

14 Jan | 新年首场预备部开放日 体验纯正英式课堂 Open Day with Taster Lessons



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我们诚意邀请您和孩子一同出席,参加预备部信息讲座,聆听预备部校长Mandy Bateman女士和校长Jane Arden女士分享教学理念,了解霍利斯教育特色,与才华横溢的老师们见面交流,让孩子在体验课中感受纯正英式课堂的独特魅力!



1月14日,周六,9:00 - 12:00



  • 英式体验课(预备部阶段,5-10岁)

  • 预备部校长面对面 | 学校信息分享会

  • 校园参观

  • 一对一招生咨询 & 问答环节



开放日当天,家长们将参加预备部信息分享会。经验丰富的佛山霍利斯校长Mrs Jane Arden和预备部校长Mrs Mandy Bateman将会给大家分享预备部的细节信息。

Mrs Jane Arden


Jane Arden 女士是佛山市霍利斯外籍人员子女学校的校长。Arden女士曾在利物浦大学和利物浦摩尔大学深造,取得荣誉历史学学士学位和教育学研究生文凭(PGCE)。Arden女士履历丰富,在来到佛山霍利斯之前,她曾在成都威斯敏斯特学校担任创校副校长、学术部主管和英文学科主任,以及在惠灵顿国际学校任职4年,担任学术和英文学科主任。Arden女士深耕教育行业近30年,所任职的学校在她的带领下取得斐然的IGCSE和A Level学术成绩。Arden女士也担任过英国AQA考试局英文学科助理首席考官近20年。她非常重视对教师的培训与指导,认为这是创建面向21世纪的学校的关键因素。

Ms Mandy Bateman


Mandy Bateman女士是一位经验丰富的教育家和领导者,在英国本土的学校,以及葡萄牙和埃及的国际学校有近30年的工作经验。她的教育工作资历十分深厚,且涉猎广泛;2009年,她在英国创立了一间独立学校并担任创校校长,自此开始领导学校运营。在来到佛山霍利斯之前,Bateman女士在埃及开罗一所享有盛誉的英国国际学校担任幼年基础阶段(EYFS)和小学六年级的校长。Bateman女士拥有英国斯塔福德郡大学的教育学士学位,英国知山大学的教育学研究生证书(PGCE)和英国剑桥大学的特殊需求教育硕士学位。









Mr Robert Jones


Robert Jones先生加入佛山霍利斯预备部,担任主班老师一职。Jones先生持有计算机科学的本科学位。他在中国有近10年的任职经验,担任过英语老师和主班老师等职务,喜欢从事低年龄段学生教学(6-12岁)。


Mr Connor Lewis


Connor Lewis先生加入佛山霍利斯担预备部主班老师一职,与预备部主任 Mandy Bateman 女士以及预备部团队一起合作,为我们的低年级学生提供高质量的英式课程教学。Lewis 先生是一位经验丰富的主班教师,曾在中国北京的国际幼儿园和小学有长达5年的教学经验。

Lewis 先生拥有曼彻斯特都会大学的语言学本科荣誉学位和中国人民大学的高等教育学硕士学位。他把自己在语言学方面的研究运用于他在中国的教育工作中,并取得出色的成绩。他本人也在学习中文,目前也在备考汉语五级。

Mr Alexander Tennant


Alexander Tennant 先生加入佛山霍利斯预备部团队担任五、六年级主班老师。此前,他在英国和中国担任教职近10年。他的任教经历非常丰富,曾在一个国际的武术组织教授成人和儿童咏春,后来到在国际学校担任英文老师,并从中学习和掌握了不同的教学技能。在与学生相处方面他很有经验,能够建立和维持良好的师生关系。

Tennant 先生拥有西英格兰大学的应用化学科学学士学位以及PGCE教学资格证书。











  • 为学生提供个性化支持,庆祝他们的每一个进步和成就,培养他们成为自信的全球公民

  • 提供适当的具有挑战性的个人和社会教育课程,强调同情心作为人类特质的重要性

  • 向我们的学生讲述有关同理心的真实事件,鼓励学生们在校内校外以自己的同理心去关心同伴,关注社会

  • 给予学生们适当的奖励和鼓舞,包括公开表扬,让他们能够继续运用和发扬自己的同理心

  • 让学生们理解和接受每个孩子都有不同的文化背景、不同的能力和潜力,同时理解人际关系和友谊是学生们个人发展和学习过程中重要的组成部分








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LEH International School Prep School Open Day Event will take place on Saturday 14 January 2022. 

We encourage all prospective families to attend and meet our Headteacher, Mrs Jane Arden, and the Head of the Prep School, Mrs Mandy Bateman, on our award-winning campus. Your child(ren) can also register to attend special taster lessons and meet our supportive and talented teachers. 

Children aged 5-10 and their parents are welcome to register. We look forward to seeing you soon on campus!

Open Day with Taster Lessons

9:00 - 12:00, Saturday, 14 January

Places are limited for this event. Registration is mandatory. Only registered families will be allowed to attend the event.

Event Highlights

  • Taster Lessons for the Prep School (students aged 5-10)

  • Information Session: Meet the Head of the Prep School 

  • School Tour 

  • Admissions Info Session and Q&A 

Event Agenda

Information Session

Information sessions will be held by Mrs Mandy Bateman, Head of the Prep School and Mrs Jane Arden, Headteacher, both well-experienced educators and school leaders. Through their sharing, parents will learn more about how LEH Foshan can help their child(ren) develop and become remarkable young people.

