

中学生对话前联合国难民署专员:关爱的勇气|Conversation with a Former UNHCR Specialist






In MYP language and literature, students are inquiring into how moral reasoning and ethical judgment are part of one's identity and how they affect one’s perspectives and relationships with others.


One of their learning engagements is to interact with individuals who have set aside their fears, rendered themselves vulnerable, and sought out ways to stand up for the people and/or causes that are important when others back down in fear of negative consequences.

The class connected with a former communications specialist of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and then challenged to produce a news feature article based on the interview. TWIS is proud to share some here - a summary of the conversation and insights of our students.

英文版作者 EN Author: Cici & Henry

It was a warm Friday afternoon. I was sitting in the meeting room, feeling nervous about the approaching interview because I had never conducted one before, especially in English. I reviewed my interview questions twice, thrice to make sure there was nothing wrong with the way they were formulated. A  few minutes later, Ms. Dorelyn Jose was online and ready for our questions.

采访定在一个温暖的星期五午后,我坐在会议室里,为即将到来的对话焦虑不安,因为在此之前,我从未担任过采访者,尤其是在使用英语的情况下。我把采访提纲回顾了一遍又一遍,确保其表述方式准确无误。几分钟后,Ms. Dorelyn Jose在网络的另一端上线,采访开始了。

Initially, I thought Ms. Jose was a serious person; while in fact, she is kind, friendly and approachable. To prepare for the interview, she even made a presentation for us to better understand the topic of refugees.

起初,我以为Ms. Jose为人严肃。事实上,她友善、亲切,且和蔼可亲。为了准备这场采访,她甚至准备了一份演示文稿,为的是让我们更好地了解难民这一话题。

Before the interview, we were reading the book I am David, which is about a 12-year-old boy who fled from a concentration camp and found assistance in Denmark. To better understand the social significance of the book and the current state of the world, we were given the opportunity to connect with someone with a first-hand experience of the plight of refugees.


Cover of I am David


Students were reading the book I am David.


To begin with, we must have a clear understanding of what refugees are. Refugees are persons who have been forced to leave their home country due to circumstances beyond their control, such as persecution, being held as victims of generalized violence, or suffering other types of conflicts. Being persecuted is not the only reason that refugees leave their countries. Environmental issues are another reason causing refugees to leave everything behind in order to survive.


The person we interviewed is named Dorelyn Jose. She had served as one of the UNHCR's communication specialists, managing media relations and media interviews. In addition, she worked as a middle person between all the organizations involved in refugee issues around Kosovo and the Balkan region.

接受我们采访的人是Dorelyn Jose。她曾担任联合国难民署的传播专员,负责管理媒体关系和媒体访问。此外,她还曾为科索沃和巴尔干地区的所有难民组织搭建了沟通的桥梁。

Waves of refugees are around the world, causing physical and emotional distress to people forced to flee. Ms. Jose shared an example with us - the sculpture by Bruno Catalano displayed in Venice, Italy, which means that when you leave your country, you leave a part of yourself behind. The sculpture has described the inner world of the refugees who are forced to leave their countries. Even if they receive assistance from another country, they still lack a sense of security and belonging. 

难民潮遍布世界的各个角落,这不仅让流离失所的人患上生理疾病,还会致使他们产生心理落差。Ms. Jose与我们分享了一个例子——法国雕塑家布鲁诺·卡塔拉诺在意大利威尼斯展示的雕像,它寓意着当你离开自己的国家,你自己的一部分也会被留下来。这些雕塑描绘了不得不逃离家园的人的内心世界,即使一个人远离家乡,得到另一个国家的援助,他/她依然会缺乏安全感和归属感。

来源 Source: Pinterest

The motivation to solve a social issue in action is one of the reasons why Ms. Jose joined UNHCR. She said maybe she was "crazy" because none of her family and friends could believe her decision. In the year 2000, she was approached by UNHCR if she wanted to go to UNHCR because nobody in her school wanted to go as a significant war was occurring at that time. As a risk-taker, however, she seized the chance to join. She mentioned that there was a strong responsibility and a sense of sacrificing herself for something bigger that inspired her to work for the UNHCR where she needed to be involved in the management of the refugee camps.

用行动解决社会问题是Ms. Jose加入联合国难民署的动机之一。她说当年的自己好像很“疯狂”,因为家人和朋友都不相信她的决定。在2000年,联合国难民署找到她,问她是否愿意接受这个工作机会。由于当时世界正在发生一场重大的战争,她所在的学校没有人愿意接受这一机会。然而,作为冒险者的她当下便接受了。她提到,有一种强烈的责任感驱使着她为更富有意义的事情做出贡献,这也激励了她为联合国难民署工作——参与难民营的管理。

来源 Source: Unsplash

The UNHCR’s data in 2022 shows the increasing number of refugees in recent years, especially with the ongoing Ukraine-Russian crisis this year. We cannot see an end to it. In Ms. Jose's opinion, once an issue arises, it will be tough to resolve, which means that things will often get worse. Along with those issues that appear to be so hard to resolve, there are environmental and climate crises that force people to leave certain territories. They become environmental refugees in that situation. From Ms. Jose's perspective, if we can solve the conflicts, such as climate and environmental crises, we can improve the situation of refugees in some way.

根据联合国难民署2022年的数据显示,难民的数量正在逐年上升。例如,至今为止还在持续的乌克兰与俄罗斯危机,让我们难以看到终点。在Ms. Jose看来,一旦问题开始,事情的局势就会变得难以扭转。除了这些难以处理的问题外,环境与气候危机也在致使着人们离开自己的家园,变成气候难民。Ms. Jose认为,如果我们能解决一些问题,如气候和环境危机,那么从某种程度上,我们能改善难民的处境。

来源 Source: Unsplash

After the interview, I was thinking why there are some many refugees around the world. Then, I realized that apart from natural hazards, greed is the reason why many people become refugees. Greed can cause wars and terrorist attacks, and civilians become the victims. Based on online research, refugees from wars and terrorist attacks are the majority. Nowadays, refugees are in a terrible and difficult situation. It is impossible for us to help them all in a short term. However, if we support them as much as we can in some ways, their future is sure to be brighter.











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