

莱克顿学术团队 | 学高为师 身正为范 精益求精 臻于至善



一直以来,莱克顿贯彻“全人教育”理念,提供丰富且全面的课程体系,拓展项目和活动。与此同时,我们也非常重视学术教育,视学术为立校根本。致力于为学生们提供着眼于未来的学术课程、教学法及学习环境,培养学生不仅能取得优秀的学术成绩而且能够具备终身学习的能力。在刚刚放榜的IGCSE和A Level考试中,我们骄傲地见证,莱克顿学子创造了亮眼的分数和卓越的成就。

Pursuing "the Whole Person" education, Lucton provides students a broad and balanced education in all the subjects along with extended activities. Meanwhile, we pay much attention on students' academic life, which we see as the foundation of the school. Our visions focus on promoting academic rigour, developing intellectual curiosity and nurturing students' ability and desire to learn independently. Our Luctonians' success in the latest public exam is a result of the enjoyment of their academic lives.

英国莱克顿的理事长Anthony Paterson对我们所取得的成就表示赞许:作为一所家庭式的学校,我们对上海莱克顿学校所取得的成就感到惊喜。显然,在莱克顿精神的引领下,我们上海莱克顿学校做到了,为每一个学生的天赋、好奇心、独立性和自信喝彩。卓越的IGCSE和A Level成绩,我相信在上海是处于领先地位的,这恰恰证明了,我们上海莱克顿学校提供了高质量的教育。

Dr Anthony Paterson, the Chairman of Governors in Lucton UK says, "We, as the home school, are amazed at what's been achieved at Lucton Shanghai. Clearly, under the Lucton spirit, our Shanghai school has been celebrating each student's talents, curiosity, independence and confidence. The impeccable IGCSE and A Level result, which I believe are leading in Shanghai, is just a proof of the extremely high quality of education on offer in our Shanghai school."


Thus, in Lucton, we have a dedicated and excellent academic team. With our philosophy of education guiding us, we ensure our teachers are passionate educators with professional skills, and our academic team is built with shared values, aims, and constant self-developing.


Our academic team embrace the shared values, and are strongly introduced to the Lucton education philosophy and pedagogy. They attended an all-school and departmental induction to prepare for the coming academic year. Also, they were introduced to “Lucton Strategic Plan”, ensuring the consistent goals and standards among all staff. Meanwhile, the School is committed to safeguarding, and all staff are expected to highly respect.

我们的学术团队拥有明确的教学目标及使命,制定并完成高标准的课堂教学任务。建校初期,在学术副校长Clem Parrish的带领下,学术团队参考Barak Rosenshine提出的十条有效教学理论,制定并提供给学生们一种 “能够优化学生获取并使用知识的能力”的授课结构。随着Mr Parrish担任校长,同为创校老师及我们首届毕业生导师的Sarah Ezdani女士出任学术总监,她更新了《莱克顿学术老师指导手册》,集合学习和审查教学大纲、资源、考试规范、IGCSE 和 A Level 长期计划、考试结果审查、评估和数据分析、ESL (英语作为第二语言)政策和指导学习政策、学术发展计划、教师评估和发展政策、持续职业发展 (CPD)、增量式指导等重要教学项目,更加明确了莱克顿教师的任职要求和授课标准。保证完成符合莱克顿标准的课堂教学任务,是每一位老师的职责。

Our academic team ensure, with the shared academic goals and aims, they can conduct the standard "Lucton lesson" according to the teaching strategies. Our Lucton lesson structure is based on Barak Rosenshine's Principles of Instructions and to optimise how students acquire and use information. As Ms Sarah Ezdani, who is our founding staff and also the tutor of the first graduates, is appointed as the Head of Academics, she updated the "Lucton Academic Staff Handbook", reviewed and focused on the key issues for this year, such as study and review of the syllabi, resources, exam specifications, IGCSE and A Level long term plans, ESL policy, academic development plan, teacher evaluation and development policy.

我们的学术团队一直坚持教师培训与发展项目,以求精进卓越,长期持续地发展职业能力。在教师培训与发展项目中,学校制定了教师评估九项标准,并通过由校长及学术总监随堂旁听的方式检验课堂效果,以确保稳定的高质量教学,促进教师职业学习。学术团队每两周进行一次职业发展培训,根据学生需要,培训教师进行不同方面的改进教学和学习,包括:如何组织课程,如何激发学生热情和投入,如何鼓励学生参与课堂谈论和小组合作……这些由学校提供,基于世界各地实证教学研究的培训内容,为学术团队提供了源源不断,日益更新的教育技能。职业发展计划提高了教师对于实现集体目标的能动性和自信心,增强“整体教师效能”。学术总监Sarah Ezdani 女士表示:“莱克顿教师的培训及发展过程,是以成长为导向的,不断的提醒我们在反思和掌握我们的教学目标的同时,改进、实现并分享知识。

We insist on having teacher training and professional development. Continuous Professional Development (CPD) is an ongoing professional training, which happens on a bi-weekly basis with teachers being trained on different aspects of improving teaching and learning, based on Lucton's student requirements including how to structure the lesson, how to improve both student input and output, how to encourage class participation and group work, how to increase ESL skills and etc. This training is based on evidenced pedagogical research from around the world. As Ms Sarah Ezdani says, "We take pride in our growth-oriented teacher development process and it is a constant reminder to improve, achieve and share knowledge, while reflecting on and mastering our teaching goals."


As the new term commences, we are honoured to welcome some of our new academic staff who make our team full of vigour and energy. Meanwhile, teacher training and development is kicking off and will continue throughout the year.










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