
















狄邦华曜学校中学部校长Jeff Walkington博士关于选课对于学者学术发展的价值有一段总结:

Course selection is key to academic performance.  You must have the scholar placed in the course and level that maximizes his or her ability.  For instance, a student might be ready for college prep level English but Advanced Placement level Biology.  The English skills might not be as strong, but he will thrive in that course; similarly his or her content-area skills might be a good fit for AP Bio. 

It is important to have a good conversation between student and advisor, or with a new student, between scholar and administrator, to understand the background courses and preparation and preferences of the student to predict how he or show will do in a course.  

At HC, many interested adults engage with a scholar to make good course selections, which result in good academic performance.






Individuation is at the core of the education system of Dipont Huayao Collegiate School (hereinafter "the HC School" or "HC").


The personalized education system means that every scholar's interests and strength can be explored, guided and stimulated here, which could help them achieve their academic and life goals in the future.


Entering its third year, how has the student-centered education philosophy that accomplishes every student been implemented in this school?

Let us walk you through the "one timetable per student" mechanism of HC’s Upper School to give you a taste.

In the 2022-2023 academic year, the HC Upper School provides 79 courses at 4 levels, laying a solid foundation for high school scholars to choose courses suitable for their own learning ability and career development aspirations. With the continuous development of the HC School, the Upper School curriculum will be more diversified.

Facing a rich curriculum as such, scholars will not be lost in the numerous choices, because behind them stand a group of teachers, tutors, parents, college counselors and other professional staff of the School. Each student’s timetable is the result of many rounds of consultation between scholars and teachers.

On the basis of meeting basic graduation requirements, scholars can follow their passion in Math, Science and Technology, History, Language, Arts and other areas, and learn to choose and give up in the selection process, so that the valuable sparks of interests will eventually help accomplish a unique human being in the future.

Dr. Jeff Walkington, Principal of the HC School, summarized the value of course selection for scholars’ academic development:




In this process, scholars learn to discover themselves, build confidence, find happiness, and achieve growth. Let's follow three HC scholars with different personalities to see how they benefit from the personalized learning:

✦ Michael, G10, returned from a prestigious private school in the United States and joined HC two years ago.

✦ Vivian, G11, a founding student, transferred to HC from a local public junior high school.

✦ Holly, G11, transferred from an IB School to HC to learn the American curriculum.


Let's listen to their stories.




A young returnee from a top U.S. junior high school who is  interested in both liberal arts and science: "I finally realized a smooth transition from my education in America."

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上了一段时间之后,我发现自己最初制定的课表会有两节连着的自习课,这段时间有些浪费,还不如学一些感兴趣的新东西。于是我就联系老师,把其中一节换成了ECP Introduction to Economics。



比如他曾经想选西班牙语选修课,但这门课的时段和他选的ECP Global Connections有冲突,于是他本想把这门ECP降成CP课程。





从美国初中过渡到狄邦华曜,Michael说他最喜欢的就是这里的学习氛围。“一人一张课表”,给予学者的选择非常多,也鼓励学者们勇于尝试、学习新的东西,对促进思考非常有帮助。主修课程偏向理科的他,在选修课程和Life Block中选择了不少与文科相关的课程,比如演讲和辩论、C语言编程等等。文理兼修,是他在思考与试错后取得的平衡。

Two years ago, as the COVID-19 pandemic swept the world, Michael, who was studying at an American middle school, gave up the chance to progress to high school in America and decided to return to China to finish his high school education because he was worried that he could not see his family for a long time.

I visited the HC School once before, and I think many aspects of the HC School are very similar to the American education system. I like the school environment very much, and I was confident that I could adapt to it, so I chose to come here.



In fact, after a year of study, Michael found that the transition was really smooth, largely in line with his expectations of "an American education at my doorstep."

In American junior high schools, students learn mainly through a fixed timetable. However, at HC, the "one timetable per student" arrangement, which was introduced from American high schools, allows scholars to flexibly formulate their own timetable according to their own interests and abilities. The HC School offers a number of programs: Honors CP, College Preparatory ECP, Advanced Placement AP, etc. which could be taken by scholars of different levels, and sets aside "window periods" for students to make adjustments as needed.

By choosing courses according to his own interests and needs, Michael has become more pro-active in his studies.

