




(swipe for English)














张 春 晖










班尼特博士有作为研究科学家在全球各地工作的经验,曾在北京大学担任副教授。班尼特博士擅长教数学,也喜欢教授科学和语言。过去十多年,班尼特博士一直在教授有志于考入英美加澳的顶尖大学的初中和高中学生。如今他很高兴在进入柏朗思观澜湖学校后能最终实现自己的另一个抱负 - 教低年级的孩子。



姬 晓 晨

姬晓晨老师毕业于北京师范大学,获得了教育硕士学位。她有近十六年的教育工作经验,一直从事一线中文教学,经历过两次IB PYP授权过程。在加入柏朗思观澜湖学校之前,她曾在英国驻华使馆任教,她的国际学校教学之旅是从八年前北京青苗国际双语学校开始的(该校是IB及美国西部联盟授权学校)。她熟悉国际课程,一直秉承“中西合璧”的教学理念,积极探索国际课程本土化的方法。她愿意为培养既有中国文化底蕴,又有国际视野的柏朗思观澜湖学子而不断努力。






& 科学教师

& 副班主任


麦克尼尔女士从事教育工作近20年。在美国海军服役期间,她通过韦恩州立大学攻读了语言艺术和科学专业的学士学位。麦克尼尔女士在内华达州拉斯维加斯的公立学校系统任职,同时完成了诺瓦东南大学的TESOL硕士学位。她曾独立担任导师和网站编辑。随后,她开始教授K-5 STEAM、科学和信息技术课程。麦克尼尔女士于2019年搬到中国北京。她在北京顺义教授国际双语班,直到移居深圳。麦克尼尔女士非常期待在BMH担任英语和科学老师。在空闲时间,她喜欢探索博物馆、练习流动艺术、参加音乐活动以及在户外骑自行车或徒步旅行。



 胡 筱 雯 

胡老师硕士就读于香港教育大学,获得国际汉语教学硕士学位及汉语言文学学士学位。毕业后,她深入学习了IB课程的理念及其设置并参加IBO组织的工作培训。在加入柏朗思观澜湖学校之前 ,她曾任于香港某IB国际学校。具有丰富的双语教学经验的她,目标是让学生全面发展,乐在其中。生活中的胡老师,热爱阅读和旅游,希望活波开朗的她能够在新学年与孩子共同进步。



 张 美 湘 




 管 薇 




& 班主任

 张 德 铭 

张老师拥有8年教学经验、2年学校团委副书记经验及4年班主任经验,曾多次获得“优秀教师”、“优秀共青团干部”、“校十佳班主任”等称号,所带班级曾获得龙岗区“五四红旗团支部”称号,教学经验丰富, 善于培养学生的学习能力,擅长制度化的管理模式;他乐观开朗、幽默风趣、热爱学生;喜爱篮球、网球、 羽毛球、足球等运动。



 文 雪 

文雪老师毕业于安徽师范大学,取得音乐教育学硕士学位,毕业后在一所IB授权学校执教,专注于IB MYP表演艺术教学,在过去2年的教学经验中担任艺术学科组长,这也使她更加坚信国际化音乐教育对于学生全面发展的重要性。文老师很期待加入柏朗思观澜湖学校,与学生们一起畅游音乐世界!她的业余爱好包括心理学研究、油画、电影、运动。



 纪 媛 媛 









威尔斯先生过去七年一直在中国任教。他拥有科罗拉多州丹佛大都会州立大学音乐剧艺术学士学位。他曾在超过 25 部作品中演出,并亲自执导过 15 部作品。在美国任教并参加伦敦教师培训学院的 TEFL 认证后,威尔斯先生开始了他激动人心的成长和教育之旅。在中国,威尔斯先生认为,戏剧艺术和行为艺术不仅仅是站在观众面前的舞台,而是通过角色研究深入了解他人生活状况的真正机会。善解人意的世界观可以培养学生对周围世界以及自己与他人关系的理解。



