

重磅喜讯 | ASJ通过最权威的国际学校联盟(CIS)认证,学校将获世界大学认可




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ASJ作为国际文凭组织IB世界会员学校(IBPYP、IBMYP、IBDP全学段认证)以及国际学校理事会CIS(Council of International Schools)认证学校,在建校半年时间内,我们已获得了国际文凭组织IBPYP及MYP项目授权访问和审核,教学成果备受关注,两年内完成国际学校理事会CIS的全新认证,为学生提供专提供最强劲的国际教育项目,为学生的成功一步一步铺路,不断成长为大湾区乃至全国学术硬核的国际学校。





国际学校联盟CIS(Council of International Schools) 建立初衷是为了推动高质量国际教育的发展。CIS是全球学校评估和认证领域的领导者,它的国际认证也被认为是国际教育行业最严格、最权威的认证之一。


CIS认证需要长达数年的时间,且通过率低。因此它的质量和严谨性被世界各地的教育部和大学所高度认可,也充分证明了一所学校对高质量国际教育的承诺,更意味着CIS 成员学校毕业的学生也会受到全世界大学的欢迎。





• CIS认证作为必要的标准,表明ASJ的教育达到世界一流水平;

• CIS国际认证的质量和严谨性被世界各地的教育部和大学所认可,意味着CIS 认证学校毕业的学生也会受到全世界大学的欢迎

• CIS认证学校,在引进高质量的员工,促进世界范围内的学生交流,给学生和家长提供高质量的国际教育体验等方面有着得天独厚的优势。





国际学校联盟(Council of International schools)是以同行评估的方式进行的,评估老师来自被CIS认证学校的世界各地国际教育工作者组成,对新申请认证的学校进行评估。被认证的评估老师均是具有丰富国际教育经验的从业者,能够从专业的角度给出学校更多切实可行的方案和建议。













认证只是漫长征途的始点, 而为学生提供一个治学严谨、 激发学生成为课堂内外的积极参与者,促进学生成为不断求索的终身学习者、培养学生具有国际视野和创新能力全球公民的学术项目, 才是ASJ社区不变的坚持和初心。






Affiliated School of JNU for Hong Kong and Macao's Students (ASJ) is an international school established under the background of the Greater Bay Area and the Pilot Demonstration Area. It is the first School for Hong Kong and Macao students in the Greater Bay Area under the supervision of a well-known university.We offer 15 years of consistent and high-quality international education for children (ages 3-18) of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and expatriates.

“The Tradition of Jinan University; The Vision of the Greater Bay Area; The Characteristics of Hong Kong and Macao" are ASJ's positioning. ASJ is an international school established under the background of the Greater Bay Area and the Pilot Demonstration Area.

In less than 2 academic years, we successfully passed the International Baccalaureate Organization IBPYP and IBMYP program curriculum development supporting visit and review. 

Today, ASJ has passed the new accreditation of CIS International School Alliance, providing students with the strongest international education program, paving the way for students' success step by step, and continuously growing into a core international school in the Greater Bay Area and the country.

In November, when the pandemic was continuing in Guangzhou, King Sir, the Chief principal of ASJ, received an email from the CIS Executive Director, from which we learned that we had passed the CIS certification and become a member of the CIS community.

This is undoubtedly exciting news, CIS international accreditation has been a high-quality national education certification model, and CIS member school means that the school has been recognized by government departments, education departments and universities all over the world. The international school has been recognized in all aspects, including infrastructure and staffing, as well as educational purpose and quality. 

CIS Membership Certificate for ASJ

What is CIS?

CIS (Council of International Schools) is a global non-profit organization founded to promote the development of high-quality International education. The Council of International Schools is a leader in the field of school evaluation and accreditation worldwide. They provide a unique international accreditation with a focus on student learning and global citizenship. To date, more than 530 CIS member schools have been granted accreditation. The quality and rigour of CIS International Accreditation is recognized by ministries, departments of education, and universities around the world as a demonstration of a school’s commitment to high-quality international education which also means that universities around the world will welcome students from CIS schools. 

Benefits of Applying

As an international school cultivating students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese, ASJ has just entered its second year. It is like a baby, but with the care and guidance of governments at all levels and the unremitting efforts of the school management team, teachers, students and parents, ASJ is developed well and equipped with advanced training systems and policies as well as the characteristic education frameworks.

Applying for CIS certification will be a milestone in the development of the ASJ community.

Why is CIS certification so difficult?

According to the CIS application process, it takes at least five years for the school to submit multiple rounds of materials, become a CIS member school, CIS certification candidate school, and finally get CIS certification school. Numerous rounds of evaluation and on-site inspection are carried out in the following nine aspects: Objectives and direction of the school, management and leadership of the school, curriculum, teaching, learning and well-being of students, staff, Contracts & accommodation arrangements, Community & Family partners, boarding.

In addition, CIS requires certified schools to arrange a fixed time each week for self-learning and self-assessment, and invite the whole community (governance institutions, leadership, administrative staff, teachers, students and parents) to conduct a comprehensive assessment in the later period, to ensure that the school's philosophy is truly integrated into the actual education and teaching.

Advantages of Applying

The Council of International schools handles the application in a peer-assessment manner, as teachers from international educational institutions around the world from CIS accredited schools will evaluate new schools applying for accreditation. The certified teachers are all practitioners with rich international teaching experience and can provide more practical plans and suggestions from professional perspectives.

Meet the key objectives of CIS

ASJ, as an IB school, aims to train young people to be open-minded, inquisitive, courageous, reflective, principled and caring citizens, which is highly in line with the objectives of CIS.

ASJ's multiculturalism is also in line with CIS's goals: as an international school for the children of Hong Kong and Macao, the school has a diverse staff, bilingual teaching in the school, and a co-leadership model, which promotes and enriches the children's experience of diversity and global citizenship.

▲Winter Warmth Charity Sale

Beyond the standards of CIS

CIS also pays attention to teaching and learning and student well-being. At ASJ, we believe that learning continues beyond the classroom. 

We provided psychological teacher hotlines and students and parents can interact and communicate with us at any time. The Student Development Center has designed themed activities to enrich school life, such as the graduation ceremony 【ASJ Memories】, Bauhinia Festival, Winter Warmth Charity Sale and so on.

ASJ offers "ECA" courses that focus on the overall development of students, which are important parts of ASJ's holistic education. More than 100 well-balanced ECAs are offered to help students develop their leadership and creativity.

These are our strengths and the foundation of quality international education at ASJ.

Accreditation is only the beginning of a long journey, but providing students with a rigorous, world-class academic program that is highly recognized by the world's leading institutions of higher learning is what the ASJ community has been committed to.

Application for 

ASJ 2023 Spring Term

is now Open

Prospective students must be current KG, G1, G2 and G5 students in the 2022-2023 school year, and students themselves shall meet the admission requirements of our ASJ (that is, students are Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan or overseas Chinese students). Among them, the age of students applying for KG grade must be 5-6 years old.


Time for Sign Up:

December 05-30, 2022

Please sign up for entrance examinations in advance.

Author: Audrey
Editors: Yara, Echo










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