

佛山霍利斯12-13年级主任上线,带领A Level学生更上一层楼



LEH International School Foshan is delighted to announce that Mrs Deborah Kirk, currently our Head of Mathematics & Computer Science Faculty, will take on the role of Head of Sixth Form in the school year 2022-23 with the launching of our A Level Programme. 

佛山市霍利斯外籍人员子女学校很高兴跟大家分享,数学及计算机学科主任Deborah Kirk女士将在2022-2023新学年担任12-13年级主任,为A Level学生们提供全面的发展指导。

Meet the Head of Sixth Form


Mrs Deborah Kirk

Head of Mathematics & 

Computer Science Faculty


Mrs Deborah Kirk joined LEH Foshan as the Founding Head of Mathematics & Computer Science Faculty. She graduated from the University of Exeter with a Mathematics degree and since then, Mrs Kirk has taught Maths for over 30 years around the world in top international schools, including in Bogota (Colombia), Barcelona, Dubai, and Bangkok. Before joining LEH Foshan she was teaching in the UK where she was not only teaching Maths, but also enjoyed the role of Sixth Form Tutor supporting pre-university preparation as well as an A Level Examiner.

Deborah Kirk女士是佛山霍利斯的数学及计算机学科主任。她毕业于英国埃克塞特大学,获得数学学士学位,此后在世界各地(包括哥伦比亚波哥大、西班牙巴塞罗那、阿联酋迪拜和泰国曼谷)的顶级国际学校任教三十余年。在加入佛山霍利斯之前,她在英国任教,在教授数学的同时,还担任大学预科生导师以及A Level考试考官。

Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form


To be Head of Sixth Form is a privilege that cannot be taken lightly. Young people are starting to consider their adult life choices and they are looking to their tutor and teachers to help guide them, advise them, and set out the choices they realistically have, without in any way dampening their aspirations and dreams. I am excited to share this journey with our first Sixth form cohort. I hope we will explore many routes that help lead our students towards their dreams.

于我而言,12-13年级主任这个头衔带来了一份荣誉的同时,也带来一份沉甸甸的责任。在这阶段的学生将要面对选择未来人生的难题,希望导师和老师们在尊重他们的志愿和梦想下,能给他们适当帮助和指导,提供建议,筛选可行的选项。我很高兴能与我校第一届A Level学生一起分享这趟路程上的点滴经历,期待着能够帮助他们探索不同的发展道路,引导他们实现自己的梦想。

Mrs Kirk has two grown up children and last year added a daughter in law to the family group. Both boys attended International Schools and have been through the Sixth Form process and onto university. Mrs Kirk has seen the role from both sides, as a teacher and as a Parent. She comments that ‘As a Parent you trust the advice given to you by the school, the school can offer an insight and perspective that is difficult to achieve as a Parent.’

Mrs Kirk 家中有两个儿子,大儿子已经成家,小儿子也已经从大学毕业。她的两个儿子都曾在国际学校就读,并通过A Level进入大学学习。既是家长也是教师的Mrs Kirk认为:“家长应要聆听学校的建议,因为学校能够用专业的视角和洞察力来作出分析和判断。”

Mrs Kirk accompanied by Dr Kirk to a fun evening in Guangzhou last year

去年,Mrs Kirk与Dr Kirk一起参加广州的派对活动

Mrs Kirk’s eldest son and daughter in law standing in as parents at her younger son’s graduation

去年Mrs Kirk的大儿子和妻子一起出席了小儿子的大学毕业典礼

Since arriving in China Mrs Kirk has travelled (with Dr Kirk) and enjoyed walking the Great Wall, gazing in wonder at the terracotta warriors and enjoying the hustle and bustle of both Shanghai and Beijing. This summer she hopes to travel with her husband to Tibet and enjoy the sunrise from the base camp of Mount Everest. ‘As a family we are great travellers enjoying different cultures and exciting and beautiful backdrops as well as, and possibly most importantly, trying the local cuisine’.

来到中国任教后,Mrs Kirk常与Dr Kirk在假期期间一起旅行,漫步过长城,见识过兵马俑的壮观,感受过上海和北京的城市生机。今年夏天,她打算与丈夫一起去拜访西藏,在珠穆朗玛峰的大本营欣赏日出。她说:“我们一家人都是热爱旅行的人,喜欢探索不同的文化和世界各地的优美景色,最重要的是品尝当地的美食!”

Headteacher’s Comment

Mrs Jane Arden

Headteacher 校长

Mrs Kirk has a wealth of experience as a Head of Faculty and as an A Level examiner making her an obvious choice for the post. Having carefully guided the current year 11s through their IGCSEs, I am excited to see her continue to inspire and nurture of first cohort of A Level students. These are ground-breaking moments for the school, but with the support of LEH London who will work closely with Mrs Kirk, I am confident that our students will be applying to the university of their dreams.