金 丽 颖





Zoran Espek "Eddie" 是一位来自波黑的体育老师,他在美国就读并获得了体育教育学士学位。毕业后回到波黑从事体育教育工作4年。并于2016年开始在深圳从事篮球和足球教练工作,在近2年半以来Eddie就职于PEA体育俱乐部且与BMH建立了良好的合作关系。除却对体育和教育的热忱,他的业余爱好也非常广泛,喜爱研究营养学,音乐,烹饪,户外运动等。Eddie感到非常喜悦能成为BMH的一员,希望可以立即和学生们分享并传授他的专业知识,因为他认为优质的体育教学结合营养的饮食习惯会带给我们幸福和健康的生活。


 邓 敏 



罗 华 丽




甘多米老师拥有城市工程理学学士学位,多年来积累了体育运动相关的经验,包括取得了健身、网球、拳击、运动管理和营养科学方面的证书。甘多米老师8岁开始学习拳击,12年后成为网球爱好者,并成为他的主要运动项目!作为一名 5.0 的网球运动员,甘多米老师有幸在巴黎国家体育、专业和表现研究所 (INCEP) 与WTA排名第 15 位的网球运动员一起练习,这是一家享有盛誉的法国体育培训机构,旨在提供卓越的体育运动培养精英运动员。甘多米老师的经历使他成为一些专业和高水平运动员的顾问和教练,他特别喜欢分享他的经验并教授他人体育运动。


梁 继 连






Ms Rasmussen执教已有15年了。在完成她的学业后,她一直在家乡(南非)执教直至她决定开辟人生新的篇章。在来深圳之前的五年,她一直在北京的国际学校执教,熟知IB课程及英国课程体系。她在不同的课程领域执教多年收获了非常丰富的教学技巧,她很期待能够在柏朗思观澜湖学校幼儿园作为助理园长进一步发展自己的所长。乔伊女士感到无比高兴,能在今年加入柏朗思观澜湖幼儿园,并带领老师们在学前教育专业上不断成长。




Mr Green在加入BMH之前已有五年的教学经验,今年是他加入BMH的第二年。他对自己即将迎来的新挑战感到十分兴奋,并期待与同事们一起为学校贡献和创造更多新的想法。Mr Green曾在三亚的一所国际学校任教,有着丰富的IBPYP教学经验,同时IBPYP课程也帮助他重新定义了自己的教学理念。此外, Mr Green拥有EYFS教学资格证书,目前正在完成他的教育领导力硕士学位。Mr Green十分热爱运动,在闲暇时间他喜欢踢足球、打篮球、高尔夫和网球。他非常期待跟大家一起继续在BMH的教学与生活之旅。


黄 佳



郝 巧



刘 庆 清



 雷 韵 

雷老师毕业于学前教育专业,拥有12年国际学校幼儿教育工作经验,曾担任知名IB、  EYFS学校中方主班老师以及年级组长。雷老师具备幼儿园教师资格证、声乐9级优等证书,在美国高瞻课程教学、英国EYFS教学、探究式教学法和瑞吉欧教学法方面有丰富的经验。以探究、玩中学为基础的教学是雷老师的强项,她热情开朗、喜欢孩子,善于引导孩子提问和思考。她认为幼儿教师应激发儿童自身的自然学习欲望,让孩子在快乐中学习与成长。


 王 甘 林 



  熊 超  

熊老师毕业于澳大利亚维多利亚墨尔本理工学院,她持有幼儿园和小学英语教师资格证及TEFL-C国际英语教师资格证书,先后历任华特迪士尼英语培训机构、国际学校、公立幼儿园教师。她热爱教育事业,信奉教师的伟大在于她爱的是别人家的孩子,坚信良好的 师生关系是促成孩子在校学习成长的重要因素。业余时间她喜欢慢跑、阅读,她为加入柏朗思大家庭而感到荣幸,感谢柏朗思给予她深耕学习的机会。

Finding a good teacher and receiving good guidance and teaching is what every parent and student wants.

