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Drama, usually makes people think of actors playing on the stage under bright spotlight. It is not an easy case to take part in a showcase within a professional theatre environment. But in Lucton, Drama is a timetabled lesson providing the opportunity for students to develop and incorporate their own interests whilst continuing to learn new skills, and in addition to exploring both acting and directing techniques, also an understanding of the industry.

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 Establishing a vibrant theatrical tradition 

/ Part One /



The first attempt shows the potential


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In 2018, we were delighted to be invited by ‘Best of British 2018’ to conduct a student performance in the Exhibition Centre. It was quiet rush that our founding students, as they just joined the school, played an adapted story of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ which was totally produced by themselves. You can tell the enthusiasm and potential from their first attempt.

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/ Part Two /



A large cast, large scale production

2019年2月,创校的首个学期末,莱克顿人就登上了上海东方艺术中心的专业舞台,表演音乐剧《Pure Imagination》。这是莱克顿创校学生入学后,首次正式制作的戏剧表演。值得一提的是,在校的所有学生都参与了演出。绝大部分学生之前从未有过学习、参与戏剧的经验。绚丽的灯光、精致的舞美,在专业舞台上表演,是莱克顿人未来发展戏剧的宝贵经验。

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In February 2019, at the end of the very first term since the School founded, Luctonians stepped onto the stage of Shanghai Oriental Art Center presenting a wonderful musical ‘Pure Imagination’. This was the first dramatic performance involving the whole school students since they joined the school, and most of them have never touched drama performing. Through the showcase within such a public professional theatre environment, students gained a valuable experience.

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/ Part Three /



Producing their own full productions


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At the end of the first academic year in June 2019, Year 10 students presented a school play written and produced by themselves. The story was based on school life in Lucton. Students entertained the audience in an exaggerated way with their dramatic talent.

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/ Part Four /



Pursuing a passion for acting


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In the winter of 2019, another theatrical production ‘Urine Town’ has taken placed in the crowded Pierrepont Theatre. It was an absurd story in black humour, which was full of contradictions, struggles and emotions. Students were absorbed in their own roles by well understanding and analyzing the characters. They showed acting and singing skills that were all attracting the audience immersed in the whole story. It was another markable moments presenting students’ dramatic skills in Lucton.

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/ Part Five /



The very own theatre company

2020年年末,在历经了这特殊的一年后,莱克顿人仍制作出一场高水准的戏剧表演——《圣诞颂歌》。在制作《圣诞颂歌》的过程中,由戏剧老师Christopher Warburton担任总导演的莱克顿首支剧团“莱克顿舞台人”也应运而生了。剧团中,学生们分别担任了不同的职能,负责表演、舞台经理、服装设计、乐器演奏、灯光及音响、艺术设计等工作。专业化的运行模式,有条不紊地的工作安排,学生精湛的演技,以及一系列后台工作,使得《圣诞颂歌》这部剧达到了令人惊艳的效果。

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At the end of 2020, even all of us have went through a special year, Luctonians have presented a tremendous showcase ‘A Christmas Carol’. Directed by drama teacher Mr Christopher Warburton, the very own theatre company ‘The Lucton Luvvies’ was created, formed across year groups with a diverse range of positions. The technical and backstage areas are also important to the company. Acting, stage managing, costume, instruments performing, lighting, sound, set design and etc., are all essential to the company. The vital contribution by all the cast and crew, made the overall success of the performance.

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 A vlog on the showcase day 


 Exploring the abilities 


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At Lucton, it is our intention to enhance teamwork, discipline and creative abilities of students with drama lessons and regular showcase. Looking behind, school productions provided the opportunities for each student to take part in, and also cater for everyone’s particular forte, all of which will benefit for their life.

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/ Part One /



English language and literacy skills

《圣诞颂歌》是英国著名作家查尔斯·狄更斯1843年创作的小说,是其三部圣诞小说之一,有着重要的文学和社会意义。它让人们重新审视生活的意义,再去思考幸福与金钱的关系。在决定上演这部戏剧之后,学生们在戏剧老师Christopher Warburton的指导下首先对原作进行阅读和赏析,了解创作背景,感受语言特点,思考故事背后的意义。随后,学生们着手于台词,基于对作品的理解,练习如何饱含情感地讲台词,在这个过程中,戏剧老师甚至一字一句地纠正完善学生们的英语发音,这让学生的英语能力和语言表达能力也在实践中得到了提升。

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A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in 1843. It is one of the most beloved works of 19th century literature, and the story’s enormous popularity helped make Christmas a major holiday in Victorian Britian. The story was intended as a strong condemnation of greed, and the transformation of Ebenezer Scrooge provided a popular optimistic message. Mr Warburton, the drama teacher, worked closely with students to read the script and accurate their pronunciation, by means of which, students were enabled to develop the English language skills both in reading and speaking.

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/ Part Two /



Character development


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Drama is one of the team games. The Lucton Luvvies is formed the students in different year groups with different characters. They work together exploring themselves through teamwork which is also requires a great deal of peer trust, and also plays an important role in developing their capabilities in communication, listening, leadership, and cooperating.

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/ Part Three /



Space to perform


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Students have great opportunity to widen their dramatic knowledge and to observe, enjoy and learn from performing on the stage. Studying drama requires emotional maturity, and give students a deep understanding of themselves. It can engender a deep sense of self-esteem and empower self-confidence because it much draws on emotions. Students with different levels of performing experience can find their own pace to reach their own expectation.

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/ Part Four /



Practice of cross-curriculum


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‘A Christmas Carol’ is the first in-house production at Lucton, and it realized the creation of our very own theatre company that enables students actively take part in various positions by using their knowledge learnt from other subjects. Those who are interested in the technical elements of drama are able to learn about scenic design and construction, sound and lighting design, stage management, costume and make-up, through practical involvement.

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At Lucton the Whole Person Education extends to all aspects of school life and underpins the values of drama. Students are encouraged to take leading roles, not only on stage but backstage too, where they will gain intellectual, social and character development.

Throughout the year there are numerous opportunities for performance and entertainment taking place in the Pierrepont Theatre. Students practise their acting, directing and technical skills appearing in the Assembly, events, CCAs, clubs and many other opportunities that go on in school life, all of which, make Luctonians flourish.

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