




越来越多的学生和家长在选择国际课程时考虑到了国际文凭(International Baccalaureate,简称IB)课程。然而,一些家长和学生可能对IB课程的难度感到担忧。IBDP的确在难度上相对较高,但它的含金量也与难度相应提高。亚加达国际预科AIC就这些疑虑进行一些分析,希望家长与学生们能够更清晰地理解IB课程。

More and more students and parents are considering the International Baccalaureate (IB) program when choosing an international curriculum. However, some parents and students may have concerns about the difficulty of the IB program. While the IB Diploma Programme (IBDP) is indeed relatively challenging, its value also increases in proportion to its level of difficulty. AIC will analyze these concerns to provide a clearer understanding of the IB program for parents and students.

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IB组织成立于1968年,旨在为3到18岁的学生提供国际认可的教育体系。其中,国际文凭课程(International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme,简称IBDP)是面向16到18岁学生的高中课程,其目标是为这一年龄段的学生提供国际认可的大学入学资格。

在广州, 拥有IBDP认证的学校仅8所, 而亚加达国际预科AIC为其中的一所, 授权代码:006668。


The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) was established in 1968 with the aim of providing an internationally recognized educational system for students aged 3 to 18. Among its programs, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) is a high school curriculum designed for students aged 16 to 18, with the goal of providing them with internationally recognized qualifications for university admission.

In Guangzhou, there are only 8 schools that have received IBDP certification, and AIC  is one of them, with the authorization code: 006668.

Opening an IB school requires a significant investment in educational resources, including teacher training, providing appropriate teaching materials, and establishing classrooms and facilities suitable for IB courses. IB courses require teachers to have the necessary qualifications and training to effectively teach the IB curriculum. Recruiting and training teachers who meet IB standards can be a challenging task. Opening an IB school also involves obtaining certification from the IB organization, which means that the school must meet the standards and requirements set by IB. In addition, IB schools undergo regular audits and supervision to ensure the quality of the curriculum. IB courses encompass multiple subjects and core components, necessitating curriculum management and coordination to ensure that students can successfully complete all requirements.

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AIC has experienced teachers, with over 60% of them holding master's degrees.


IBDP Examiners at AIC

David Dai


Chinese (Language and Literature

Donnie Xie

数学 Mathematics

Misty Karmakar

心理学 Psychology

Yoke Lin Yap


Language and Literature


AIC升学团队成员均为认证升学指导顾问,拥有平均七年以上申请指导经验,为学生提供大学介绍,升学指导面谈,助力升学的扩展活动、学术探究等资源。我们通过投入时间和专业知识, 以确保每个学生都能在未来的大学学习中找到合 适的学习机会(基于学术能力,地理位置和经济 能力)。我们给予每个学生的关怀和个性化关注是提高每个学生被他们选择的大学录取可能性的关键因素。

AIC已有10届毕业生被全球各国的大学录取,包括剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、伦敦政治经济学院、约翰斯·霍普金斯大学、加州大学伯克利分校、纽约大学、新加坡国立大学, 多伦多大学, 英属哥伦比亚大学, 麦吉尔大学, 香港大学, 香港中文大学, 韩国科学技术院 (KAIST), 早稻田大学, 梨花女子大学, 墨尔本大学, 悉尼大学,阿姆斯特丹大学等多所知名大学。

2023届33名毕业生共斩获180枚, 来自世界8个国家(地区), 70多所世界优秀大学的录取通知书,  100%的学子获得了全球各地前100大学的录取通知书; 91.2%的学子获得世界前50大学录取, 41.1%学子获得世界前30大学录取, 12%学子获世界前10大学录取。

All members of the AIC university counselling are certified counselors, with an average of more than seven years in the field, providing students with university information,interviews, and resources for extracurricular activities and academic research program. We invest the time and the expertise to ensure every student finds the perfect fit (academically, geographically and financially) for future university studies. The care and individualized attention we give to each student is the key ingredient that improves each student’s likelihood of being accepted into the university of their choice.

AIC has had 10 graduates admitted to universities around the world, including University of Cambridge, University College London, LSE, Johns Hopkins University, University of California, Berkeley, New York University, National University of Singapore, University of Toronto, The University of British Columbia, McGill University, University of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Waseda University, and Ewha Womans University, The University of Melbourne, The University of Sydney, University of Amsterdam and other top universities world wide.

Our Class of 2023, composed of 33 graduates, received 180 offers from over 70 of the world's best universities in 8 countries and districts. It is worth mentioning that 100% of our students received offers from the top 100 universities worldwide, with 91.2% receiving offers from the top 50 universities, 41.1% from the top 30 universities, and 12% from the top 10 universities. 

