

教师节快乐 | 哈罗海口新学年优秀师资大解密



Teachers' Day





Teachers' Day


Harrow Haikou has always been committed to developing students’ lifelong learning ability and leadership and supporting them to actively contribute to the society and obtain great achievements.Teachers bear greater responsibilities as students grow. On this special day, let us convey our thanks, respect and best wishes to our teachers.


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哈罗有太多我喜欢的老师了!教过我们英语的Mrs. Ward,音乐老师Mr. Pareja, 还有这学期新来的数学老师Mr. Lamb……他们有的奖惩分明,有的幽默风趣,有的细致耐心……这些各不相同的老师们都有让我喜欢闪光点。谢谢你们对我的帮助,祝你们健康开心!

------Mia Zhao


------Coco Wang

There are so many teachers that I like in Harrow Haikou: Mrs.Ward, our Music teacher Mr. Pareja, and Mr. Lamb, etc. They can be sometimes very serious and strict but also very fun and patient. All of my teachers have different personalities that I like. Thank you all for being supportive to me. Best wishes to you all.

------Mia Zhao

I am very thankful to have them as my teachers. They are so nice as friends and highly qualified as teachers. My parents always tell me how lucky I am to meet such great teachers who have been so supportive to me. I would like to wish my teachers a happy Teachers’ Day.

------Coco Wang

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Many people may be curious that, as the first international education brand introduced by the Hainan government, what is so unique about Harrow Haikou? Here are some answers: a unique Housing system, enriched and interesting curriculum, and an English boarding environment. We also provide interesting enrichment activities and various campus facilities.

We always believe that the core of being a good and unique school as Harrow Haikou is having a great academic team. Our teachers joined Harrow Haikou with high quality teaching skills and a professional attitude.  Let’s  get to know more about them!

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Marcella Romano


●  Romano 女士拥有 31 年的教学经验和 21 年的学校管理经验。 Romano女士在团队管理、课程设计和教学方面具有出色的能力。Romano女士曾担任诺斯利小学校长培训与发展论坛的主席。该论坛致力于确保培训资源有效匹配和提升教育发展水平。Romano女士将带着她丰富的经验和创新精神投入到低年级的教学管理当中。


Romano女士说: “我从英国利物浦大学毕业后,成为一名数学老师。在教育领域从业20余年,担任过老师、副校长、校长。这是我第一次在哈罗海口这样的国际化学校任职,此次任职将是我第4次担任校长。



Sarah Catherine Starling 



Matthew Henman


  Henman 先生在英国和阿联酋拥有 10 年的教学经验,在来哈罗之前是一名阿联酋政府培训专家。 Henman 先生也有大学教学经验,具备多方面发掘学生才能的能力。 Henman先生将负责寄宿生课外活动和日常管理。

Meng Yin 


●  Meng 女士是一名教学经验丰富的教师。她曾在哈罗香港任教8年,担任中文教师及舍监,教授不同年龄层的学生中文课程。此外,她带领学生参与了各类课外活动,例如迷你联合国、户外拓展及汉语比赛。在哈罗海口,Meng女士将继续负责宿舍管理与高年级中文教学工作。

Melita Xu



Marcella Romano

Head of Lower School 

● Ms. Romano has 31 years‘ teaching experience and 21 years‘ school management experience. She is an expert in team management, curriculum design and teaching. Ms. Romano had been the role of Chair of Knowsley, a Primary Heads Training and Development Forum, aiming at ensuring an effective match of provision for training and educational developments. Ms. Romano will join us with her rich experience and passion for innovation.


Ms Romano states, ‘Having graduated from Liverpool University as a qualified teacher, specialising in Maths, I have spent over 20 years in Education as a teacher, a Deputy Headteacher and as Headteacher. My role as Head of Lower School in Harrow Haikou will be my fourth Headship, although the first in an International School. 