Mrs Jane Arden


Mrs Jane Arden is the Headteacher of LEH International School Foshan. She studied at both Liverpool, John Moores University and Liverpool University where she was awarded a BA (hons)in History, and a PGCE.

Prior to this role, she was the Deputy Principal of Chengdu Westminster founding team, as well Director of Teaching and Learning and Head of English. Before that, Jane spent four years as Head of Academics and English at Wellington College International.

With nearly 30 years in education, she has led schools to achieve outstanding IGCSE and A level results. Jane Arden has also worked as Assistant Principal examiner for AQA English language. Training and mentoring teachers is key for Jane in creating schools fit for the 21st century.

Ms Mandy Bateman

Head of the Prep School

Ms Mandy Bateman has nearly 30 years of experience as an educator and leader in both British and international schools in the UK, Portugal, and Egypt. Her journey in education has been wide-ranging.

In 2009 she established herself as a leader when she became a founding Headteacher of an independent school in the UK. In her last position, Ms Bateman worked as a Headteacher of Early years foundation stage (EYFS) and Primary 6 form entry school at a well-regarded British International School in Cairo, Egypt.

Ms Bateman holds a BA in Education from Staffordshire University, a PGCE from Edge Hill University and a MA SEN Education from Cambridge UK.

Taster lessons

Taster lessons for Prep School students will allow your child(ren) to meet our experienced British teachers and have a taste of our authentic British curriculum.

School Tour

The event includes group tours led by our friendly Admissions staff to show parents our purpose-built campus and discover how our state-of-the-art school and boarding facilities enhance your child(ren)’s learning and living experience.

Assessment Afternoon

About LEH Foshan Prep School

LEH Foshan Prep School offers day and boarding options to students aged 6-10 from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and foreign countries, and offers a globally recognised British education to help them build a strong academic foundation for later secondary school years.

100% British Teachers

Mr Robert Jones

Prep Teacher

Mr Jones joins the LEH Foshan Prep School team as a Prep School teacher with nearly 10 years of experience as an ESL teacher and homeroom teacher in China. Mr Jones has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. He enjoys working with young students aged 6 to 12. 

Not only is he a well-experienced teacher, but also a capable school governor. In his last position, he was vice principal and was responsible for the supervision of foreign teachers’ performance and communication with Chinese management.

Mr Connor Lewis

Prep Teacher

Mr Connor Lewis joins LEH Foshan as a multi-talented Prep Teacher and works with Ms Bateman, Head of Prep School and our Prep School team to deliver high-quality teaching to our young students. He is an experienced classroom teacher with 5 years of teaching in international kindergartens and primary schools in Beijing China.

Mr Lewis holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) in Linguistic from Manchester Metropolitan University and a Master of Education in Advancing Teaching from People’s University. His language studies have proven invaluable in China for helping children to develop their second language skills and in developing his Chinese language skills (HSK 5).

Mr Alexander Tennant

Prep Teacher

Mr Tennant joins the LEH Foshan Prep School team and works as a Year 5/6 teacher. In his teaching career of nearly 10 years in both UK and China, Mr Tennant has gained a diverse range of teaching skills from teaching adults and children Wing Chun for a worldwide Martial Arts Organisation to working as an ELL teacher. He has rich experience in building and maintaining excellent student relationships.

Mr Tennant has a bachelor’s degree in Applied Chemical Science from the University of the West of England and completed a PGCE qualification.

Prep Curriculum

The classroom teachers are responsible for teaching the core curriculum plus Humanities and Science, these will be delivered in a thematic way to enhance the learning opportunities.

In the Prep School, the curriculum offers our students a wide range of learning experiences taught by class, as well as subject specialists in Computer Science, Spanish, Mandarin, PE and Music. Class teachers play a key role in supporting each student and closely monitoring academic, personal and social development.

Alongside the classroom teacher we will have teaching assistants to support curriculum and pastoral guidance within classes. Teachers deliver a well-rounded holistic education based closely on the English National Curriculum.

A Busy, Happy & Purposeful 

School Life

We have purpose-built areas within the school to participate in many activities

Prep School students will have 2- one hour ECA sessions. The overarching ethos of the ECA programme at LEH is to support students to develop into young adults that have the confidence and skills to further pursue activities they enjoy as part of an active, healthy lifestyle.

Specialist teachers will also be available for prep sessions where homework will be completed. We also offer the opportunity for flexible boarding daily.

Pastoral Care

Pastorally we will nurture remarkable young men and women with focus on four keywords - Hope, Opportunity, Challenge, and Friendship.

  • We will provide our students with personalised support and celebrate achievements and successes to build confident global citizens.

  • Provide an appropriate challenging personal and social education curriculum with emphasis on the importance of compassion as a human trait.

  • Provide our students with real life stories about compassion and facilitate opportunities for our students to be compassionate both inside and outside of school.

  • Provide our students with appropriate rewards and encouragement, including public praise, for always acting in a compassionate manner.

  • Provide understanding and acceptance that each child is different with diverse cultures, capabilities and potential and help them in keeping in mind all these things; whilst providing an understanding that relationships/friendships are the most important aspect of the educational process for our students to develop and learn.

Nuture Future Leaders

In Prep School we want to develop a culture of family pride with academic excellence and achievements alongside well developed characters and pastoral wellbeing.

We will encourage the children to have high expectations and to contribute towards, reflect on and shape their role as learners - in addition to being responsible members of the school, the local and the wider community.

We will enthusiastically develop Prep School students’ interests and passion for learning, leading them into our exemplary Senior School becoming leaders graduating to embark on careers at the world’s leading universities.

Traffic Instruction

School Address

26 Jingping Road, Chancheng, Foshan










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