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AIC- IB课程的六类学科以及三门核心课程


AIC's IB program places a strong emphasis on holistic education, requiring students to study multiple subjects, including language and literature, social sciences, sciences, mathematics, and the arts. The curriculum highlights interdisciplinary learning and encourages students to think across disciplines and explore global issues. The IB program also includes a core curriculum that encompasses elements such as the extended essay, creativity, action, and service (CAS), among others.

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学科组 | Group

具体科目 | Subjects


Mother Tongue


English A: 

Language & Literature


Chinese A: 

Language & Literature


Language Acquisition

英语B HL

English B HL


Mandarin Ab Initio SL


Individuals & Societies


Business & Management


Global Politics














Environmental Science 

and Societies,


Computer Science





Applications and interpretation



Analysis and approaches


The Arts


Visual Arts






知识理论课―Theory of Knowledge,简称TOK

拓展论文―Extended Essay,简称EE

创造、活动与服务―Creativity, Action and service即CAS



These three core courses are a concentrated reflection of the uniqueness of the IBO Diploma Program curriculum.

Theory of Knowledge (TOK) is a compulsory interdisciplinary course aimed at cultivating students' skills in judgment and synthesis. It encourages students to question fundamental knowledge, prevent subjective judgments, and biases in thinking, and enhance students' ability to analyze and express themselves on a rational basis.

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The Extended Essay (EE) requires students to conduct independent research on a specific topic related to their coursework and produce a 4,000-word essay. This requirement provides students with an opportunity to write a paper based on their own interests and familiarizes them with the methods of independent research while honing their writing skills.

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CAS stands for Creativity, Activity, and Service, encouraging students to innovate, enhance their artistic cultivation, engage in persistent physical activities, show care for others, and foster a spirit of collaboration with others.

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At AIC, we have a wide range of activities that students can participate in that follow the three major strands of CAS: Creativity, Activity and Service. 

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烹饪 、音乐、艺术创作、戏剧、游戏设计、西班牙语俱乐部、法语俱乐部、摄影......

Cooking, Music, Artistic Creation, 

Drama, Game Design, Spanish Club, 

French Club, Photography...




Golf, Ultimate Frisbee, Football, Tennis, 

Basketball, Hip-Hop, Yoga...



模拟联合国、义教、义工、 善行100爱心募筹行动......

Model United Nations, 

Volunteer Education,


Charity 100 Charity Fundraising Action...



The International Baccalaureate (IB) program is a widely accepted high school education curriculum system worldwide. AIC aims to cultivate students' holistic education and interdisciplinary skills.

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International Recognition: The IB program is widely recognized and accepted globally, thus assisting students in acquiring an international educational background, which can be beneficial for admission to international universities and careers.

Integrated literacy: AIC encourages students to think across disciplines, fostering critical thinking, independent thought, and problem-solving abilities, rather than just imparting subject-specific knowledge.

Holistic Education: AIC places importance not only on academic knowledge but also on students' social, emotional, and moral development, aiming to cultivate well-rounded individuals.

Internationalization: Through the IB program, AIC students have the opportunity to interact with classmates from different countries and cultural backgrounds, promoting international awareness and multicultural understanding.

Global Awareness: Our IB program emphasizes global issues and sustainability, encouraging students to contemplate global challenges and seek solutions.

Interdisciplinary: AIC encourages students to think and learn across disciplines. Students are required to make connections between different subjects and explore common themes and issues. This is a core feature of IB education, which believes that knowledge should not be fragmented into separate disciplines but understood in an integrated way to make sense of the world.

Educational exploreThe IB program use the best practices in international educational explore continually improving and updating the curriculum to meet the evolving learning needs.

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Holistic Education and Interdisciplinary Skills: The IB program fosters students' holistic education, equipping them with a broader range of knowledge and skills. This is highly attractive for university admissions because universities often seek students who can make contributions across different fields.

International Recognition: The IB program is widely recognized globally, making it easier for international students to apply to universities worldwide. Moreover, top universities around the world also welcome IB students.

Critical Thinking and Independent Learning: The IB program encourages students to think independently and engage in self-directed learning, skills that are highly valuable in university settings where courses are often more challenging and in-depth.

Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS): IB students often participate in community service and leadership activities, demonstrating their leadership skills and social responsibility, which can have a positive impact on university admissions.

