

小学部数学周庆祝活动A Celebration of Numbers and Pies

03-25 08:53发布于广东


Math Week

Pi Day!



   Exclusively for Pupils



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 # Grade 1 一年级 



 # Grade 2 二年级 



#Grade 3 三年级 



 # Grade 4 四年级 

1. 圆周率韵律诗


2. 彩色π链点亮社区


 # Grade 5 五年级 

1. 成功“秘方”和小小企业家


2. 与一年级分享











1. Gimkit-学英数词汇

圆周率日以一项引人入胜的数学挑战开始 - Gimkit的数学单词挑战。学生们投入到这个活动中,不仅加强了孩子们的数学词汇,还提高了学习兴趣。

2. 画廊漫步


3. 圆周率排排站


4. 数学市场



5. 引人入胜的游戏

中文数学组的老师们也精心设计了很多精彩的活动,其中有测量圆形物体周长及其半径数据,以初步探究二者的倍数关系;裁切写有数字 3.1415 的卡片,让学生们合作复原;将字母π分割成不规则图形,让学生用这些图形拼出π或正方形;用骰子摇出 3.1415;开展飞盘按顺序飞入 3.1415数字格以及进行背诵圆周率π位数的竞赛。在这些知趣盎然的活动中,不仅让学生在参与过程中了解了圆周率的相关知识,还提升了孩子们的的综合能力。



1. 数学俱乐部引领数学风潮

2. 赋能与责任



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Math Week and Pi Day in Tsinglan Primary School

The halls of our primary school are buzzing with anticipation as we launch our much-awaitedMath Week and Pi Day celebrations. It's a time when numbers, geometry, and the excitement ofmathematical discovery take center stage. This special week is designed not only to engage ouryoung mathematicians with equations and algorithms, but also to immerse them in the fun andcreativity that mathematics can offer.

Part 1: Math Week

-EMath Class Activities

 # Grade 1 一年级 

A Rainbow-Collaboration

After learning about Pi, and how it helps us from the 5th-grade students, the first graders decided to get a view of how long the number Pi really can be. Each class used one colour from the rainbow, and each student was assigned one number from Pi. We used our colored chalk to write Pi as long as we could. The students were so surprised to visually witness how long a number could be when everyone worked together!

 # Grade 2 二年级 

Pi Chain Making

In Grade 2, the students visited the Grade 4 students who presented a talk on Pi and then worked collaboratively to build the longest paper Pi chain. Each color represented a different number of Pi and worked in groups. They competed to construct the longest Pi chain.

#Grade 3 三年级 

Inquiry-based Learning

The third graders rolled up their sleeves and explored circles with clay, discovering firsthand that the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter is approximately 3, a practical demonstration of pi.

 # Grade 4 四年级 

1. Pi-ku Poetry

In the meantime, the fourth graders explored their poetic side by writing 'pi-ku' poems inspired by the digits of pi. This activity allowed them to express their thoughts artistically while understanding the significance of the infinite number. They shared these experiences with the second graders, making deep connections whilst building representations of their learning.

2. A Splash of Color with Pi Chains

Working collaboratively, the grade 4 students and grade 2 students created colorful pi chains, which adorned the halls and warmed the school community with their vibrancy and instructional value.

 # Grade 5 五年级 

1. Recipe for Success and Being Entrepreneurs

During our vibrant math class, the students transformed into young bakers and entrepreneurs as they embarked on a transdisciplinary culinary journey. Integrating practical math skills, they meticulously measured ingredients, which doubled as a lesson in fractions and units of measurement.

But their learning didn’t stop at the oven door. They analyzed costs, considered profit margins, and understood the value of their labor and resources, showcasing their savvy in real-world math applications.

This hands-on experience not only fortified their math skills but also whet their appetites for entrepreneurship, making every slice of pie a taste of their budding potential.

2.  Sharing with the First Graders

The spirit of Math Week was one of community and sharing. The Grade 5 students extended their experience to the first graders and shared their pies with them. Together, they played 'Circle Hunt,' where Grade 1 students measured the diameter of circles, and the grade 5 found the circumference, illustrating the practical uses of pi. The first graders didn't stop there; they let their creativity soar by transforming their circles into splendid art pieces, demonstrating that math and art are intrinsically linked.

