

2019校园艺术节, 靓青春风采 A wonderful show of youth and arts






December 22, 2019


On the 22nd of December, the last cold month of 2019, SHBS celebrated the arrival of Christmas and New Year with its second Art Festival. Teachers, students and parents gathered in the auditorium to enjoy a brilliant show which had taken a long time to prepare and which involved all the teachers and students in it.



With the parents seated, the teachers also took their seats one after another in the auditorium and they couldn’t help chuckling and giggling. Female teachers looked as if they had all put on heavier makeups than usual. Then the students walked into the auditorium in twos and threes.

Hina Liang, the hostess, HZW, WWJ and Allen Cao, the hosts announced the start of the festival show.

本场艺术节舞台节目好丰富啊!即使传统节目歌、舞表演,形式也变化多样,有班集体合唱、有舞蹈串烧,有乐器合奏;此外,还有班级自编自导自演的小品,小品的形式新颖、有变化,令同学们耳目一新。老师们也全体出场,或穿插在学生节目中弹奏、演唱、舞蹈,“广场舞”及《Jingle bells》曲子的将本场艺术节推向高潮,整个礼堂仿佛舞动起来。

This year’s art festival featured a wide and rich variety of stage shows. Even the traditional dancing and singing shows took on new looks such as class chorus and hot dance series. Besides, there were  music programs performed by combinations of different instrumentalists, and short plays written,directed and performed by the students themselves in different homerooms. Changes were made to those short plays so that the audience found them interestingly new. Finally, all the teachers got onto the stage for their show, and they performed programs such as singing, dancing and instrument playing, which were mixed up with the students’ shows. Finally a “square dance” and the melody of “jingle bell”  pushed the Art Festival to a new high, making us feel as if the whole auditorium were boiling.


各班级表演多重形式的合唱。当 903班的舞台剧《少年的你》,一段小北和陈念之间的“你保护世界,我保护你”的故事似乎打动了观众爱的心绪,会场安静了。

"Better Days", a short play performed by students of homeroom 3, grade 9, made the whole audience quiet, and they seemed to be deeply touched by the story of Xiao Bei and Chen Nian, which was about “you protect the world, and I’ll protect you.”


ZTH and WWH played a duet with their own instruments so that we could appreciate the elegance of classical music.



太极班的同学个个面部严肃,宛如刚刚闭关修炼出来的大师;而体育舞蹈班的同学用舞蹈串烧《why》和《Russian Roulette》来展示青春的活力!


Students from the Taiji Club looked serious while performing on the stage, as if they had all become masters of after years of seclusion and practice. Whereas, students from the Dancing Club showed us their youthful vitality by performing two hot dances named “why” and “Russian Roulette”.  Students and teachers from the Yoga club showed us their beautiful and slim figures by stretching themselves slowly to a slow-paced tune.


1001班的pokemon,生动活泼地展示了一场世纪大战。1002班的《you can really dance》用行为艺术来介绍班里每个同学;

Students from class 1 grade 10, they also vividly depicted a battle of the century with their program named “pokemon”. At the same time, students from homeroom2, Grade 10 introduced each member of the class and amused us by performing the program named “you can really dance”.



Students from homeroom1, Grade 11, recreated a life experience with their program named “the longest movie”. Meanwhile, students from class 2 grade 11 brought back our memories of childhood by performing “House of Mickey Mouse”.



Seniors performed a mysteries dance for us.


Chinese class 9H performed a group recitation of “notes of the Yueyang Tower”, which sounded like a symphony, making the audience excited.


汪洁,项斯辰,李雨烨,覃璐茹的舞蹈《hip love》点燃音乐厅,将气氛带到了又一高点。一首由奥琛和钟晨阳的《歌剧魅影》有一些些神秘浪漫而又惊险悬疑的气氛。

“hip love”, a dance performed by WJ, XSC,LYY and QLR, further activated the atmosphere of the auditorium.



Two handsome, talented music teachers Wei Z and Morris have given us an extraordinary performance with a guitar duo.  After that, The Belly Dance by Betina and other 3 teachers have again aroused thunderous applause and cheers from the audience.


“The phantom of the opera”, a duet sung by AS and FJY added some romantic mystery and thrilling suspense to the atmosphere.



Such a splendid show characterized by marvellous visual and audio effects not only enabled us to enjoy the artistic beauty and passion but also urged us to keep working hard in the new year. Let’s cheer for SHBS. The stage of our school will always be open to those young and beautiful boys and girls.


随着《Jingle bells》铃铛声声敲响,两对年轻的新人伴侣手牵手走了出来,同学们熟悉的班主任、任课老师啊,场上笑声、掌声、叫声四起;随后又一队老师上场,Bowen 和 Chris校长戴着圣诞老人的小红帽、挎着小篮子出来的时候,大家几乎站了起来,挣着抢着天空里落下来的糖果。

Finally, when all the teachers got on the stage, students sitting in the auditorium couldn’t keep quiet. Some stretched out their necks trying to searching for their homeroom teachers in the crowd, and others laughed at their familiar subject teachers in a friendly manner while covering their own mouths.  Especially when the “square dance” group led by Mr. WWY appeared on the stage,  some students leaned forward against the back of the chairs in front of them, while others were so amused that they collapsed and crouched under their seats. Such a hilarious scene was really beyond description.


The 2019 Art Festival was successfully concluded in a joyful atmosphere. The bells for the New Year were about to ring, slowly approaching us. We were looking forward to a happy new year.





【由曹育玮修改,蔡晗啸、Bl wang审稿】










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