Mrs Kirk 在担任学科主任和A Level考官方面都有着丰富的经验,使她成为 12-13年级主任的不二人选。在本学年她精心指导了11年级学生完成IGCSE课程和考试,我很高兴看到Mrs Kirk将会继续带领和激励这些学生开展A Level的学习之旅。他们是我校第一批A Level学生,这对于佛山霍利斯来说是一个突破性的时刻。在Mrs Kirk与英国LEH学校密切合作之下,我相信这些学生们都能进入他们心仪的大学。

Hot Questions with Mrs Kirk

深入了解Mrs Kirk

What will your leadership style be as Head of Sixth Form?

作为12-13年级主任, 您的领导风格是怎样的呢?

I do not want to lead the Sixth Form students so much as work with them and help nurture their strengths, hobbies, interests, and abilities. I am a facilitator for them to use to help them find out everything they can to make educated decisions about their future. I expect to encourage them to be diligent students, to take leading roles in school events and to encourage them to see the rewards in giving rather than just taking. I hope to introduce the students to career choices that they may not have thought of or be aware of yet. 


What are the most valuable lessons you have learned throughout your over 30 years of career in education, which could be adapted to help our Sixth Form students succeed?


I think like many travelled people whose experiences are many and varied the one real lesson is to accept what you cannot change and strive to change what you consider unacceptable. This gives you the ability to embrace change, I make sure I have a goal which keeps me moving forward. I try to enjoy myself daily and hopefully help someone else enjoy theirs too.


What are your top priorities for the A Level Programme here at LEH Foshan?

在佛山霍利斯A Level课程项目中,您的首要目标有哪些?

I want the sixth form to be the bridge between the academic and professional world. LEH great sixth form centre will be neither an extension of the school, nor an office environment, but a balanced combination of the two, providing a unique space for our oldest students who will be tomorrow’s youngest professionals. It is a fact that the culture in any school is set by the sixth formers. The younger students look to the oldest pupils as role models, and often take on their attitudes and values by default. LEH will develop relaxed, happy, focused sixth formers, and this will encourage younger students that fit the same mould. LEH understand this, it’s deeper than just dotting a few beanbags around and installing a coffee machine – it is about creating a cultural DNA.


How will you and the school help prepare our students for A Level, university application and career? 

您和学校将会怎么帮助学生们准备好A Level考试、升学和未来职业发展?

Before our students even begin to look at University choices, they will need to self-reflect and look at all the options and the different routes available to them. They must make choices about what works for them individually, what is realistic and what is aspirational. LEH will expose students to the many choices available, we will look at what makes a desirable choice for the individual and what the outcome of that choice represents.


Could you give advice to Y11 students to help them prepare for the A Level during the summer holiday? 

您可以给11年级学生们一些建议让他们在暑假为A Level提前做准备吗?

Reading, reading and more reading. Fiction, non-fiction, self-help books, comic books. Just read as wide a range of English books that exposes yourself to the English language and to different viewpoints and experiences. Achieving A level grades is only part of the picture that makes a suitable candidate at LEH. Breadth of experiences and interests, hobbies, and achievements in sport, in music, in the arts, in technology are all invaluable and will make the students are far more attractive candidate for top Universities around the globe.

大量阅读,包括小说、非小说、自助书籍、漫画书等。尽可能多地阅读各种英文书籍,让自己沉浸在英文环境,从阅读中接触不同的观点和看法。A Level考试成绩只是学生们综合能力的一部分,广泛的兴趣爱好以及在体育、音乐、艺术和科学技术方面的成就都是非常重要的,这会让学生们在申请全球一流大学时更具有竞争力。

A Level Programme at LEH Foshan

佛山霍利斯A Level课程

Starting in August 2022, LEH International School Foshan will offer the prestigious Advanced Level Qualifications Programme (A Level) to our Sixth Form students. This will enable LEH students finishing their IGCSEs to continue their top-level British Education in Foshan in Year 12 and 13.

从2022年8月开始,佛山市霍利斯外籍人员子女学校将开启英国普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程(A Level)的教学。已经完成IGCSE阶段的霍利斯学生将会直接进入A Level阶段的学习,继续在佛山霍利斯享受优质的英式国际教育。

What is A Level? 

什么是A Level?

A Level (Advanced Level qualifications) is a prestigious British subject-based qualification for students aged 16 and above that empowers students to be independent learners and gives them the opportunity to specialise in specific areas. Students study over two years, leading to qualifications recognised for entrance to universities and other higher education institutes in the UK and many other countries worldwide.

A Level(英国普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程)面向16岁及以上的学生,培养他们成为具有独立能力的学习者,并帮助他们为日后进入特定领域学习打下基础。通过两年的学习,学生们将参加A Level考试,考试成绩备受英国和世界许多其他国家的大学和其他高等教育机构认可。

Subjects on Offer at LEH Foshan  

佛山霍利斯开设的A Level学科

Students typically study a minimum of three subjects. Subjects include English Language & Literature, Spanish, Mathematics, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, History, Geography, Economics, Art, Sports Science, Computer Science and of course Chinese.