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研究和写作技能:扩展论文(Extended Essay)是IB课程的一部分,要求学生进行独立研究和写作。这有助于培养学生的研究和写作技能,对大学学术论文和项目有益。

Subject Knowledge and Skills: The IB program provides in-depth subject knowledge in various academic disciplines, which helps students better meet the academic demands in university.

Research and Writing Skills: The Extended Essay is part of the IB program and requires students to conduct independent research and write extensively. This helps cultivate students' research and writing skills, which are beneficial for academic papers and projects in university.

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Students with an International Baccalaureate (IB) background typically have several important advantages in the job market, which help them stand out in their careers. The IB program provides students with a strong foundation that contributes to their success in their professional lives, especially in fields that require a global perspective and cross-cultural skills.

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Global Perspective and Multicultural Literacy: The IB program emphasizes international awareness and multicultural understanding. This makes IB students more adept at adapting to diverse work environments, collaborating with colleagues and clients from different cultural backgrounds, and contributing to the success of international and cross-cultural teams.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: The IB program cultivates students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, which are highly valuable for quickly analyzing and resolving complex issues in the workplace.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: The IB program nurtures students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, which are crucial for swiftly analyzing and resolving complex issues in the workplace.

Leadership and Team Collaboration: Through activities such as Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS), IB students typically develop leadership skills and gain experience in teamwork. This helps them succeed in leadership roles or within teams.

Communication Skills: The IB program requires students to engage in both oral and written communication, aiding in the development of strong communication skills that enable them to convey their ideas and viewpoints clearly and effectively.

Social Responsibility: Through CAS activities, IB students cultivate a sense of social responsibility and compassion for others. This makes them more likely to engage in work and initiatives related to social and environmental sustainability.

International Recognition: The IB program is widely recognized globally, making it a strong endorsement for multinational corporations.

Confidence and Adaptability: Completing the IB program requires overcoming challenges and meeting high standards, which helps cultivate students' confidence and adaptability, enabling them to navigate ever-changing professional environments.

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Marian Ho 2014届毕业生



PWC,Senior Consultant

AIC-IB 课程的伟大之处在于其证书得到了全球最好的学校的认可。高等数学课程无疑让我为大学做好了充分的准备。我远远领先于我的同龄人。我在 AIC 的老师也帮助我养成了良好的学习习惯,好奇心和接受挑战的意愿生活中实用的技能。


The great thing about AIC's IB program, was that the credentials are recognized by the best schools worldwide. The advanced math courses definitely prepared me well for university. I was well-ahead of my peers. My teachers in AIC also helped me develop good learning habits, curiosity and willingness to take on challenges are useful skills in life.

With the IB program, I was able to get into a really good school in Canada. The University of Waterloo offered co-op programs, which allowed me to gain industry experience for 1.5 years as I was working towards my degree. I secured a job in a big 4 accounting firm before I graduated.

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Sherry Xu  2018届毕业生

宾夕法尼亚大学, 硕士

Master of University of Pennsylvania


When I was a Freshman at college, I joked about how college is like the third year of IBDP — slightly more workload but a similar approach to knowledge. After two years of study in IBDP,  I was prepared with critical thinking, an agile way of learning, and time management skill (a.k.a. the “college” way of thinking) that helped me adapt to college life quickly. One of the big takeaways from AIC was being open-minded, which allowed me to get to know people from different backgrounds in college. Last but not the least, I was able to transfer my IB grades into credits in college which allowed me to complete two bachelor's degrees in 4 years!

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Natalie Ho 2014届毕业生

谷歌, 软件工程师

Google, Software Engineer

我在IB 和大学的学习中获得了工作所需的技术技能。但更重要的是,我在AIC学会了如何批判性地思考,始终保持开放的心态,反思自己的行为,使自己变得独立自主。这些品质使我能够在瞬息万变的环境中迅速适应和成长。

IB and university allowed me to acquire the technical skills required for my job. But more importantly, I learned how to think critically, always keep an open mind, reflect on my own behavior and be independent at AIC. These qualities prepared me to quickly adapt and grow in rapidly changing circumstances.

