers who supported me wholeheartedly and gave their all for the team. Let's continue to fight on, Lions.


Sir Isaac Newton once said, 'If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.' The six of us have reached where we are today by standing on the shoulders of our parents and teachers—the giants who selflessly devoted themselves to our success. Perhaps we were unfortunate not to have the opportunity to stand on the shoulders of those who graduated before us, as there were none. However, that will change from now on. For the classes of 2024, 2025, 2026, and even the class of 2123, you will have the privilege of standing on the shoulders of one graduate class after another, continuously reaching new heights. Today, I proudly declare that the Class of 2023 of ISA Science City is both fortunate and honored to be another giant upon whom future graduates can stand.


Thank you all once again for being here with us today. Together, let us honor the past, embrace the future, and continue making a difference. Thank you.


“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” 



The future is nothing without passions and ambitions fulfilled by a will to act on them for yourself. Where you start is often out of your control, we do not all get dealt the same hand, but what you decide to do about it right now is what matters, and that is the control we all have over the future. What the class of 2023 started with is not the same as what the class of 2024 started with and what the class of 2025 will start with, but what each of us has control over is what we will do to shape ISA in the future, and what we will do to help ourselves in the future. 



But we must not only look at what will be done because a lot has already been accomplished. We must look at the past and learn from our failures and mistakes to build a better future. In the coming years, what we have done will be built on, and what we could not do will be explored, and that is the beauty of growing up, of anticipating the future –– there is always value in any action taken in the present moment. 



In 2009, the most significant change in my life happened. I moved from my safe little community in Beijing, China, to Toronto, Canada. It was just another day; I was too naïve, too innocent to comprehend what was happening. Sitting on that aeroplane to venture on a 13-hour flight that would change my life, I did not fear what was to come; I was busy spotting clouds and city lights from the window seat in excitement. When I landed and had my first interaction with an English-speaking adult, that is when the realization hit –– I was in a completely different place, with a completely different culture and a foreign language first and foremost. Even at such a young age, I worried about what will happen in the next few months. But before I knew it, the first day of first grade came around, and even the first week of first grade ended. I could speak English fluently by the end of the first semester as I began assimilating into the diverse culture at school in Toronto. Now here I am, 10 years later, about to graduate and dive into another experience–university. 


Changes in life, like moving to a new city, graduating from high school, experiencing the loss of a close one and going to another country to pursue your dreams come with challenges, but those changes are precisely what make the idea to strive for the future exhilarating and motivational. With these challenges come opportunities; with a new school like ISA, many challenges were presented, and with COVID-19 came many challenges, but in the long term, great opportunities emerged from both. Online learning saw advancements that allowed many people to continue their education regardless of personal circumstances, and ISA allowed the 6 of us to grow independently in these past two years. However, talking about changes and the challenges and opportunities that arise, we must remember our supportive relationships. I am here today proud and excited having accomplished all that I have because of my amazing parents, friends, and teachers. Most importantly, I am here because of me, my fellow graduates are here because of themselves. 



It is often easier to get stuck on the failures of the past than what could have been done; you could be the master of your faith, and you could be the captain of your soul, but you must realize that life is coming from you and not at you. To work for an idea of the future is not a success, but to work for the growth and letting the future reveal the fruits of your hard work is real success. Your life is not supposed to be easy. It is supposed to be worth it, and there is a difference.



I wish the best for everyone in their future endeavours, and thank you for being here, celebrating the beginning of a new future for the first graduating class of ISA Science City, for the class of 2023. 


Equally moving was the Graduation Dinner that evening. Representatives of the Board, the School Leadership Team and the teachers and families of the graduates were invited to join them for dinner. As well as enjoying the food, there were gifts and speeches from the Board, a talent show with songs and music from fellow students, and parent representatives who rose to deliver their messages ....... All of which conveyed the best wishes and support.


The photographs, which record the moment when the shutter is pressed, are a unique carrier to show the state of mind of the people in the moment, both in terms of their demeanour and the scenery of the objects. For the graduates, the photo of them with the Head of School, teachers, classmates and their families on that day will become one of the best memories of their lives.


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ISA is made up of three letters: I, S and A, which are the initials of the words Inquire, Succeed and Act respectively. ISA's mission is to nurture students to become people who "discover the wonders of the world", "strive to be the best" and "make a positive difference to the world". We do not nurture students who are only interested in their grades, but rather we find the best in each child and strive to make them into lifelong learners with a combination of talent, leadership, empathy and global vision. In these six graduates, we see their qualities shining through and we believe that they too will be able to make their own way in the future!



Best Wishes



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