

OCAC Notice | 冬假学业提示,打造学术型IB学校









Dear OCAC students’ parents,
According to the school calendar, the Winter Break arrangement in 2020 is as follows:
There will be a 12-day holiday from Dec. 23th(Wednesday), 2020 to Jan. 3rd (Sunday), 2021. The school restarts on Jan. 4th (Monday).




To implement “Learning with good habits”, we expect students to maintain concentration on learning during holiday. Children thrive through routines and holidays can disturb the learning habit. To ensure learning continues students have been given specific homework. Please ensure students make their own schedule to include academic study. We suggest a routine of academic study in the morning during the holiday and creative activities/ sports /exercise in the afternoon. Our teachers will also give online guidance as needed. Meanwhile, to promote academic quality, OCAC is taking more measures to better help students’ learning:    

1. 孩子们作业量,尤其是英语的作业量会有适当增加,请鼓励孩子坚持完成。

Students will have increased load in homework, particularly English homework.

2. 为进一步解决主题探究深度和语言障碍问题,中方老师会通过”探究支持项目“ISP (Inquiry Support Program)在主题探究深度上进一步拓展,并概括总结英文探究课上所需的核心语言点。确保深度学习的落实和核心语言的掌握。

To better deepen the inquiry theme and to better overcome language barriers, Chinese bilingual teachers will start ISP (Inquiry Support Program) to cover the core language contents and essential knowledge.

3. 学生每周都有1-2篇核心阅读的拓展作业要完成,核心阅读是每周英语课程内容的精髓,要求学生熟练朗读,掌握其中的关键词汇、重点句型和核心语法。学生在晨读和夜读期间要专心朗读此内容。晨读由学校负责,夜读的基本要求是:学生睡前最后一件事情为诵读此核心阅读内容,诵读过程要求:吐字清晰,抑扬顿挫,尤其是元音要发音饱满。诵读时间至少为30分钟。


Students will have an extended assignment called Essential Reading (1-2 passages per week). This is the summary of the weekly contents. OCAC requires students to master the core vocabulary, important sentences, and grammar in the Essential Reading. Students are expected to practice reading it during morning reading time and reading before bedtime. The school is coordinating the morning reading quality and we expect reading before bedtime to follow the basic requirements: read in clear pronunciation and intonation with the right rhythm. Read for at least 30 minutes each day. 

Regular reading is proven to have a positive effect on academic learning. We also do not recommend students attend outside academic classes/ training centres especially on school days. We will ensure enough homework for students to be academically challenged.  

4. 学校每周都有周测,要求学生对于核心知识要过关。如学生学习态度或学习表现有问题,会被要求周五留校。请配合学校督促学生端正学习态度。

English has weekly quiz so that students can master the fundamental knowledge. Students will be given Friday detention if they have problems in attitude or academic performances.

5. Raz-kids作为拓展阅读是学生泛读任务之一,每日必须按照老师的要求完成一定的量。


Raz-kids is being used as part of homework as extensive reading. Students are required to complete certain readings every day. 

Students can listen to English reading as well as practicising reading themselves and complete quizzes / comprehension exercises on books using this app which does not require VPN. We will be monitoring student use and contacting parents if students are not completing these necessary assignments. 

6. 为鼓励学生深入研究真实的社会问题,学校启动了”Genius Hours”项目,并在班会期间安排具体课程,指导学生运用科学的调研方式,真实研究社会问题。学生将使用英语表达自己的研究过程和独特观点。此过程要求学生有大量的英文写作和演讲训练,每学年也将有一次大型的学术展示机会,以真正的挑战性任务拉升学生的学术英语能力。

To encourage students to get involved in social problems, OCAC started Genius Hours program. Students will study real social problems and do research on them. In the end of each year, students will be presenting their findings and perspectives in English. This process involves a lot of English writing and presentation. We expect students to improve their academic English proficiency in real academic challenges.  

7. 为进一步促进学生的口语表达能力,学校要求学生每周至少分享一次自己的朗读或演讲视频或音频。具体内容会由老师指导,请协助孩子每周完成至少一次QQ内上传任务。(很多老师已要求每周多次分享,请继续保持)。

To better help students with their speaking, OCAC require students to share their reading or presentation in English through QQ. Please assist your child to complete the tasks. (at least once a week. May teachers require more than twice sharing)

8. 学校启动了OCAC英文广播站,正甄选优秀的英语广播员,请鼓励孩子们报名,挑战自我。

OCAC English Broadcasting Station is under preparation to start. Please encourage your children to participate.

9. 为鼓励孩子们在校期间讲英文,学校将启动Rise系统,学生积极使用英文表达自己将收到极大鼓励,老师们将根据孩子们的具体表现发放表扬票,凭表扬票,可换取各类礼品或殊荣。我们坚信一个正向鼓励的系统一定能激励学生不断挑战自我。

To encourage more students to use English on campus more. OCAC started RISE system. Use of English will be greatly encouraged. Teachers will issue positive tickets, with which students may exchange for gifts or honored opportunities. We believe a positive and encouraging system will greatly help children to overcome language challenges.

10. 请孩子到校后于8:00开始进行晨读。每日一分不差的坚持才会有厚积薄发的效果。
Please make sure your child can join the school morning reading at 8:00am. 


More measures and details will be gradually implemented. We expect all parents to follow our steps. Only with coordinated teamwork, we can actually help students.



Reminders during pandemic time:
It is still in the epidemic period, please follow government policy, limiting travel and avoiding going to high-risk areas.

卫生健康安全小贴士Health and safety tips:

Epidemic prevention:

1) 假期间各位教职工要时刻保持个人防护意识,科学佩戴口罩,勤洗手、常通风,保持安全社交距离。 
Be aware of personal safety all the time. Wear masks and wash hands regularly. Keep ventilation and a safety distance.

2) 教职工(及共同居住人员)不得前往境外、中高风险地区,避免与来自境外、中高风险地区人员接触,原则上非必须不离锡,不跨省旅游,如因特殊原因须离锡,教职工应提前向部门负责人履行书面请假手续,经批准后方可离锡, 外出做好个人防护,建议私家车出行,回锡后有条件须做核酸检测。教职工及共同生活人员应重视做好个人防护, 不扎堆、不聚会。 
Do not go to places of middle and high risks or meet people from these areas. Ask the school for permission if you need to leave Wuxi. Driving is advisable. Keep safety in mind. Do the nucleic acid test if it is available after return. Do not gather or have parties.

3) 假期接近尾声时,请所有教职工和学生均需要向学校提供行动轨迹,苏康码。按要求做好防疫防控措施。 
All staff and students should send your travel trajectory and Jiangsu health code information to the school at the end of the holiday.

4) 假期间如遇健康异常(如体温≥37.3°)请及时告知学校,并及时去医院进行就诊。 
Inform the school any abnormal health conditions (EG, body temperature≥37.3°) and visit the hospital in time.





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