

教师培训||要在课程中融入环保教育,启发同学们共同担起时代责任Green Campus Development




SHBS puts the development of its faculty team at the top priority. In addition to the weekly teaching and research meeting held by each subject group, homeroom teachers’ meeting and new teachers’ training session, it also offers training sessions to improve teachers’ professionalism at its routine faculty meeting held each Tuesday. In one of such professionalism training, principal Chris brought us one session themed "Green Campus Development." 


SHBS attaches great importance to the “green education” of its students. From various kinds of recycling bins (milk cartons, wastepaper, used clothes, etc.) on campus, to the four consecutive years of participation in "Pick Up China" green program and "Building Sustainable Shanghai" PBL program, all of these are green education practices for its students.

Chris校长的分享从人类发展的宏大视角出发,使用数字图表让我们清晰地看到气候危机的严峻形势,引领我们对人类过往的环保措施进行反思,最后落脚于思考作为教育者我们应该采取的行动 。Chris校长的分享启迪我们探讨将环保意识和环保教育更进一步,融入课程设计和建设中的方法,启发同学们共同担起时代责任。

With a grand narrative, principal Chris illustrated the dire situation of the climate crisis with figures and graphs, led us to reflect on the environmental protection measures in the past, and inspired us to think about the actions we should take as educators. His sharing inspired us to explore ways to further integrate environmental education into curriculum design and construction to further inspire students to co-shoulder the responsibility of our times.


Excerpts from Principal Chris' Sharing




The exponential population growth in the past three centuries or so  had  profound impacts on our society and our way of living, yet we by and large continue to use the same conventional subjects approaches to structure schools and students’ learning.

“ If we look at population growth in the past 12,000 years, we see a truly remarkable transformation in the very recent past: absolutely exponential change from about the year 1700. The rise of that red line is truly staggering. Indeed, based on approximate birth rates, this means that of all human beings born since the beginning of sedentary agriculture and animal husbandry (c. 8000 BCE), roughly 20% of them have lived since 1650.  At the present extreme, 6% of those ever born are alive today. ”


“……in these past three or so centuries, simple reason would lead us to imagine some profound impacts—on how we live, the resources we use, the tools we use to reckon with the world around us.” “...... we by and large continue to use the same conventional subjects approaches to structure schools and students’ learning.” 

“我们很容易就可以想象过去三个世纪左右的时间里人口激增给我们带来的深刻影响和变化——我们的生活方式、我们使用的资源、我们用来衡量周围世界的工具。” “......但我们依然沿用传统的学科体系教学,基本没有大的改变。”




The population growth was in parallel with the consumption of fossil fuels. Based on the trajectory, the consumption will be explosive with the development of Africa.

“This explosive population growth happened in parallel with the discovery and wide-spread utilization of fossil fuels.”


“There is a vastly uneven history of economic development. Even from just 1965, Europe and North America consumed roughly 85% of the world’s oil. The biggest shift has come in the Asia Pacific region. Greater prosperity requires greater consumption. And certainly, previously poor regions have an entitlement to the same standards of living long-enjoyed amongst the rich.”


“If we look again at global population trends, we’ll see the next great wave of consumption will come in Africa. This ‘African bulge,’ as the Economist puts it, will radically shift where and how we think about development, and inter-connection amongst nations, politically and economically and, of course, in terms of environmental consequences. ”



Even more concerning than the surge in energy consumption is the global warming caused by carbon emission

“Here again we see exponential growth, though pointedly, and this is important, the real inflection point comes around 1950, just 70 years ago, and mostly in our lifetimes. While the developing world now accounts for a huge portion of these emissions, we see that rich counties, led by the US, have at least doubled if not tripled their own contributions over the past few generations. If we consider things on a per-capita basis, the picture is even more inequitable, compounded by the carbon released elsewhere to fuel import-led consumption.”


“And as much as we consider carbon, the really more significant problem comes from what that carbon does to our atmosphere, and in turn, the rising of global temperatures.”


“What we see here is deeply concerning, but also comfortingly linear. Versus those exponential slopes in other graphs, we might take solace in our human capacity for adaptation. Yet it doesn’t take too much of a stretch of logic to imagine this simple slope may not be with us for too much longer.”




Contained within our own professional endeavors, it is hard to plan and sustain such work in the longue duree.

