

海归幼儿园故事节 ∣ “有生以来神奇的一天!”




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撰稿 :  Paul Mackay Hayward(幼儿园)













Author:  Paul Mackay Hayward(EY)

The day could not be more perfect as the weather presented itself in a cool but pleasantly sunny day. This made it perfect for our Early Year’s Storybook day. The children had been bursting with anticipation for this day all week as they got their costumes prepared for the day.

The children had spent some time exploring along with their peers the different storybook characters that they were aware of. Through a renewed interest the children were inspired to utilize their abilities as communicators to share and discover new ideas for costumes with one another. The children spent some time researching and investigating new storybook characters and the resources they had access to.

The children did not disappoint as they made their grand entrances into their classrooms demonstrating confidence and their abilities as risk-takers in their choice of costumes. The children presented, both their classmates and their teachers, with a magical display and variety of costumes. The teachers did not disappoint either as they too got into the spirit of things by getting dressed up for the occasion as well. 

The children spent their first part of the morning comparing their costumes with one another but this was not to be the main event of the day as that was soon to come. A parade around the school! All the children eagerly lined up on the playground, the atmosphere was one of a building anticipation to show off their costumes to their friends from other classes. The children were chatting with one another excitedly about the amazing costumes they could see from the other classes, as they waited for the parade to start. There were a lot of “oohs” and “ahs” as they spotted interesting and spectacular costumes their friends wore in the other classes.

Excitingly enough, there were costume designs that demonstrated that our children were open-minded in their choice of costumes. As their creative thinking led them through a whole new design process of creating their very own unique costume designs. The children had inquired into the environment and had become knowledgeable about better ways to build a sustainable environment. These principled children displayed costumes that were hand-crafted and Reggio Emilia inspired by using recycled materials and reusable parts. 

At last all were gathered, and it was finally time for the main event to start. All the children showed off their remarkable confidence as they showcased their costumes around the school. We started off with a short walk through the Early Years building and then we made our way to the main building to show off our costumes in the reception area. The children did not disappoint as they confidently performed poses for spectators. Along the way many people were truly enamored by the collection of princesses, magical animals, warriors and dinosaurs passing them.

On our way through the reception we made a quick stop for a class photo to remember the occasion. The children paraded then their way through the administration block to give our hard-working administration team a show.  The administration team were truly enchanted by the display and caring nature of the children. The parade was not just limited to the Early Years South campus as the North campus surprised us all with their wonderful display of costumes too. The South campus children displayed their caring natures by warmly welcoming the North campus children into the parade around the school.

After this we headed back to the playground to take some comical pictures with our teachers who also looked amazing. The children were given agency to choose where and how they wanted their photos to be taken around the playground. This was not the end of it as we all went back to class and each child shared their story and ideas behind their costumes with their classes. Each class encouraged their children to express themselves in different ways concerning their costumes. The children also reflected on the parade and their costume designs with their peers. In some classes teachers asked the children to elect their most creative costumes or most original characters. 

Some of the children had brought the storybooks related to the characters they were dressed up as. The children spent some time sharing their books with their friends and classmates. The children had a great time exploring and inquiring into some new storybooks from their friends. 

When naptime came around the children were all ready to get some shut eye as they had had a very busy morning. All in all, the event was a huge success and two very important goals were met this day, the children had fun and they were able to express themselves in their own way.

To top it all off the children headed home with a tale or two to share with their families of the most magical day they had ever had and ideas already forming for next year’s Storybook Day.


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