This is my first post at a Harrow school, and I am keen to support the senior leadership and staff in building upon the world-renowned prestige of the group. I look forward to building a curriculum, EA program, ethos and mindset amongst staff and students that reflect the history, traditions, and British-ness of everything we stand for. 

I move from my current home just outside of Liverpool in the UK and I am looking forward to bringing my leadership knowledge, academic foundations, and experience of teaching into our school. I am excited about the climate, the cuisine and the outdoor opportunities that moving to Hainan Island will offer, but most of all I am excited about meeting all your wonderful children.’

Sarah Catherine Starling 

Early Years Class Teacher cum Subject Coordinator 

Ms.Starling has more than 15 years of teaching experience in lower schools, teaching early years and primary school courses. She came to China in 2018. As a member of the founding team in an international kindergarten, she took on many additional responsibilities, such as Literacy Lead and the English Curriculum Coordinator.

Matthew Henman

Assistant Boarding Housemaster 

  Mr. Henman has 10 years’ teaching experience in UK and UAE. He was a government Training Specialist in UAE before coming to Harrow. Mr. Henman also has teaching experience in college, possessing the ability to explore talents in students in many ways. 

Meng Yin 


Ms. Meng is a teacher with rich international experiences. She has been a member in Harrow Hong Kong for 8 years as a Chinese teacher and Boarding House Tutor. She can teach Chinese to different ages of students. In addition, she led students to participate in different activities, such as MUN, field trips and external Chinese competitions. 

Melita Xu

Assistant Boarding Housemistress

Melita Xu joins us on 20th Aug 2021 as Assistant Boarding Housemistress. Melita has 3 years’ international school boarding house management experience. 

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Jane Long


●  龙女士是北京师范大学的教育学硕士。她有15年中文教学经验。她将负责开展符合哈罗水准的,高品质高年级中文教学工作。

Candice Liu



Crystal Zheng


●  郑女士有9年教学经验,曾经在一所双语学校任教并担任中学语文教研组组长。

Leia Lei



Chinese Teacher

Jane Long

Upper School Chinese Teacher

Jane acquired her Master’s degree of Education from Beijing Normal University. She has 15 years’ Chinese teaching experience. 

Candice Liu

Lower School Chinese Teacher

Candice has 12 years’ working experience as Chinese teacher and homeroom teacher.

Crystal Zheng

Lower School Chinese Teacher

Crystal has 9 years’ Chinese teaching experience. She has been working at a bilingual school as team leader in charge of upper school Chinese teaching and researching. 

Leia Lei

EYC Chinese Teacher

Leia has 5 years’ Chinese and ESOL teaching experience at an international school. She will be responsible for the early years center’s Chinese language teaching and implementation of teaching standards and requirements to ensure quality language teaching.

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Nalo Zhu 


● 朱先生毕业于清华大学数学科学系。他有5年国际志工组织工作经验和2年教育机构数学教学经验。他将负责为教师和学生提供支持, 积极地鼓励学生参与数学相关活动。

Chloe Chen


  陈女士是华中师范大学计算机科学与技术和英语双学士学位。她曾在外国语学校教授计算机课程的经验。她将负责为教师和学生提供帮助和技术支持, 积极鼓励教师和学生参与计算机和编程相关活动。

Rachel Zhang


● 张女士拥有英国皇家伯明翰音乐学院钢琴演奏硕士学位。她具备丰富的钢琴课程授课经验以及钢琴演奏经验。她将负责为教职工和学生提供帮助和技术支持,鼓励学生在音乐知识、技能和艺术素养方面不断提升。

Emily Ding



Lewis Zhou


●  周先生拥有爱丁堡大学莫雷教育与体育学院硕士学位。同时他还有2年多健身行业工作经验,教授骑行、格斗、普拉提等课程。他将负责为教师和学生提供帮助和支持,积极推行《国际体育训练标准》,改善师生体质。  

Alan Feng



Subject Teaching Assistants

Nalo Zhu 

US Mathematics Teaching Assistant

Nalo graduated from Tsinghua University with Bachelor’s degree in Mathematical Sciences. He has 5 years’ social worker working experience in an international volunteer service project and 2 years’ mathematics teaching experience in educational institutions. He will be responsible for providing general assistance to the teaching staff and students.

