

Student Party 雨中野趣派对



We prepare our students to be


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派对于早上10点正式开始,幼儿园小学外方副校长Colby Hazouri博士与学校公共关系及品牌传播总监陈天琪女士共同开场致辞,平时风仪严峻的两位今天也换上了轻松舒适的服装,以大大的灿烂笑容迎接每一组到场的家庭。在陈天琪女士向拿到录取通知的学生致以衷心祝贺后,中山阿丁莱的老师们也与孩子们一一打招呼,感谢大家无惧雨天依然出席并期望能一同享受首场幼儿园派对。





比孩子还兴奋的四位主持老师首先带着孩子们来一场热身舞蹈,在节奏感强劲的歌曲带动下,现场的气氛被瞬间带动起来,孩子们跟着老师们一起“Jump for the left, jump for the right, follow the leader leader leader, follow the leader”。









In June, the rainy season seems to never leaves us, with days that are full of sunshine one minute and torrential rain the next. The unpredictable weather this year seems to have stuck around into the summer. This leaves children without being able to run wild in the summer sun, and their mood often being similar to the gloomy weather outside.

To help clear the overcast feeling of our children and families we planned our idyllic Ardingly College Zhongshan Kindergarten summer garden party. We planned this event for all of our offer holders to provide an opportunity for families, children, and teachers to come together and enjoy some outdoor weekend fun.

After a month of intensive preparation, a number of venues were screened, a pastoral decorative environment was designed, and fun, engaging, and interactive activities were designed to support educational development and provide an unforgettable memory for our students and families. I'm sure all those who attended the event that day will never forget the excitement and fun of playing in the rain with over 200 teachers and students!

The party officially kicked off at 10am with opening speeches from Mr. Hazouri, International Head of Lower School and Ms Chen, Vice President of Public Relations and Brand Communications of the school. The two of them who many of our families are used to seeing only in formal or business attire also showed up to the event in relaxed and comfortable outfits today and welcomed each group of families with such enthusiasm and a big smile. After Ms Chen congratulated the students who had received their offers, the teachers of Ardingly College Zhongshan also welcomed the children one by one and thanked them for attending despite the rain and emphasised their excitement at enjoying the event together with our families.

Unfortunately, things did not turn out as planned. Considering the rain was getting heavier, the original family "Slope" activity had to be changed to a garden-themed matching game in the canopy area. Thanks to the careful planning and quick response from the teachers, the children were able to start their first activity with the teachers in their respective groups in an orderly manner.

Some of our intrepid families chose to leave the main activity area to participate in the original plan of feeding the animals and exploring the outdoor petting zoo, where they were able to play with the rabbits, goats, sheep and alpacas in the rain. Thankfully prior to the event each family received a reminder from the Admissions Office and came well prepared with a variety of rain gear, and spare clothes to change into. Guided by our experienced teachers, many families braved the heavy rain to explore the outdoor animal kingdom and play in the water.  

When the children saw the cute little animals, they couldn’t hold back their excitement and rushed to pet and feed them. Although some children were a bit apprehensive at first, with the encouragement from the teachers and their parents, they showed bravery and slowly approached, fed and eventually enjoyed interacting with all the different animals.

After taking turns to participate in the two garden activities, it was time for the highlight of the event… the ‘Summer Water Party’. When the teachers brought out the six swimming pools, the colourful ocean balls and a variety of water guns, the children could not contain their excitement and screamed like crazy, including many of parents who showed they were still young at heart!

Our four MC teachers, who seemed even more excited than the children, first led the children in a warm-up dance, driven by the rhythmic song, the atmosphere was instantly lifted, and the children sang and danced along with the teachers "Jump to the left, jump to the right, follow the leader leader leader, follow the leader". 

The smiling faces, excited shouts, the bouncing of the giant beach balls, all worked to bring the atmosphere to it’s highest point. Everyone there worked together to bounce the giant beach ball all around the crowd chanting in unison “don’t let it hit the ground!

At the end of the day both the children and the teachers were engrossed in the water gun battle, some constantly refilling their guns with ammunition and some just using their hands to splash the water as a direct 'attack'. After making sure everyone was able to get cleaned up, the teachers said goodbye and sent the students' families off one by one. The first student event at Ardingly College Zhongshan Kindergarten ended in a generous amount of both summer rain and laughter. Even the unexpected weather could not stop the excitement and enthusiasm of the teachers and the children.

We would like to thank each and every family who attended.

Thank you for choosing to attend the event even on such a rainy day.

Thank you for your open and engaged participation of all the activities at the event.

Thank you for dancing and playing in the water, having water battles with your children despite the wet and rainy weather.

Thank you for your recognition and support of the event, without a single complaint or dissatisfaction, except for the weather.

Thank you for sharing the same educational philosophy of being Curious, Ingenious, Generous and most importantly Adventurous with Ardingly College Zhongshan Kindergarten and working together to create a bright future for your children!










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