

To All the ISA Tianhe 2022 Graduates 致爱莎天河2022毕业生的一封信 | 毕业典礼回顾





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Dear all the 2022 graduates:


Time flies and all the memories stays. Your time is finally here. It’s time for graduation and new journey.


If you are asked a question about the unforgettable memories you have ever had during your Early Years or Primary Years, it is believed that everyone has the one and only version. However, some beautiful memories are shared by all of you, the 2022 graduates of ISA Tianhe. They might be the exploration of knowledge, the laughter during the class breaks, the confidence you showed at performance and the effort being paid off for the Exhibition.


Not only have you made this indispensable memory for ISA, but also you have practiced ‘Inquire, Succeed, Act’ for ISA perfectly.


Inquire: “Proposing questions is more important than solving problems since it is more difficult.” You were always curious about learning and proposed questions in the class, showing your independence and motivation in studying and researching and your desire to learn about the world. with the patient guidance of the teachers, you are generally getting closer to the best answer of yours.


Succeed: The process of success is the process of ‘energy realization’. You accumulated energy from your classmates, friends, teachers and even the environment in your daily school life. You went through the period from your reluctance to part with your parents when you first entered the campus to your feeling of calmness and security at school, you have been able to express yourself fluently in English, Chinese or other languages. On the broad platform provided by ISA, you have participated in a variety of performances and international competitions, experienced different kinds of club activities and inquired the six transdisciplinary themes in different levels. These energies have infinite creativity and possibility. Every harvest here will accompany your next learning journey in the future.


Act: In the journey of IB learning, you have attributed to IB Learner Profile with actions. You have participated in or held charity activities for many times. Some of you in EY4 may not yet have profound understanding of charity, but you have also participated in activities like Crazy Hair Day and Walkathon, making efforts to make the world a better place. For Y5 students, you performed exceptionally collaborating with your classmates during the 2022 ISA Tianhe PYP exhibition, with the theme of “Sharing the Planet”. Under the guidance of our dedicated teachers, every group has presented great outcome. More importantly, your projects have shown globally meaningful concepts through which you have learnt how to protect and share our planet. We are so proud that you are growing to be global citizens.

践行:在IB国际文凭学习旅途中,你们用行动践行了IB精神。你们多次参与或举办公益活动,幼儿园大班的你们也许还不是十分了解什么是公益,但是你们也在懵懵懂懂中参与了“疯狂的头发日”和“步行马拉松”等活动,用你们的绵薄之力让世界变得更美好。而五年级的你们则在以“共享地球”为主题的毕业成果展里,你们在老师们的指导下, 完成了一个个出色的作品,而这些作品更是蕴含了全球性意义。你们正一步一个脚印成为一个具有全球意识的世界公民。

We are so excited for your futures and we wish you the very best in the years to come!


Best Regards,

ISA Tianhe International School of Guangzhou





Last Friday, the Graduation Ceremony for EY4 and Y5 students was successfully hosted. We are pleased to gather in the campus to celebrate our dear student’s graduation.


Let’s revisit those touching and amazing moments of the graduation ceremony!


Our four EY4 classes entertained us with an excellent performance which included singing, dancing and reciting poetry. The children wore beautiful T-shirt and shoes that had been designed and hand painted by themselves as part of their Unit of Inquiry. Their T-shirts were painted with images inspired by one of the songs they sang I am the Earth, our ISA Tianhe EY Graduation Song. Their artwork also formed a backdrop to their performance and we all found the quality of their work to be astounding.

在老师们的悉心指导下,幼儿园大班四个班的孩子们为毕业典礼准备了多个节目,诗歌朗诵、歌曲和舞蹈表演,将幼儿园阶段所学融入了表演当中。学生穿着探究课上亲手设计和绘制的T恤,为在座来宾带来了出色的表演。这些充满创意的T恤灵感来源于学生表演的其中一首歌 - “I am the Earth”,这是爱莎天河学校幼儿园的毕业歌曲。

Students of Year 5 performed School of Rock, the musical which they had been rehearsed many times. Rock of School is a story behind a founding band and how the members overcame all the difficulties and finally made a good show. Throughout this process, members explore what they truly wanted and found the other side of themselves. Meanwhile, Y5 students also perform their teamwork spirit to the audience and extend how powerful a person can be with dreams in their hearts.  

小学五年级的孩子们则精心排练了音乐剧《School of Rock》,音乐剧讲述了他们如何各自发挥自己的特长,各司其职组成了一支乐队。经过努力排练,最终克服紧张和困难完美完成演出。在这个过程中,他们认真探究自己,发现自己的另一面。五年级学生的表演展现了他们的团队合作的精神,音乐剧中所展现出来的梦想的力量更是让在场的来宾动容不已。

Students presented their teachers with flowers, to honour and thank them for their support and show their gratitude. The gowns and hats were worn with pride and pupils came on to the stage where they were awarded with their certificates and had the opportunity to have their photographs taken with their class teachers and Miss Beth.


Every student has received a special gift from the school as a souvenir, which carries the best wishes of the school for all our lovely students.



Graduation is an important milestone for all children, the EY4’s marking the passing of their time in Early Years and the Y5’s celebrating their time spent in Primary. No matter whether it is about performing on the stage or attending the Awarding Ceremony, parents and all the guests were impressed by their children. It is true that the power of growth can be and will be a solid support for children’s future.



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