Chloe Chen

US Computer Science Teaching Assistant.

Chloe has double Bachelor’s’ degree in Computing Science and English in Central China Normal University. She has computer science teaching experience in a foreign language school. 

Rachel Zhang

LS Music Teaching Assistant

Rachel is the Master of Piano Performance in Royal Birmingham Conservatoire. She has several internship experiences in piano teaching and has abundant experience in piano performance. She will be responsible for providing general assistance to students in musical knowledge, skills, and artistic literacy.

Emily Ding

LS Art Teaching Assistant

Emily is the Master of Arts in Northeast Normal University and the Master of Education in University of Wolverhampton. She has several experiences in vocational education institutions as lecturer or teaching assistant. 

Lewis Zhou

LS PE Teaching Assistant

Lewis graduated from Moray House School of Education and Sport, the University of Edinburgh. He has fitness industry experience, coaching in cycling, combat training, Pilates, etc.  He will actively promote the "International Physical Training Standard" to improve the physical condition of teachers and students.

Alan Feng

LS PE Teaching Assistant

Alan has 6 years’ football coaching experience. As Head Coach, he led his juvenile football team to win the champion of Missionhills Cup National Juvenile Football Match in 2020. 

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Nyk Jiang


●  加入哈罗前,姜女士曾在一家世界500强咨询公司工作,后进入教育行业从事英语教学工作。她将致力于教学工作,并配合老师做好学生培养和管理。

Scarlett Yin



Leanda Liu


●  刘女士拥有悉尼科技大学对外英语教学硕士学位及英语教学经验。她将致力于教学工作,并配合老师做好学生培养和管理。

Jennifer Xue



Mia Yuan


●  袁女士有5年多英语教学相关工作经验,还曾做过幼儿图书的编辑和翻译工作。她将负责为哈罗小狮的教师们提供全面的授课支持。

Carol Qi



Ann Zhang



Winnie Wang



Lower School Teaching Assisitants

Nyk Jiang

LS Teaching Assistant

● Nyk has working experience in a consultant company which is one of the Global 500 companies and then she entered education industry as an English teacher.

Scarlett Yin

LS Teaching Assisitant

 Scarlett has 4 years’ part-time working experience as English teaching assistant and teaching supervision. 

Leanda Liu

LS Teaching Assisitant

Leanda is the Master of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages in University of Technology Sydney. She has English teaching experience. She will be responsible for contributing to the learning and teaching activities and supervising and assisting children under the direction of the teacher.

Jennifer Xue

LS Teaching Assisitant

 Jennifer has 5 years’ part-time IELTS teaching experience and 2 years’ s translator working experience in college.

Mia Yuan


 Mia has 5 years’ English teaching experience and children’s book editing and translation experience. She will be responsible for providing general assistance to Chinese and Foreign teaching staff throughout the Little Lions.

Carol Qi

EYC Teaching Assisitant

 Carol has two Master’s degrees of London University and University of Nottingham. She has 3 years’ early years education working experience.

Ann Zhang

EYC Teaching Assisitant

 Ann has 5 years’ English teaching experience in international school and Chinese teaching experience in Indonesia. She will be responsible for providing general assistance to Chinese and Foreign teaching staff throughout the Little Lions.

Winnie Wang

EYC Teaching Assisitant

Winnie has graduated with a Master’s degree from Liverpool University, majoring in English Teaching. She has 3 years’ English teaching experience. 

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正如我们的校长Kelly Wailes所说:




As our Head Mistress Ms. Kelly Wailes said, “good schools give their pupils roots and wings to be successful both academically and personally.” We believe our teachers will guide our students to a better future and a bigger world.

We would like to express our gratitude to all the teachers who have been so supportive since the establishment of Harrow Haikou.

Happy Teachers’ Day






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