Experienced British Teachers


All A Level subjects are taught by highly qualified teachers who will guide their students throughout the course. They are adept at teaching the skills and attitudes required for successful independent learning beyond school and throughout life.

所有A Level学科都由经验丰富的老师们任教,他们将会在整个课程阶段给予学生们专业的教学和指导。他们都擅长启发和引导学生们培养和树立在校外和日常生活中独立学习所需要的能力和态度。

Your child(ren) will be taught by our talented teachers, 90 % of whom are British, with over 15 years of teaching experience on average, some of them are/had been examiners of IGCSE and A Level.

佛山霍利斯师资实力强劲,90%英籍教师,平均教龄达到15年,其中不少教师曾是IGCSE和A Level的考官。例如:

Mrs Jane Arden

Our Headteacher Mrs Jane Arden has over 20 years’ experience in education, and prior to this role at LEH, she has spent over 5 years working at top international schools in China as founding Deputy Principal, Director of Teaching and Learning, Head of Academics and Head of English. Under her leadership, her schools achieved outstanding IGCSE and A level results. Jane has also worked as Assistant Principal examiner for AQA English language. 

佛山霍利斯校长 Jane Arden 女士资历丰富,在教育行业深耕超过20年,其中在中国国内一流的英国国际学校工作超过5年,曾担任创校副校长、学术部主管和英文学科主任等重要领导角色。所任职的学校在她的带领下取得斐然的IGCSE和A Level学术成绩。此外,Jane Arden女士也担任过英国AQA考试局英文学科助理首席考官近20年。

Mrs Deborah Kirk 

Mrs Deborah Kirk is our Head of Mathematics & Computer Science Faculty. She has taught Math for over 30 years around the world in top international schools, including Colombia, Spain, Dubai and Bangkok. She is also an A Level Examiner.

Debbie Kirk女士,数学学科主任,拥有超过35年任教经验,曾在英国、西班牙、哥伦比亚、迪拜、泰国和中国任教,是培生爱德思 A Level 数学学科的资深考官。

Dr Martin Kirk

Dr Martin Kirk is our Head of Science & Technology Faculty. Dr Kirk has over 25 years of experience teaching Biology, Chemistry and Physics in local schools in the UK and British international schools around the world including in Thailand, Dubai, Spain and China. He is also an associate examiner of Pearson A-Level Chemistry. He has a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry and a PhD in Inorganic Chemistry, both from the University of Leeds.

Martin Kirk 博士,科学及技术学科主任,拥有超过25年的任教经验,在英国本地学校以及泰国、迪拜、西班牙和中国的英式国际学校教授生物、化学和物理学科。他也担任培生爱德思 A Level 化学学科的考官。他在英国利兹大学取得化学本科学位和无机化学博士学位。

Mr Stuart Savill

Mr Stuart Savill is the Head of Drama & Creative Arts Faculty, and Exams Officer with over 20 years of teaching experience. He has also held positions including Student Council Coordinator, and worked as a Senior Examiner and Senior Moderator for GCSE Drama. 

Stuart Savill先生,戏剧学科主任,拥有超过20年任教经验,曾担任GCSE戏剧科目的高级考官和评分监督。

Mr David Hobourn

Mr David Hobourn is our Director of Music with over twenty years’ experience in music education and performance. He has been on the music examining panel of Trinity College London since 1999.

David Hobourn先生,音乐学科总监,拥有超过20年任教经验,从1999年起成为伦敦圣三一音乐学院评审小组成员之一。

2022-2023 Admissions Open Now


Lady Eleanor Holles (LEH) International School Foshan is now accepting applications from Year 4 to Year 13 (age 8-18) for the 2022-2023 Academic Year starting in August 2022. We encourage interested families to submit their children’s applications as early as possible as places are limited for certain year levels.


LEH Foshan, an exceptional British curriculum day and boarding school, welcomed its first students in September 2020. With campus and curriculum tailored to the needs of boys and girls, from 8 to 18 years, the School brings together the best of a British boarding school education to Foshan, a dynamic city in the heart of the Greater Bay Area of Southern China. The School provides the space, facilities and expert teaching for boys and girls from Year 4 to Year 13 to flourish, either as day students or as boarders.


We teach an enhanced British Curriculum, IGCSEs and A level, leading to entry to the leading universities around the World. Your child(ren) will be taught by our talented teachers, 90 % of whom are British, with over 15 years of teaching experience on average.

我们教授强化的的英式国际课程,IGCSEs及A Level,帮助学生进入世界一流大学。学校的师资团队强劲,90%英籍教师,平均教龄达到15年。

LEH Foshan has officially authorised by Cambridge Assessment International Education and Pearson Edexcel to offer academic programmes and qualifications.














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