
上海宏润博源学校2020届升学成果简报SHBS College Admission Briefing







Coming along with the booming flowers in Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School are numerous admission letters from a number of top universities in the world, which swept away the lingering coldness of the past winter.

 百花齐放 - 英美澳日多国大学向SHBS学子抛出橄榄枝

截止发稿时,据不完全统计宏润博源学校2020届8位即将毕业的同学们已经收到42份来自美国、英国、澳大利亚、日本等国的录取通知书,100%的学生已拿到至少一份大学录取通知书,收获QS世界排名前100大学的学生比例为40%,申请美国方向100%同学被US News 排名前100的大学录取通知书。

 Hundreds offlowers in blossom at the same time – Top universities in the UK, USA, Australia, and Japan offer admission letters to SHBS seniors
Up to date, our eight seniors have received 42 admission letters from universities in the UK, USA, Australia, Japan and other countries:100% of them have got at least one college admission letter; 40% of them have been accepted by the world’s top 100 universities ranked by QS World University Rankings; 100% of those who applied for American universities have been accepted by America’s top 100 universities ranked by US news.

争奇斗艳 – 各国顶尖名校申请斩获颇丰,实现新突破

SHBS学子收获了蜚誉全球名校的青睐,其中不乏有美国US News排名第20加州大学洛杉矶分校,US News排名第25密西根安娜堡分校,US News 排名第34加州大学圣塔芭芭拉分校,US News 排名第36加州大学欧文分校,US News排名第37加州大学圣地亚哥分校,US News 排名第39加州大学戴维斯分校,和US News 排名第42维拉诺亚大学;英国QS世界排名第8伦敦大学学院(英国G5超级精英大学之一),QS世界排名第27曼彻斯特大学, QS世界排名第33伦敦国王学院;澳洲QS世界排名第38墨尔本大学(全澳第二),QS世界排名第42悉尼大学(全澳第三);日本国内最顶尖的庆应义塾大学和早稻田大学等综合名校,以及艺术方面,美国排名第5芝加哥艺术学院,美国排名第10艺术中心设计学院,美国排名第14加州艺术学院等一流艺术名校都纷纷向我校学子发出多份录取通知书。

One impressive offer after another – Our seniors have harvested many admission letters from a number of top universities in several countries, making new breakthroughs.

SHBS seniors have gained the favor of the world’s top universities, including but not limited to: University of California (LA), ranked20th by US News;  University of Michigan (Ann Arbor); ranked 25th by US News; University of California (Santa Barbara), ranked 34th by US News; University of California (Irvine), ranked 36th by US News; University of California (San Diego), ranked 36th by US News; University of California (Davis), ranked 39th by US news;  Villanova University, ranked 42nd by US news; University College London, ranked 8th by QS World University Rankings; University of Manchester, ranked 27th by QS World University Rankings; King's College London, ranked 33rd by QS World University Rankings; University of Melbourne (Top 2 in Australia), ranked 38th by QS World University Rankings; University of Sydney (Top 3 in Australia), ranked 42nd by QS World University Rankings; top universities in Japan, such as Keio University and Waseda University; top art schools in the United States, such as School of the Art Institute of Chicago (Top 5 in the USA), Art Center College of Design (Top 10in the USA), and California College of the Arts (Top 14 in the USA).

硕果累累 – 多名毕业生收获了国外高校奖学金


Innumerable great achievements:  Many graduates have won scholarships。
In addition to the average 5.25 admission letters per senior, it is worth mentioning that 8 graduates of the class of 2020 have received scholarships of more than 270,000 US dollars in total, which also shows that our seniors have amazing strengths and are quite popular with foreign universities. Let's cheer for these excellent students! Thank you for your hardwork so as to have such wonderful achievements.



Since its establishment, Shanghai Hongrun Boyuan School has been adhering to its core values: "dignity, honor, respect, andintegrity" and “whole person education” philosophy to cultivate students with both outstanding moral character and academic excellence. Under the leadership of our Chinese and foreign principals, we firmly believe that the best education for a student is the one that suits him/her the most: every child should make the best out of his or her strengths and avoid his or her weaknesses, have the right curriculum and education methods, and grow in the direction that suits him or her. At the same time, we are deeply aware that the essence of education is to improve our students' ability to ask good questions, to forge our students' ability to communicate their ideas, and also to help our students build confidence, develop empathy and care for each other in the school community. While we share each other'sgrowth, we also promote the collective development of the school.


On this occasion, we would like to congratulate every SHBS senior who has entered their ideal institution of higher learning, and expressour deep gratitude to our faculty members and the parents for their jointeffort. 2020 is destined to be an uneventful year. We have witnessed many historic moments in the past three months. We hope that on their future journey of pursuing dreams, SHBS seniors can always hold onto their original aspirations, strive to be seekers of knowledge, believers of values, and transformers of the world, with global visions, moral excellence, and academic brilliance; we hope that they will grow to be world citizens that uphold the fine traditions of our Chinese nation. We also look forward to our graduates’ coming back to visit and sharing with the juniors their experience.

Translated by: Irene









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