“ However familiar we may be with these facts and figures, I wanted as much to expand our conventional refrains of scale and magnitude. We live rather contained within our own professional endeavors, and weekly meetings, semester enrollments, annual hiring, and retention—these shape our nature of time. At most we might plan for three to five years for a major new program, an accreditation review, or expansion campaign. Even the most visionary amongst us likely struggle to get beyond a decade, and in practical terms it’s hard institutionally to sustain such work in the longue durée. ”





Reflecting on the green movements and measures we had  taken: catastrophes become so familiar that we tend to forget the crisis we are facing.

“If we’re going to take seriously the need for a new approach in the future, we must take stock of how we’ve arrived at the present, and the assumptions we bring to our leadership and educational vision. ”


“By the 1970s, environmental degradation had become an inescapable part of everyday life. Led by Los Angeles, cities around the developed world had become shrouded in smog. In Italy the Seveso Dioxin cloud injured thousands and contaminated the food chain. Rivers and lakes caught fire and a series massive oil spills occurred around the world. ”


“In response, government agencies were founded to address these crises; Green political parties gathered strength in Europe. These highly visible problems could be remediated through regulation and greater safety precautions.”

“作为回应,政府成立了相关机构以应对这些危机; 绿色政党在欧洲也不断壮大。这些非常明显的环境问题可以通过监管和更高规格的安全预防措施得到补救。”

“A trajectory had been established, with actions taken to restore a more Edenic, or at least safer, green world we imagined from the past: clear and present progress could be had, step by step.”

“因此,环保意识和行动的一条路线就被建立了。我们采取行动,想恢复一个更伊甸园式的,或者至少是我们过去想象的更安全的绿色世界: 可以一步一步地取得明确而现实的进展。”


“In primary school, I rode the initial wave of recycling education. Don’t litter! Identify the right bin, and one day’s waste would soon return as the containers of tomorrow. Landfills would shrink if not disappear, and most importantly we didn’t need to feel quite so guilt about everything that accumulated on our curbs for weekly collection. Those bottles will be back, I remember thinking—and indeed, through the 80s many places become vastly cleaner and less polluted. ”

“上小学时,我赶上了回收教育的第一波浪潮。不要乱丢垃圾!  找到正确的垃圾桶,今天的垃圾可能很快就会变成明天的容器。垃圾填埋场即使不会消失,也会缩小,最重要的是,我们不需要为每周在家门外路沿上堆积起来的垃圾而感到内疚。我记得我在想,这些瓶子会回来的——事实上,到了80年代,许多地方确实变得更加清洁,污染也更少了。”

“Whatever the problem, a manageable solution seemed to be in sight; however severe the crisis, a coordinated response could contain and mitigate disaster: catastrophe became, on the one hand, so familiar that, on the other, we developed an incredible capacity to forget. Disasters—just as we find today with floods and fires, heatwave and artic blasts—became cyclically normal as they appeared in and soon dropped from new cycles—because the vast majority of our reality proceeds without interruption, or even reflects a larger improvement. ”

“无论问题是什么,似乎都有一个可行的解决方案;无论危机多么严重,协力合作的努力可以遏制和减轻灾难: 一方面,灾难变得如此熟悉,另一方面,我们发展出了一种令人难以置信的遗忘能力。灾难——就像我们现在看到的洪水、火灾、热浪和北极冰川消融——开始周期性出现或消失,成为正常现象,因为我们绝大部分的现实生活都还在继续,没有被打断,社会也似乎正在发展,生活也在改善。”

“Yet a great deal of that pollution got exported to the developing world. Anyone who has lived here more than five years knows of how serious the problem of PM 2.5 had become. Yet again, the trajectory has worked its magic: we have far bluer skies on far more many days than I ever would have seemed imaginable in 2014 or 2015. Even I’ve started to forget: when someone abroad occasionally asks “how’s the pollution” I have to remind myself of how defining a burden it had become in the very recent past. Out of sight, out of mind.”

“不过,大量的污染通过商品进口转移到了发展中国家。五年前在中国居住过的人都了解,当时PM2.5的问题很严重。然而,环保之路再次发挥了它的魔力: 我们现在看到的天空比我在2014年或2015年想象中的要蓝得多。就连我也开始忘记: 当有人在国外偶尔问我“污染情况如何”时,我不得不提醒自己,在不久的过去,污染已成为一种多么明显的负担。眼不见,心不烦。”

“Yet India soon came to have the world’s most toxic air and despite a brief respite during the first wave of Covid shutdowns, it continues to. In that pause, the Himalayas became visible for the first time in a generation; sun reflected from the Taj Mahal in a way most had forgotten. ”


“But even those most dramatic occurrences obscure the broader conundrum that counteracts the trajectory of success we’ve imagined for movements to make things more green. ”



Reflections on green campus development and green education

“That thought gives me pause as I consider the programs and curriculum we use in schools, because I think the same may be the case, from the level of student performance to many of the metrics we might use to evaluate institutional progress in green development.”