A while after deciding my timetable, I realized that the two consecutive self-study classes in it were a waste of time. I thought I should learn something new and interesting, so I contacted my teacher and changed one of the self-study classes to ECP Introduction to Economics.

Michael is very interested in Psychology and Economics, and intends to pursue these fields for further studies.

He sought advice from his teachers when choosing courses. In his opinion, teachers of HC School not only respect personal interests, but also give objective advice to scholars which balances their interests as well as their abilities.

For example, he once wanted to take an elective course in Spanish, but it conflicted with his ECP Global Connections, so he wanted to downgrade the ECP course to CP.

"But my teacher advised me not to downgrade because I could perform better at ECP level. It’s best for me to give up the Spanish elective in order not to affect my performance at the main course."

For scholars like Michael, the guidance school tutors provide in choosing courses is more about the "big picture"

As Principal Jeff once said to him,

Choosing courses is not like going to the supermarket where customers could to try and choose, instead it’s about making sure that you have a clear plan that leads to your goals.

Michael was deeply impressed by this remark.

After transferring from junior high school in the U.S. to the HC School, Michael says that what he likes most is the learning atmosphere here. "One timetable per student" gives scholars a lot of choices and encourages them to try and learn new things, which is very helpful to stimulate their thinking abilities. As most of Michael’s main courses are Sciences, for both electives and Life Block, he chose liberal-arts courses, such as speech and debate, C language programming and so on. Covering both liberal arts and science is the balance he achieved through experimenting and deep thinking.


释放天性的公办“中游”女孩 ,


A "mediocre" girl at public school who finally unleashes her true personality and "starts herself on a self-driven learning journey based on interests."

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Vivian曾经就读于公立学校,在转到狄邦华曜的第一年,她选择了戏剧作为她的Life Block(延展课程),凭借着自己的实力成功获得老师的青睐,收获了人生中第一个主角——查理与巧克力工厂的威利·旺卡。











放学后,Life Block则给予了学者锻炼体能、舒压放松的机会。Vivian非常热爱羽毛球,每周的周一和周三是她在学校最快乐的日子,因为她报名了在这两天进行的羽毛球Life Block。在球场上奋力打球、挥洒汗水,畅汗淋漓是她纾解学习压力的方式。她也非常享受艺术选修带给她的放松感,劳逸结合是她最理想的学习方式。在这里,她终于找到自己的舞台。



Vivian once studied at a public school. In her first year at HC, she chose Drama as her Life Block extended course. Her performance at the casting of the school show Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was well-recognized by the drama teacher who gave her the first leading role in her life -- Willy Wonka.

This small achievement made Vivian very emotional. When studying at the public school, Vivian was not favored by teachers because her academic performance was mediocre and as an out-going girl, she often laughed around with fellow students. Public school teachers only preferred quiet students with good grades and perfect manners.

After joining HC, Vivian felt strongly the school's support and encouragement for each student's personality. She said with sincerity,

I feel that I have more opportunities to be seen by others. Teachers are no longer obsessed with grades, and do not judge a student simply by his or her exam marks. Many excellent qualities of students can be seen by teachers at this school.

This kind of "seeing" not only helped her explore her interests, but also boosted her academic performance. Vivian was worried that she wouldn't be able to keep up with the advanced English course when she was making course selection and she wanted to take the intermediate level instead. But when she communicated with her tutor, she got the following advice: “Actually you should go for the advanced class first, and try your best to keep up with it. It’ll be great if you can keep up, but if you can't, we will make adjustments accordingly."

The tutor's words gave Vivian confidence. What happened next proved that if you try hard to reach the next level, you would achieve a lot more than just maintaining your current level.

I am very grateful to my tutor who gave the advice, because if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have known that I could do well in a more advanced course.

For Vivian, who comes from a public junior high school, the experience of customizing her timetable was both novel and exhilarating. Choosing your own courses means choosing the courses that you are interested in, which are also in line with one’s academic field at university.

It's a very different feeling. Instead of being 'forced' to learn, we now want to learn and think about what to learn and how to learn.

It's also a reflection and recognition of our own abilities. Like when I am choosing courses, I will assess my levels repeatedly -- can I learn these courses? Am I capable of doing well in all of them? Would it be the case that I choose all these courses but not able to perform at my best? 

