




Open Day Review 


Summary 提要

On 4 June, the ISA International Education Group successfully held an Open Day entitled the“ISA Students Today, Influential Leaders of the Future” at the ISA Science City Campus.


At this Open Day, we were honoured to have Heads of ISA Schools and Programmes, parents and students, and industry leaders gather to share their opinions and discuss what we can do to cultivate globally-minded talents in our students. The discussions and sharing of diverse perspectives provided the audience with a more direct image of the multicultural educational ecosystem being built by the ISAIEG. Moreover, a range of interesting trial classes provided by the ISA International Academy revealed to parents and students the importance of the cocurriculum for building students’ skills and character, and all in a fun-filled environment.


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Welcome Session


Welcome Performance 暖场表演

The event commenced with students of the ISA International Academy Orchestra playing "Billie Jean" and "The Order of Victory". This set the tone for the event by showcasing the talents of our students.

活动伊始,伴随着爱莎国际学苑乐团同学们为我们演奏的《Billie Jean》和《得胜令》,爱莎国际教育集团未来领袖培养开放日正式拉开帷幕。

Welcome Speech 欢迎致辞

Mr. David Edwards, Vice President of the Project Development Department of ISAIEG and Head of ISA Science City International School, gave a welcome speech and briefly introduced the vision, mission and development path of ISAIEG. Later, he invited the heads of all ISA Schools and Programmes in the Greater Bay Area to the stage to deliver speeches. The sincerity of their speeches was obvious to all guests.

爱莎国际教育集团项目发展部副总裁兼爱莎科学城校长David Edwards先生为各位到场来宾介绍了爱莎国际教育集团的愿景、使命以及爱莎的发展规划。爱莎旗下大湾区全部学校与项目的负责人也亲临致辞,诚挚地欢迎大家的到来。

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Panel Discussion 



Essential Question: How do we educate for a global future?


Panel Discussion 论坛讨论会

Dr. Li Jiarui, Executive Principal of ISA Wenhua International Centre for A Level was the panel host. Based on the theme, he raised questions such as "How do we cultivate global perspectives" and "How can schools help young people thrive in a changing future". 

在讨论会上,我们邀请到了爱莎文华国际课程学院A Level中心执行校长李家瑞士博士作为本次讨论会主持。围绕主题,他提出了“如何培养全球视野“、“学校能否让新一代年轻人为不断变化的未来做好准备”等问题。

Host 主持人

Winney from the ISA Wenhua IB Programme participated in the panel discussion and answered these questions based on his experience of learning within the IB Programme. Guests seemed impressed by his comment that learning from the IB Programme learnings provided him with greater confidence and clarity about his future. He also commented that he gradually developed an understanding of the qualities and goals of the IB programme and realized their importance for future leadership.  


ISA Student 爱莎学生代表

As a parent representative, Iryna gave her responses to these questions and emphasized that being globally-minded is significant for students’ growth and future development. 


ISA Parent 爱莎家长代表

The other three members of the panel were Heads of School (Mr. David Edwards and Mr. Tom Kline) and a member of the ISA Liwan Senior Leadership Team, Mr. Simon Smith. They also believed that this discussion will assist parents and students develop a deeper understanding of the power of education to develop student skills and talents, especially those related to global mindedness, intercultural literacy, and leadership. Parents also experienced first-hand the value of discussion, decision making, and consensus-building that is also an important part of IB programme and the management and leadership of ISA schools.

爱莎荔湾学校校舍主管Simon Smith先生、爱莎科学城的David校长以及爱莎国际学苑的Tom校长作为爱莎代表,分享作为教育管理者的见解。论坛上嘉宾们的思维碰撞、观点交流为观众带来了新的启发,本次深入交流也将有利于学校在教育与管理的过程中为家庭提供更有力的支持。

ISA Faculty 爱莎教育管理代表

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Keynote Speech 



Each Child Is Unique and Special - Personalized Learning and Pathway


Following the panel discussion, Ms Myra Wang, the Secondary School Principal of ISA Liwan Wenhua delivered a speech explaining the advantages of international education by analyzing and comparing curriculum settings, advantages, and goals of the Advanced Placement (AP), A Level and IBDP programmes. Also, she introduced the international education resources of ISA schools and programmes. 


“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it is stupid.” 


Myra quoted Einstein’s words to express the concept that student success depends upon a respect for difference and promoting student-centred learning. She affirmed that these two principles are applied in all ISA schools. She stated that “what we are trying to do is to let education return to its true nature and assist our students to become influential leaders of the future”.


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Information Session



A platform to get all information 


Judging by the attentive nature of the audience, the number of guests taking notes and the flurry of questions and dialogue afterwards, it appears that the event was a resounding success.


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Students' art works and the well-prepared tea break


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ISA International Academy Trial Classes



An immersive experience led by staff from ISA International Academy,


At the open day, the ISAIEG established four trial classes which were led by staff of the ISA International Academy. In the ballet studio, students demonstrated their movements and techniques, and some commented that they were “as elegant as swans”. Other students followed the guidance of the golf coaches, trying to find the balance between power and technique. Another group of students were developing their baseball skills in the stadium. Guests commented on the high level of skill demonstrated by the students, the dedication of the coaches and the fact that students were engaged in serious learning but were also having great fun at the same time.  It seemed that these cocurricular classes have helped students develop their own special interests and contribute to a very positive school experience.








Sports Fitness


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Campus Tours & Exhibition



The exhibitions were set to be open to consultation all afternoon. With crowds of parents, admission consultants tried their best to give the most professional reply.


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One of the most important sessions of this Open Day was the School Tours. Originally, only three rounds of campus tours were set. However, with increasing numbers of guests, two more rounds were added. Guided by staff of ISA Science City School, parents visited the 50-metre, Olympic-standard swimming pool, sports field, indoor sports hall, auditorium, boarding houses, teaching buildings and other facilities.  Many guests commented on the school’s advanced facilities and warm and inviting environment.

校园参访环节,家长们在爱莎科学城员工的带领下,参观了50米奥林匹克游泳池、 标准运动场、国际标准室内体育馆、800人演艺厅、宿舍楼、教学楼与科技创新中心等一流标准的场馆,对国际学校的硬件设施标准有了新的认识,也对爱莎国际教育集团致力打造的多国文化融合校园有了更深入直观的了解。

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