“ 这样的想法让我停下来思考目前学校的项目和课程,因为我认为从学生的表现到我们可能用来评估学校绿色发展进步的许多指标,可能也存在治标不治本的情况。”

“Big picture, I see three dominant approaches that have been taken, and I would like to consider each in turn. ”




“The first involves reduction, if not elimination. Shop less, moderate the AC, ride the metro rather than always taking a DiDi. ”


“Yet however much personal satisfaction and moral rectitude we may accumulate, in many ways we’re hardly even able to scratch the surface of change. ”


“Due to cultural limitations, it’s hard to ask people to sacrifice, especially those who for the first time are able to enjoy a life of abundance. ”


“Now I don’t mean to trivialize this essential work, but I want to suggest that we need to consider its place in our larger educational program, and what more is required.”




“Next we have the innovation approach, that STEM will find a way through all our problems. ”




“Finally there’s the social and cooperative, the diplomatic demands to combat climate change.”


“Yet despite our very best efforts in all these regards, we’ve seen nothing like the dramatic change that’s required.”


“I’m honestly far from a green crusader, but I take pause nearly every morning from one or another stories in the news.”


“On the one hand, I appreciate how much more coverage appears in the traditional press, and how major parts of the business world are realizing how they must respond to the costs and consequences of climate change.”




If we don't take actions soon, our grandchildren will live in hot water.

“Based on current circumstances, about 0.8% of the world’s surface experiences temperatures that make it unsuitable for human life. Indeed, while storms and other disasters are far more dramatic, heat has come to kill many more people, just as enduring droughts do more than anything to destabilize food supplies and induce migration. ”


“Yet that 0.8% jumps to nearly 20% of the earth’s surface in just 50 years. Very, very many people live in those black areas, especially in south and southeast Asia, and they will need to go somewhere.”


“This is the world in which our students will be raising their children. ”


“If we fast forward another fifty years, based on numerous models which so far have proved frighteningly correct, or truthfully actually underestimated rates of warming and the severity of climate impacts, we must then account for a likely five to eight meter rise in sea levels, resulting from significant melting of the polar ice caps and the partial collapse of the Greenland ice sheet. ”

“基于迄今为止被证明是惊人的正确,或者实际上低估了全球变暖速度和气候影响严重程度的众多模型,如果我们再快进50年,极地和格陵兰岛的冰层融化或坍塌可能会导致海平面上升5到8米,而我们这一代要为此负责 。”

“This then is the world in which our student’s grandchildren will spend their later years.”




What can we do as educators? 

“How can we reckon, honestly, with likely catastrophe of this magnitude?”


“Ignorance doesn’t seem advisable, and contrarian arguments and denialism has, hopefully, become exhausted as it has been exhausting in delaying a widespread appreciation of this reality. Nor, however comforting it may be on a personal, does nihilism feel appropriate. ”

“无知似乎是不可取的,(希望)反对论点和否认主义都已经被耗尽了,因为它拖延了人们对这一现实的广泛认识。无论虚无主义对个人而言有多么令人欣慰, 但它并不合适。”

“To focus then on honesty: I hope we can consider ways to reshape our teaching and learning and our green campus development. ”


“Begin from, rather than having as an endpoint, the nature of our climate crisis. ”



“Organize subject learning in ways that encompass the skills required to comprehend our current circumstances. ”


“Move beyond the classroom, yet do more than plant trees and compost for a school garden. ”


“Connect to finance and infrastructure and eldercare. ”


“Focus on those skills, not just scientific, but in terms of communication, cooperation, and action. ”


“Link the scientific to the humanities from the ground up. ”


“As I hoped to do at the outset, reshape the narratives which inform our understanding, and give faculty—and especially students—space to explore and reconfigure new approaches. ”



“An example might be to decenter people from those narratives, focusing perhaps on water or other natural resources, or taking the atmosphere as more essential than the earth itself. ”


“Use consensus to create goals and establish accountability, which acknowledging the significant challenges faced—ask questions about what sustainability means, and how it relates to individual needs within a complex and competitive world. ”


“An enormous amount of daunting work. ”


“I know in the wake of Covid we are all exhausted, yet I believe we must take on this enormous challenge with urgency. Whether we like it or not, our days are already numbered. ”

“我知道在新冠肺炎疫情之后,我们都会感到疲累 ,但我认为我们必须紧急应对这一巨大挑战。不管我们喜欢与否,留给我们的时间已经不多了。”










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