

“走出去”,和海外100+大学互动交流Reach out to Universities Overseas





Reach out to Universities Overseas


以下是Chris Mose校长在一次面向海外高校的高中展上的发言




我是Chris Moses,很荣幸能担任上海宏润博源学校外方校长一职。我们这个集体崇尚学习,一股探究的热情在主导着我们所做的每件事。我想给大家简短地介绍一下我校的性质与构架体系,以及我们的学生在思考他们想要追求什么样的高教育的过程中是怎样实现自己的心愿的,例如探究问题,并通过努力做课题和参与课题讨论学习。







对于我来说,这里是我们独一无二的家园。我还想说,虽然我们招收中国籍学生,但是我们是一所国际学校,而且办出国际特色是我校的重要使命。我校与远在意大利和德国的两所学校开展合作交流。我校曾经作为东道主在上海接待过来自意大利Liceo Franceso Redi学校的交流生,而且我校的一批学生也去了意大利做交流访问。我们也准备与一所德国的学校开展交流项目。





Hi, thanks for your interest in Shanghai Hong Run Bo Yuan school.

 I'm Chris Moses and I have the honor of being the foreign principal here at SHBS. Our community values learning and indeed a passion for inquiry and exploration is at the heart of everything we do. I want to offer you a few words about the nature and structure of our school and how our students fulfill their own desire to explore questions, to learn through doing, engaging in discussion on project based endeavors as they consider what they might like to pursue for higher education

So SHBS uses a traditional American style curriculum in partnership with Griggs international academy. So all of our students complete the full requirements necessary for an accredited high school diploma from the United States, the state of Maryland, where GIA is accredited. Our school has a broad range of talented faculty, both international and bilingual. Most of our faculty have master's degrees or higher. And in addition to our core curriculum, we try and offers as many events, advanced placement classes as possible, so that students can explore in greater depth areas in which they have both interest and talent.

 I also like to mention a few of the special programs we have in SHBS that brought to students opportunity to learn and gain innovative skills. We have a few partnerships for athletics, for example, programs in basketball where students can participate in extra training and hone their skills as student athletes. So too, and tennis as well as with crew rowing. And we have a particularly intensive program in the arts. So for students who are either looking to focus on the fine arts or to develop a portfolio and to pursue an art school, we have tremendous facilities, a ceramic studio, painting studio, digital media art studio as well. And additionally, we have a robotics and innovation laboratory. So for students who are broadening themselves through STEM programs, they have a dedicated space to explore.

 This is along with laboratory students, laboratory facilities, I should say, in the sciences, biology, chemistry, and physics. So regardless of whether or not it's their area of specialization, students are doing intensive laboratory-based work throughout their 4 years of high school. I want to return especially though to the idea of community. Our school from the students through the faculty and staff administration, and parents are dedicated to learning and helping students discover their interests for the future.

 Our school was founded just two years ago, but we've had a tremendous amount of success in those two years. Our founding executive principal, Bowen Chen, is a founding administrator, also of Shanghai high school international division more than 30 years ago. So he's spent his entire life focused on international education in China. He was a pioneer in bringing both the IB program and the AP program to China. And this is what really shapes our mission as an institution. We want students to discover what they are most interested in, to find out new things they had not been familiar with, and particularly to learn how to live as a community.

Most of our students live in the dormitories from Sunday evening through Friday afternoon, and that residential environment gives them a chance to really broaden in the extra curricular programs, the leadership opportunities, and the sort of exploration beyond the classroom in which students can take part. Students are responsible for initiating, managing and advertising clubs for gaining participants, and they have created things that range from the band to skateboarding club.

We have a fantastic, an ever growing Model United Nations program. It's really a chance for them to express themselves to take the initiative, and to show one another what they're capable of. and to me, really that sense of community, that trust and understanding and mutual respect that we embody here in SHBS

To me, that is our unique home. I'd also like to say that while we enrol primarily Chinese nationals, we are an international school and being international is essential to our mission. We have partnerships with schools in Italy and in Germany, both of which participate in exchanges. So we have hosted Italian students from the school of Liceo Franceso Redi already here in Shanghai, and a group of our students have also traveled to Italy. So, too, for a German exchange program.

 We're also very fortunate to work with the Colorado based world leadership school, which offers leadership programs for students while travelling in and familiarizing themselves with other cultures.

Just this past December, we led a group of students to India and where they were in Mumbai and engaged with the reality tours and travel nonprofit based in the Dharavi slum, in addition to spending time in a rural community in Maharashtra. So this sense of being a school that exist within the world, as well as in our community, is central to who we are and what we do. We want our students to leave us not only with an inquisitive mind, but with a broad and meaningful understanding of their place in the world. So I thank you again for your interest in SHBS and on behalf of all of our students, our staff, faculty, and parents.

 We invite you to visit whenever you might be in Shanghai or to learn more about our school online or through Wechat channels. Thank you again, and please don't hesitate to be in touch with either myself is the foreign principal or my colleague to Chuman Lin, who's our director of student advising and academic advancement. Thank you and have a good day.










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