

LEH Weekly Updates 霍利斯年鉴拍摄、数学赛、单词拼写比赛、艺术之星、舞狮...



  LEH Weekly Updates  

Mrs Jane Arden



Dear LEHF Parents,


This week saw the AMC team coordinate the taking of pictures for our first ever Yearbook. It was a long, but successful day, even the rain stopped for us! Taking time to acknowledge and celebrate milestones is important for every child’s development. I am sure you all have pictures of your child’s first smile or the first time they walked. As we get older, we become more sentimental about these moments, because they also act as a timeline to their development into the young adults they have become, or they are becoming.


Our year 11 students have been through some challenging times, in fact, all young people have faced events that we could never have imagined. We are all immensely proud of the robust way many of our students have conducted themselves and lived our school values. I always reflect that the soft skills that each one of our students' practices in their school day are just as important in establishing and cementing lifelong values which will enable them to be happy, purposeful, and busy young adults who we will be proud to call one day, our alumni.

11 年级的学生正在经历一个充满挑战的阶段。我看到许多学生用各种方式践行着学校的价值观,我为他们感到非常自豪。我认为,每位学生在求学期间培养的学习技能和习惯,对于他们日后的终生价值观以及成长都尤为重要。

We are in the midst of examination season and for many students and parents it is a stressful, and hopefully even exciting. However, I would stress to all, that examination results should not define a person, they only in fact capture a moment in time, sometimes a child had a bad day, sometimes they have a good day. Exam results do not tell us how kind, generous or hard working a student has been. They do not tell us about how they sat with a friend who missed home, or they lent a friend their ruler, so they did not get told off by their Maths teacher.


Celebrating milestones must always be about the process as well as the outcome. I hope you enjoy the photographs and keep your Yearbook in a safe place ready to look back on in future years with the pride and satisfaction that your education at LEH (Lady Eleanor Holles), Foshan deserves.


Our PSHE programme underpins our academic programme and supports our students’ understanding of the complex world in which they live in. I hope you enjoyed Mr. Jones Spotlight on Education session. Please feel free to watch it again through our school website. Please click below.

我们的PSHE 项目不仅是对学科课程的巩固,同时更是帮助学生们充分理解他们所处复杂多变世界的重要课程。希望您喜欢本周三Mr Jones举行的教育聚焦讲座。您也可以随时通过我们学校官网回顾讲座要点,详情可点击下方图片。

Best regards,

Mrs Jane Arden

Headteacher 校长

Department Updates


Math – UKMT Updates

数学 – 英国数学竞赛

Junior Maths Challenge 2022

2022 低年级数学竞赛

Wow, we are so pleased to announce the results of the Junior Maths Challenge. It has produced some excellent results and everyone in year 6,7, and 8 who participated received a certificate and house points. As usual there were 25 questions but this year students were not punished for attempting questions which meant that all our students could be brave and have a go at all of them.

我们很高兴地宣布在本次低年级数学竞赛中,很多学生都取得了优异的成绩,6、7、8 年级参赛的学生都获得了证书以及学院积分。本次竞赛依然像之前一样共有25道题目,但不同的是本次答错的题目不会被扣分,所以学生们都可以尽量去尝试回答所有问题。

Here is one of the trickier questions for you to discuss with your child over the weekend.


This week on Wednesday May 18th the Mathematics department celebrated National Numeracy Day. Numeracy is a very important skill that everyone needs to be able to use to get by in life. Because numeracy is so important, we need to make sure that everyone has a good understanding of basic numeracy skills. Mental maths is important for developing memory skills as well as an essential life skill. We insist that students learn their tables and have good number manipulation by using starters and quick mental maths at every opportunity.


English – Spelling Bees Final

英语 – 单词拼写决赛

This Monday lunchtime, amongst the buzz of our annual school photo day, ten students met in the Assembly Hall to discover who indeed was the Queen Bee (or King)!


Students from Year 6 to Year 10 battled to stay seated at the front, with members of their houses cheering them on. By the end, only three students remained.


All three girls looked intent on winning, brows furrowed and concentration evident, but unfortunately, there could only be one winner. Congratulations to all of our students who made it through to the final round and our three winners!


Art - Artists of the Month

艺术 – 本月艺术之星

Congratulations to Catherine and Tabby who have been awarded Artist of the Month for April and who have earned their houses Gryphon and Dragon 10 points each.

恭喜 Catherine 和 Tabby 获得了 4 月份艺术之星的称号,她们也分别为 Gryphon 和 Dragon赢得了 10个学院积分。

by Catherine

Both developed the idea of their painting in their IGCSE Coursework project on Portraits and Emotions. They started by making observational drawing studies of themselves and then explored how to communicate emotions by researching and responding to artists that they felt were appropriate for their chosen emotion. Tabby chose to focus on anxiety and Catherine depression. They then made painting copies of their artist’s work in order to learn about colour mixing and the specific painting technique. In their own photoshoot they explored their emotion in more depth and used an image from this to paint in the technique of their chosen artist.

两位同学都在 IGCSE 的肖像和情感课程中提出了绘画的想法。他们首先对观察性绘画进行了研究,然后选择了他们各自的情感主题,并寻找相关的艺术家来研究他们的作品。Tabby选择的情感主题是焦虑,而Catherine选择的主题则是抑郁。之后他们对各自选择的艺术家作品制作相关的绘画副本,以便更好地了解以及研究这些作品中色彩的混合与其他绘画技巧。最后他们根据自己选择的情感主题拍摄了照片,并根据他们所选艺术家的绘画技巧将照片绘制成图画。

by Tabby

Catherine and Tabby have both demonstrated commitment, perseverance, experimentation and skill in the execution of these artworks. Well done.


Lion Dance


To let students quickly get into the learning atmosphere of Lion Dance lesson and better feel the cultural charm of Lion Dance, School purchased a series of new equipment for the Lion Dance ECA, including Bamboo Lion Frame, Drum, Cymbals, and Gong this week.

本周学校专门为课外活动的舞狮课程采购了一系列的新设备,包括舞狮竹框架、舞狮鼓、舞狮钹、以及舞狮锣等, 以便学生们能更快地融入到舞狮课程的学习氛围里面,更好地感受舞狮的文化魅力。

Recently, students learned a series of beginner movements such as ‘holding the lion head high’, ‘throwing the lion for three times’, ‘tail chasing’, and ‘bowing for three times’ under the guidance of the coach. They practised in teams representing their respective Houses. Students who acted as the lion head held it high, and the others who acted as the lion tail cooperated closely. We are glad to see that students are working hard to learn the skills and culture behind it. After only several lessons, they are already doing a good job, and we are looking forward to the Lion Dance House Competition at the end of term!


By offering this ECA, School hopes students can experience this cultural heritage and carry it forward within the campus as well as the international community.




Year 7 has been learning about the merits of reading for pleasure; our chosen novel this term is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone by J.K. Rowling. With the release of Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore (a spin-off from one of Rowling’s other magic-themed books), we would like to hold a Year 7 film night at the boarding house on Friday, 20th of May, from 7 pm – 10 pm.

7年级学生一直在学习快乐阅读的益处;这个学期孩子们选修的小说是J.K.罗琳的《哈利波特与魔法石》。随着《神奇动物:邓布利多之谜》(罗琳其它魔法主题书籍的衍生作品)的上映,我们计划在本周五(5月 20 日)晚上 7 点至 10 点,组织一场 7 年级主题电影之夜活动。










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