

NCIC实验部Immersion课堂 | ASA - Discover Your Best



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ASA - Discover Your Best

Last week saw the launch of the NCIC Immersion After School Academy (ASA) with a range of clubs on offer to allow students to ‘discover their best.’  The NCIC ASA provides a range of experiences for students to both develop new skills and build on existing skills. 

Each club is part of a designated pathway, which is aligned with the six human commonalities of learning as defined by the Common Ground Collaborative (CGC), and is framed with the same language as the units students study during the school day.

6 Human Commonalities of Learning 


  • Purpose & Balance - We all seek meaning and purpose in our existence, and we strive towards achieving balance in our lives.

  • Individuals & Groups - We all seek personal identity; we all need a place to belong.

  • Stories & Signals - We are all storytellers; we all send messages to each other.

  • Patterns & Principles - We all look for recurring patterns and enduring principles to help us make sense of things. 

  • Imagination & Creativity - We are all creators; we are all capable of imagining new futures and making them real.

  • Sustainability & Systems - We all share a duty of stewardship for the ecosystems we inhabit; to execute that duty we need to understand how systems work.

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Over a school year, clubs from different pathways will be offered to allow students to participate in a range of experiences.  For example the Individuals & Groups pathway allows students to participate in the Soccer Skills (G1-3), Street Soccer (G4-6), or Soccer (G7-9) clubs, following this pathway from G1 through to G9.  As students progress through these clubs they will build up their individual skills, develop teamwork and apply skills in increasingly challenging games.

Currently in the G4-6 cooking clubs, following the Purpose & Balance pathway, students are developing an understanding of the variety of foods available, how to balance different flavors and the various techniques they can use to create different dishes.

Through continued participation, students will build skills across a range of activities during their time at NCIC Immersion school.  The ability to articulate these skills as they continue on their educational journey will allow students to present a fuller picture of their life inside and outside of the classroom.

We still have spaces available for some of our current clubs, and if you would like to enquire about joining, please contact Matthew Inwood (minwood@ncic-immersion.org)


Mr. Matt Inwood

Activities & Athletic Director

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课后学堂 – 发现最好的自己


每个俱乐部遵循着Common Ground Collaborative (CGC)定义的人类六大学习共性进行设计和编排,并以学生在校的语言体系为框架。


  • “目标与平衡” - 我们都在追寻人类存在的意义和目的,同时我们努力在生活中达到平衡。

  • “个人与集体” - 我们都在追寻个体身份认同;我们都需要一个属于自己的群体。

  • “故事与信息”- 我们是故事的讲述者;我们每个人之间都在相互传递信息。

  • “模式与规则” - 我们不断总结反复出现的模式和持久的准则,来帮助我们理解身边的事物。

  • “想象与创造” - 我们都是创造者;我们都有能力想象新的未来,并将其变为现实。

  • “可持续发展与系统” - 我们都有责任保护我们所居住的生态系统;为了履行这一职责,我们需要了解各项系统是如何工作的。

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在学年里,按照不同学习发展路径设计的俱乐部将会为学生带来一系列丰富体验。以“模式与规则”(Patterns & Principles)路径为课程设计框架的足球俱乐部为例,一年级至九年级的学生根据不同的年龄发展规律,从足球技能训练(供G1-G3学生)、街球训练营(供G4-G6学生)到足球俱乐部(供G7-G9学生),通过参与不同年级段的俱乐部课程,逐步建立个人技能、培养团队合作,并在逐具挑战性的游戏及比赛中应用技能。

本期面向G4-G6学生开设的烹饪俱乐部学习中,学生正在学习对不同食材的了解以及调味的均衡,他们要学会多种烹饪技巧,遵循“目标与平衡”(Purpose & Balance)的发展路径。



本期ASA仅剩少量名额,如果您想咨询俱乐部信息和报名, 请联系 Matthew Inwood老师 (minwood@ncic-immersion.org)


Mr. Matt Inwood


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