

A Level和IGCSE成绩汇总 | 喜悦 卓越 超越



金秋将至,莱克顿学子重返校园,整装待发,而此时,期盼已久的A Level和IGCSE成绩也终于放榜了。数月耕耘,一朝绽放,这一年来的付出与坚守,都得到了认可和回报。


The School is justly proud of its academic success in this summer, but Lucton education provides more than academic results alone. We give students plenty of opportunity to take initiative in their learning and develop in an all-round way. We are delighted with the overall outcomes the Luctonians achieved, and we are proud to share these fantastic A Level and IGCSE results this year with you.

A Level 成绩

Results Summer 2021

我们的毕业生在A Level考试中表现卓越,他们全部以超越大学录取标准的分数,成功进入自己的首选大学。在A Level所有成绩中,A*-A占比77%,Jonathan S, Nancy T等同学更是取得了全科A*的优异成绩。

We are pleased with the outcomes that the graduating Class of 2021 achieved. Overall, 77% of all grades were A*-A, and notable mention to Jonathan S and Nancy T who acquired straight A*. All the graduates will be going to the universities of their first choice.


The aims of our curriculum are not only the high academic performance, but also to take students well beyond the examination syllabus, inspiring them with a life-long interest in the subject.

莱克顿执行升学指导总监孔女士表示:“A Level和IGCSE的陆续放榜给全体莱克顿人带来了巨大的惊喜和信心,对于这一年老师们、同学们的努力来说,这是最好的回报。毕业生们以远超大学预录取标准的成绩,全部进入了自己的首选大学,恭喜他们!”

Head of University Guidance Ms Melody K says, “The graduating cohort achieved wonderful results which also mean that they were over qualified for the universities of their choice. Congratulations!”

12年级和11年级学生是首次参加A Level及IGCSE考试。学生全身心的投入,积极备战考试,老师以自身的敬业和热情,影响并支持着学生们。在今年不稳定的国际教育背景下,部分考试局选择了评估考试形式,莱克顿严谨的治学态度和高标准的教务考务工作,获得了国际级考试局的欣赏和认可

Meanwhile, Year 12 and 11 students worked hard during their AS and IGCSE exams which may not have go through with the usual public examination process. The resilience and determination both students and teachers have shown, and also the conscientious exam arrangements highly commended by the exam board, were all paid off.

AS 成绩

Results Summer 2021

我们12年级的学生在AS考试中同样取得了十分亮眼的成绩,总成绩中A占比55%,其中不乏有Sue F、Nathan G等同学取得了5门科目全A的好成绩(AS阶段的最高分为A)。所有学生在AS阶段都取得了优异的成绩,为未来冲击心仪的世界顶尖大学打下了坚实的基础。

Our Year 12 students also did exceptionally well, with 55% of grades at A. There were also some outstanding individual success, including Sue F and Nathan G achieved straight A in all five subjects.

莱克顿学术总监Sarah Ezdani女士对学生们的表现表示肯定:“我们在2020-2021学年的IGCSE和A Level考试中取得了杰出的成绩。我们的学校在各式各样的学科中提供了丰富的课程选择,学生们也在IGCSE和A Level考试中取得了高占比的A*和A的成绩,这足以证明师生们不懈的努力,全身心的投入和持之以恒的毅力。看到学生们实现他们的梦想,收获耕耘的硕果,真是一种难以言表的喜悦。”

Head of Academics Ms Sarah Ezdani commented that, “Our overall results for 2020-2021 IGCSE and A Level are outstanding. We are a school that offers many subject options in a variety of disciplines and for our students to have achieved such a high % of A*s and As in both A Level and IGCSE is a testament to the hard work, the commitment and the perseverance of our teachers and students. It is an incredible feeling to see students achieving their dreams and then reap the rewards of their hard labour.”


Results Summer 2021

IGCSE的成绩也再创新高,总成绩中A*-A占比63%。两年间,延迟开学、“云课堂”、评估性考试等变故都没有影响到莱克顿师生们追求卓越的决心,足以证明我们的学生心态积极且已经具备了在A Level阶段继续精进的能力。

It has also been a record year for Year 11 students with excellent results where 63% of all results were awarded A* and A grades. They have worked tirelessly with strong determination over the past two year under the pressure from worldwide challenges.

A Level和IGCSE的成绩是给全体师生勤恳耕耘最好的回报。莱克顿的学术教育目标不仅仅是帮助学生取得优秀的成绩,并坚持提供全面且个性化的课程体系,严谨积极的学术氛围,使得学生能够具备获得知识的能力,扎实的掌握学科知识,释放自己的潜力。莱克顿始终追求培养学生全面发展,支持他们在人生道路上实现个人价值。

We encourage students to achieve their full potential, and take them well beyond the examination syllabus by inspiring them with a life-long passion for learning. It is clear that the Lucton experience has produced well-rounded and highly capable young people, who are ready to set out into the great future.










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