Part 2:

Pi Day-Celebration

Grade 1:

Mini-Market Fun

Grade one students have been learning all about money, and how to count back change. Each child worked hard, listening to teachers and earning DOJO points for two weeks. Then, on market day, they earned money for each DOJO point they had earned. They had a chance to practice their money counting while going between classes to purchase books and toys they loved. Bringing the classroom experience alive brought joy to their smiling faces!

Grade 2:

To kick off Pi Day celebrations, the G2’s engaged in collaborative Math competitions by reviewing past classwork and Pi questions. Top groups received prizes and certificates for their combined efforts. For fun, the students colored equally divided pieces of a Pie Diagram in beautiful patterns, linking artistic flair and fractions! To end off the day, the students shared delicious pies donated by the parent committees! 

It was certainly a week to remember!

Grade 3 to Grade 5:

1. Gimkit Sparks Learning

The Pi Day started with an engaging educational challenge – the math terminology Tsinglan Gimkit 'money reward'. Eager students dived into this activity that not only reinforced their mathematical vocabulary but also offered the enticement of earning 'Tsinglan money'. It was an innovative way to combine learning with the thrill of earning rewards, setting an exciting and productive tone for the day's series of math-centric events.

2. Walk Gallery

This beautiful melding of art and mathematics describes the students' progression through a walking gallery where they admired and voted for their fellow students' artworks—a celebration of merging creative talents with mathematical insight within their grade level. 

This enjoyable experience, showcasing the harmony between visual art and mathematical concepts, has been celebrated as a wonderful journey. 

3. Puzzles and Pi Digit Line-Up

A lively competition ensued with puzzles and pi digit line-up games. The thrill of challenge and discovery was palpable as classes engaged enthusiastically in these activities.

4. Math Market

With their hard-earned Tsinglan money in hand, students immersed themselves in a bustling math market. Here, they experienced the joy of exchanging gifts, obtaining tangible rewards for their efforts in the world of numbers. With opportunities to purchase unique gifts from their teachers, pupils witnessed the ebb and flow of price fluctuations as demand shifted throughout the event.

As student customers navigated through the stalls, they observed that the value of their 'Tsinglan money' and the cost of items changed, mirroring real-world market scenarios. 

5. Engaging Games

In order to enhance the experience of Pi Day, the fun didn't stop at the market; various games like toss the rings and rope skipping were on offer by English math teachers. These interesting games were also added to the day's enjoyment.

Moreover, Chinese math teachers designed a series of fascinating activities, which included measuring the circumference and radius of circular objects to preliminarily probe their proportional relationship; Puzzles of Pi number and the symbol π; Rolling dice to get the number 3.1415; Flying Disk to make 3.1415 digits, and competition for reciting the digits of π. 

Looking forward to the next Math Week!

Math Week at Tsinglan Primary School was more than just a series of calculations; it was a cohesive endeavor that integrated cooking, art, poetry, sports, and hands-on activities, all while fostering cross-grade collaboration and transdisciplinary learning. The school echoed with joy, the warmth of shared experiences, and the vivid beauty of mathematics in all its glory.

1. Math Club Members Take the Lead

Math Club members at Tsinglan Primary School have taken a proactive approach in shaping the future of the school's annual Math Week. Through first-hand feedback from their own and a comprehensive debrief by the teacher, the club has delved deep into the events of the past week, scrutinizing every detail from math content and skills to the suitability for different ages and cognitive abilities.

2. Empowerment and Responsibility

As these young minds prepare to step into middle school next year, the club is being entrusted with the responsibility of orchestrating Math Week. This early leadership opportunity is not only a platform for them to apply their knowledge but also a chance to foster their organizational and strategic thinking skills. The feedback and insights gathered have been critical in ensuring that the next Math Week is not only a learning experience but also a testament to the spirit of student-led initiatives at Tsinglan School.


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图片 Pictures丨G1 and G2 All-subject, G3-G5 Emath, Cmath

文字 Writing丨G1 and G2 All-subject, G3-G5 Emath, Cmath

审核 Auditing丨Marybell Wei










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