

TWIS & Shout|如何培养发散性思维?或许可以从一份披萨开始!





World Food Day is celebrated on October 16 each year. For us at TWIS, it was a great opportunity to get our students thinking about food and how it can be responsibly consumed and distributed. Each grade level was tasked with shopping for ingredients and preparing at least two dishes from a country of their choice, with Grades 1 to 5 choosing China, Italy, Australia, Japan and France respectively.


Being involved in shopping made our learners aware of where those ingredients had come from while tasting foods from around the world exposed them to a variety of cultures and gave them an awareness of other countries' culinary traditions. With all the ingredients purchased, students joined together to cook their chosen dishes, which helped them appreciate the amount of effort it takes to prepare large meals. "Sharing is caring" became a motto for the day as students were encouraged to first treat other grade levels before trying their dishes themselves. This proved to be a success as everyone had a taste of different world cuisines with no full plates left behind! 





The MYP 4 students are currently exploring Food Design and the unit focuses on the origins of pizza. It is a new unit adopted by the Design department that talks about different cultures and how pizza became a global trend.  


As the title is named "The Perfect Pizza", students have to engage in in-depth research and experiment with making pizzas from different countries, then taste all of them to provide meaningful feedback. Students tried to find the connection between using the wood-fired oven and the traditional oven to compare. One of the most challenging parts of the unit is attempting to make the original pizza from Italy. To make the fermented dough become gooey requires days to prepare. 

另外,用砖头制作一个柴火烤炉,也是学生在这一单元需要完成的服务性学习之一。这些烤炉将会被放置在学校烹饪教室的旁边,如此一来,整个学校社区都能够享用到经由柴火烤炉所制作的正宗披萨。正如意大利人所说,“Buon appetito(用餐愉快)!”  

This unit is a service learning experience for the MYP 4, and will involve designing and constructing wood-fired pizza ovens made of bricks. These ovens are placed near the school’s cooking facilities so that the entire community can soon enjoy freshly-baked authentic pizza. As they say in Italy, “Buon appetito! 



10月28日是国际柔道日,也是柔道创始人嘉纳治五郎(Jigoro Kano)的生日。嘉纳治五郎将数种运动的技术合并在一起,并将其发展为柔道运动。柔道至今被成功地纳入至教育、生活和运动等各个领域,并发展为一项奥林匹克运动,在世界各地有200多个柔道联合会,有超过4000万的练习者。

The international day of Judo is marked on October 28th, the birthday of Jigoro Cano who is the founder directly responsible for developing judo into what it is today. Jigoro combined many kinds of techniques from a few sports into one and successfully incorporated them into education, lifestyle and sports. Thanks to him and his disciples and their teaching, Judo today stands as an Olympic sport with more than 200 federations all over the world and over 40 million practitioners.


This is the second year that TWIS celebrates International Judo Day. Judo teaches us how to protect ourselves, master our body movement, and learn values such as discipline, courage, respect, modesty, friendship and self-control. Here at TWIS, those are the values we strive to teach our students. Therefore, we are happy to showcase our progress and the skills we have mastered. This Friday, we joined the celebration of the international day of Judo with our performance to showcase our progress and celebrate the founder's birthday by honoring him.




The restrictions brought by the pandemic have not diminished our commitment to grow professionally. We look for possibilities to learn more about the latest research and best practice in the field of education.

这一场教师工作坊由候选博士Ms. Sophie所主导,就读于香港教育大学和英国诺丁汉大学的她拥有多年的数学教学经验。她的研究领域也恰好验证了TWIS所坚持的理念,即卡罗尔·德威克的成长型思维——任何人都可以通过练习和决心来变得更优秀。当一个人思维固化,他可能会说:“我做不到。”然而拥有成长型思维的人则会说:“我还没有做到。”

Ms. Sophie, who is a doctoral candidate from the Education University of Hong Kong and the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom with many years of experience teaching mathematics, came to TWIS to share her research on the mathematical growth mindset. Her research findings happen to be an affirmation of one of the fundamental beliefs at TWIS, which is Carol Dweck's growth mindset. Anyone with practice and determination can become better. A person with a fixed mindset will say, "I can't do it." A person with a growth mindset will say, "I can't do it yet."

值得一提的是,TWIS所拥有的其中一项数学资源是乔·博勒(Jo Boaler)的“数学思维”系列丛书,它提倡运用概念驱动、探究学习的方式来讲授数学知识,对于TWIS教师来说是十分实用的资源库。工作坊圆满结束,感谢Ms. Sophie的分享,我们也祝愿她在学业界一切顺利!

Additionally, one of our school's math resources is Jo Boaler's collection of Mathematical Mindset series. These books have been a great resource for our math teachers in delivering math in a concept-driven, inquiry-based way. We thank Ms. Sophie for her time, and we wish her well as she reaches the culmination of her degree.


特别鸣谢 Special Thanks to 

Mr. Paul, Mr. PJ, Mr. Nem and Ms. Ann.










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