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Dr. Serena 2014届毕业生

医生 Doctor

毋庸置疑,IBDP 为我准备了足够的知识和技能来开始我的大学生活。生物和化学课程具有挑战性和深入的学习帮助我为我的大学课程做好了的准备。由于我在 IB 课程期间学到了很多东西,所以我能够花一点时间来享受我的大学生活,与我的教授交流并参与社会服务,这是 CAS 项目对我最大影响。

AIC-IB 课程最重要的方面是拥有优秀教师和同伴帮助我成为独立思考者。做一个独立的思考者并不意味着拒绝别人的想法,  相反, 更多的是采纳它们,学习如何解释它们,并提取有用的部分。我觉得自己做好了做决定的准备。我最近决定攻读一个专注于针灸和神经科学的博士课程。我真的很感谢我在 AIC 的所有老师,他们总是鼓励我去发现我感兴趣的东西,并在我找到它之后采取行动,  我也感谢我在 AIC 度过的时光。

No doubt that the IBDP prepared me with enough knowledge and skills to start my university life. The challenging and in-depth study in Biology and Chemistry classes helped me be better prepared for my university courses. Since I learned a lot in my IB years, I was able to spend a little time to enjoy my university life, communicate with my professors and participate in social service, the biggest impact of the CAS program.

The most important aspect of the IB program at AIC was having quality teachers and peers who helped me become an independent thinker. Being an independent thinker doesn’t mean rejecting others’ thoughts; on the contrary, it is more about embracing them, learning how to interpret them, and taking the parts that are useful. I feel better prepared to make decisions. My latest decisions is to start a PhD program with focus on acupuncture and neuroscience. I’m truly grateful to all my teachers at AIC for always encouraging me to find out what I was interested in and to act once I found it. I am also thankful for the time spent at AIC where I made life-long friends, such as Michelle, who are still there to support me.

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Michelle Ou  2015届毕业生

普华永道会计师事务所 高级助理 

Senior Associate, PWC


I started to develop and to apply critical thinking skills in the IB diploma program at AIC where my teachers pushed me to always question the assumptions and ideas and not to accept everything at face value. This skill helps me to practice professional skepticism in my workplace daily, especially in the context of change and new technologies.

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Elaine Lok  2016届毕业生

喜利得集团 全球管理培训生

Hilti Group, Global Management Trainee

作为一名快速学习者和勇于接受挑战的人,在我职业生涯的早期阶段产生了巨大的影响,通过在工作环境中尝试不同的角色,我有更多机会学习经营企业的不同方面。我相信,如果我知道如何使机器的不同部分使其运行得更快、更高效,我就能成为值得信赖的领导者。这是我在 AIC 获得 IB 文凭的过程中获得的核心价值。

The great thing about AIC's IB program, was that the credentials are recognized by the best schools worldwide. The advanced math courses definitely prepared me well for university. I was well-ahead of my peers. My teachers in AIC also helped me develop good learning habits, curiosity and willingness to take on challenges are useful skills in life.

With the IB program, I was able to get into a really good school in Canada. The University of Waterloo offered co-op programs, which allowed me to gain industry experience for 1.5 years as I was working towards my degree. I secured a job in a big 4 accounting firm before I graduated.

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Tommy Sheng  2019届毕业生

剑桥大学 物理学硕士 

University of Cambridge, 

Mphil in Physics

AIC的全英语的教学环境有助于我适应国外大学的授课模式。在TOK以及其他课上做过的presentation很好的培养了我的演讲能力, 使我在本科课程中的一些interview能够驾轻就熟的展现所学到的专业知识。IB的物理课程囊括了不同方向的知识,使得我对物理这门学科产生了很大兴趣。

The fully English teaching environment in AIC helped me adapt to the teaching mode of my undergraduate studies. The presentations I had done in ToK and other classes had well cultivated my speech ability, so that some interviews in my undergraduate courses could skilfully show the professional knowledge I had gained. IB's Physics course included knowledge in different directions, which made me turn my interested into passion in Physics.

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Sophie Liu 2017届毕业生

花旗银行 Citi Bank

我大学毕业快 2 年了,我会更多地谈谈 AIC-IB 如何帮助我在工作场所做好准备。我认为 AIC的IB精神鼓励我对不同文化保持开放的态度,尤其是当我在跨国公司工作时。我很高兴与来自不同国家的同事一起工作,我可以和他们相处融洽。其次,在我两年的 IB 生涯中,我提高了时间管理技能,这让我能够有效地管理我的工作职责。最后但是同样重要的一点是, 我现在有信心与我的上司经理自由地提出问题并分享我的意见。

Since I have graduated from university for almost 2 years, I would talk more on how IB and AIC helped prepare me in workplace. I think IB and AIC spirits encourage me to be open-minded with different cultures, especially when I am working in a multinational company. I am happy to work with colleagues from different countries and I can get along well with them. Secondly, during the 2 years of my IB life, I have improved my time management skills, which allow me to manage my job duties efficiently. Last but not least, I am now confident to raise issues and share my opinions with my line manager freely.

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