In her opinion, the personalized education implemented by HC is a great help for scholars’ future education and career development. Scholars can study according to their abilities and interests, and teachers' methodology is also very different from that of public schools’. Now, she finally feels the joy of active learning.

Outside the classroom, Life Block gives scholars a chance to do exercises, relieve pressure and relax. Vivian loves playing badminton. Monday and Wednesday are her happiest days in school, because she signed up for Life Block and would play badminton on these two days. Playing hard and sweating on the court is a way for her to relieve the pressure of hard work in the classroom. She also enjoys the relaxation through art electives: the combination of work and rest is the ideal way for her to learn. Here, she finally found her own stage.






Competitive IB girl with clear aspirations, "finally achieving the double reassurance of curriculum challenge and teacher stability"  

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像Computer science、Chinese humanity 都是我之前没有上过的课程,但我有一年的IB学习成绩,所以在转学的暑假,Jeff校长就邀请我到学校面谈,一起讨论该如何安排课程,帮助我在修满必修学分的同时,也有选修其他感兴趣的课程的机会。

Holly很早就规划好自己未来将以健康科学(Health Science)作为升学和就业方向,所以她更偏向于学生物、化学、心理学等课程。在和狄邦华曜的升学指导老师的面谈中,她清楚地表达了自己的选课计划和对自身能力的判断,清晰的未来规划获得了辅导老师的肯定。目前,Holly将自习课的时段都排满了她想修读或与她专业相关的课程,目标十分明确。



Holly也非常享受Life Block让她在课后能够有机会接触自己喜欢的戏剧表演,让原本以为开学会因为课业繁重而没时间进行课余活动的她十分开心。而喜欢科学探索的她最近也在创建一个新的社团,主要是想通过一种比较有趣又简短的方式,在社交媒体上分享一些大众感兴趣的科学资讯。

她的提议得到了Mr. Hoek的全力支持,帮忙打印海报,为她推荐社团导师。目前,在Mr. Hoek的帮助下,Holly的社团已经初步成型。在这里,她感到向自己的目标更近了一步。  

Holly, who just transferred to HC this year from an IB course center, is very independent and has a clear plan for her future. When transitioning from the IB system to HC’s AP system, the course credits were the first challenge.

I have never taken courses like Computer Science and Chinese Humanity before, but I have studied IB course for one year. In the summer vacation before I started at HC, Principal Jeff invited me to the school for an interview to discuss my course arrangements, so that I could complete the required credits and also have the opportunity to take other electives that I am interested in.

Holly decided early on that she wanted to pursue Health Science for further studies and as her future career path, so she inclined to take courses in Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology. In her interview with HC’s college counselor, she clearly expressed her course selection plan and assessment her own ability. The clear future plan she made for herself was well recognized by the college counselor. At present, Holly has filled her self-study classes with courses that she wants to take or are related to Health Science, with a very clear goal in mind.

When choosing courses, she chose AP Biology based on her major. Due to conflicts in course time, she chose not to study Chemistry for the time being, but filled her self-study time with AP English Literature, and replaced the original English Literature course with AP Psychology. In this way, she successfully arranged three AP courses for herself. After following this timetable s for a while, she found that AP English literature course wasn’t the right choice for her as it required a lot time for intensive reading. At the same time, she also wanted to choose AP courses related to her major by adjusting the level of the Chinese course.

Compared with the IB system, where she had to write daily essays and weekly reports, Holly reckons that the AP system enables a "happier" education. This kind of "happiness" is not simply relaxation, but a more targeted kind of learning guided by keen interests and clear goals. She also likes the more straightforward way of teaching. For example, the math course she takes starts with the teacher directly diving into the key learning objective of the day by presenting an example problem. In this way, she is able to absorb the knowledge delivered by teachers more effectively, which is different from her previous school. In her opinion, HC's classroom is more flexible and efficient.

Holly also enjoyed Life Block where she gets the opportunity to participate in her favorite drama performance, which was not expected by her, as she thought before the term starts that she wouldn’t be able to have extended activities after school due to heavy coursework. As a science lover, she is also thinking about starting a new club to share science knowledge on social media in an interesting and quick way that the public would like to follow.  

Her idea is fully supported by Mr. Hoek who print posters and recommended a club tutor for her. Now with the help of Mr. Hoek, Holly's club is coming into shape. Here, she feels closer to her goal.







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