

Helping Your Child to be World Ready​ 如何培养孩子的全球胜任力



Helping Your Child to be World Ready

助力孩子,面向未来 — 


Mr Steve Allen 安弘博先生

Founding Head Master 创校校长

I am often asked about the values and direction of an LEH education and what makes a truly international education different. I think I can sum this up in 2 words, World Ready. At LEH we are not just preparing students to achieve excellent academic results and enter the university of their choice for their chosen career, but we aim to prepare them to thrive and be happy in the World beyond university.   


Prepared for the Future 


It is clear to me that students entering LEH today will face a very different World when they graduate from University. If we look back over the past 10 years, we can see that the major industries and employers were in their infancy. Some of the large corporate employers then no longer enjoy their former influence. If we think about our own everyday experience: many of the industries today that are key employers, contributors to the economy or ‘essential’ to everyday life simply did not exist when we were at School.


It is obvious that it is not possible to predict the future, so how can we prepare students for a future when we do not know what that future will be? The truth is it is difficult, but we must try. We know that the World will change and if we continue to prepare students for the World as we know it today we will fail them. 


One simple answer is to ensure that they learn the ‘soft’ skills they need for life alongside the best academic education we can provide – but that education should no longer focus solely on knowledge. Computer algorithms and artificial intelligence programs ensure that knowledge can be accessed faster and more readily than ever before – we can simply ask Alexa.


At LEH, we ensure that our students are adaptable, life-long learners, eager to embrace new ideas and to be drivers of change for good. We do this by developing the skills and attitudes of mind required to be World ready and successful at University and beyond into the World of work and adult life. We encourage our students to be bold, to try new things and to never let set backs dent their determination.


Holistic Education
课堂内外 全人教育

Learning to be World ready cannot simply happen in the classroom, but in any context. Participation in team sports, orchestra, drama productions debates and a host of other activities allow students to learn what we call the 8Cs: 


Developing these core skills through a full programme of ECAs is as important as a knowledge and understanding of algebra and geometry.


I believe it is possible to have it all… a joyful, holistic and academic education that allows students to develop into responsible, compassionate and productive citizens. I think it is important to explore the importance of students’ happiness and wellbeing further. 


Joyful Academic Ambition

愉悦教育 专注卓越

When I ask parents what they want for their child in the future, most will reply to be happy and successful and to enjoy life. However when I ask what they want from School, they want them to work hard, do well in exams and achieve top academic outcomes even if that means endless tutoring. Too often we allow these different aims to compete and parents and schools sacrifice a student's happiness and wellbeing for so called academic success. 


At LEH we believe in joyful education. We believe it is possible to be successful academically without endless tutors and extra lessons; it is possible for a student to achieve high academic outcomes and to enjoy their hobbies, passions and interests. It is not necessary to sacrifice music, art, drama and sport to the endless treadmill of tutors and tests. 


At LEH we believe learning should be fun, exciting and provide a sense of awe and wonder. 


High Quality Teaching

高学术水平 高质量教学

At LEH we achieve high academic standards in 3 simple ways: 


  • Knowing our students, their strengths, weaknesses and personality to start the learning from where they are and to help them to learn in the way most efficient for them as an individual; too often students are required to repeat endless tasks in areas that they have already proven mastery and this sucks the life and joy out of education, rather like the dementors we read about in Harry Potter.


  • Understanding that learning is a social process that requires interaction – talking, questioning and debating. You will not find a silent classroom at LEH, but you will find engaged students working alongside their teachers asking questions, working alongside each other to refine and develop their own understanding or to help another student do the same.

    认识学习是一种社交过程,需要产生互动 —— 交谈、提问和辩论。在LEH,教室不是安静的,学生们积极融入课堂,并向老师提出疑问。同学之间分享与交流,共同协作,丰富和拓展自己的知识,并互相帮助,共同进步。 

  • Understanding that academic success requires careful teaching. At LEH we follow the British spiral curriculum that revisits topics regularly, building on prior foundations and reinforcing understanding. We blend the mastery learning of Confucian education with social learning situations… for example learning how to write 1 or 2 really good sentences before trying to push students to write pages. 


At LEH progress can look slower at first as we try to develop a deep and secure understanding that provides a really firm foundation for learning to accelerate once mastery has been achieved. 


To be World Ready students certainly need to have a high-quality academic education, but they need so much more than that. They need to be curious and adaptable, prepared to think creatively and critically to solve problems. They need to develop a sense of commitment and craftsmanship to ensure that they spend the time required to complete each task to the best of their abilities. The reality of the modern world is to be part of a team, collaborating with others to achieve so much more than we can do on our own. Lastly and by no means least, students need to develop the ability to see the world from the viewpoints of others, to develop a sense of social responsibility and compassion. While we will always encourage students to strive to be better, to do more and to achieve more, at LEH we will always focus on the need to do this with others in mind and not to achieve new heights by trampling on other people. 


In summary, an LEH education is holistic, paying equal attention to academics and the joy of an education that inspires awe and wonder. Our truly international education will prepare your child for their uncertain future; it will prepare them to be World Ready. 

概括地说,LEH秉持着全人教育的理念,注重学术成就的同时,让学生在能够激发对知识的敬畏感和好奇心的教育中找到乐趣。我们真正的国际教育会帮助您的孩子,为无法预测的未来世界做好准备 —— 胜任全球。 

Meet Our Head Master | 认识校长

Mr Steve Allen


Founding Head Master 


Our founding Head Master Mr Allen has over 30 years of experience educating young people at leading UK Independent Schools and top British Schools across Asia. Under his leadership, his previous school became the top academic school in the region with students achieving outstanding examination results and winning places at the top universities of around the world; 95% of students were accepted by their first-choice university.


Upcoming Events | 近期活动预告

LEH Foshan School Events 学校活动

Open Day | 22 May, 5月22日

Open Day | 6 June, 6月6日










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