It is not only the transfer of knowledge, but also the teacher's style, insight and beliefs that will have a huge impact on the children's development.

This is why we have spared no effort in selecting the best teachers to give our children the best and most suitable "soul builders".

We are delighted to have more than 20 teachers from all over the world for the new academic year.

After the first few days of school, we believe that parents and students have already got to know these teachers.

They have a wealth of experience in education and are familiar with the bilingual school model; they may be leaders in academic research or winners of various awards. 

Today, we are proud to present this powerful new force at Brmsgrove.


Deputy Head 

(R&D and Quality Assurance)

Kelly Zhang

Professor Zhang has many years of rich educational research and practical experience. For 12 years, she worked in editing, reviewing, distributing and as a publication director for national first-level educational publications. Professor Zhang has been a provincial teaching researcher and subject leader for 21 years and has served as a leader of the examination questions of Junior and High School level examination papers. She has been hired for many times as an expert in national and provincial competition reviews as a judge. She has been the chief training expert for training projects and has been employed by many provinces and cities for training and evaluation of textbooks and courses. Professor Zhang is the chief author of provincial education documents and subject curriculum documents, and is the chief editor of provincial academic supplementary books. She is looking forward to bringing her experience to BMH.

Head of Boarding 

& Mathematics Teacher 

& Assistant Banzhuren 

Michael Patterson

Mr Patterson is from the UK and has been teaching high school mathematics for the last 23 years. Most of his career development took place in the top private school in Ireland, where he was Head of Mathematics, Head of Boarding and eventually Assistant Principal over a 12 year period. More recently, he has worked in Chengdu as Head of Boarding in a British boarding school, Head of Mathematics in an IB school, and Vice-Principal in an American High School. He has vast experience of sending his pupils to top universities around the world, and teaching the high-level course of all popular mathematics curriculums. He looks forward to growing the boarding department in Bromsgrove School Mission Hills, and making it into a great experience for all the boarders to enjoy.

Mathematics Teacher 

& Assistant Banzhuren 

Matthew Bennett

Dr Bennett has had an international career as a research scientist that includes working as an associate professor at Peking University. His specialist teaching subject is Mathematics, but he also loves teaching Science and languages. Now, after more than ten years of teaching high and middle school students with the ambition to enter top universities in the UK, US, Canada and Australia, he is very excited to eventually be fulfilling one of his ambitions, which is to teach younger children.

Chinese Teacher

 & Banzhuren

Shelly Ji

Ms Ji graduated from Beijing Normal University with a master's degree in Education in Primary School. She has been engaged in education for more than 16 years and accumulated rich first-hand teaching experience. She used to go through two IB PYP authorisation processes. Before joining BMH, she worked as a diplomats' Chinese teacher in the British Embassy in Beijing. Her international school teaching journey started eight years ago. She is familiar with the international curriculum and has been adhering to the teaching values of "the combination of Chinese and Western" and actively explores the localisation methods of the international curriculum. She is willing to make continuous efforts to cultivate students with both Chinese cultural and global vision.

Science Teacher

& Assistant Banzhuren

Garrett Rountree 

Mr Rountree has a bachelor's in chemistry from Georgia College and State University and a master's in organic chemistry from The University of Alabama at Birmingham. In graduate school, Garrett taught for 2.5 years general and organic chemistry labs and designed a successful introduction to research lab course. In China, Garrett has taught IGCSE and A-level chemistry for 1.5 years. His passion is developing new and exciting student lab projects to capture students interest in science. Other interests include comedy and music.

English Teacher

& Science Teacher

& Assistant Banzhuren

 Theresa MacNeil 

Ms MacNeil has been working in education for almost 20 years. She pursued her Bachelor’s degree with a concentration in Language Arts and Science through Wayne State University while serving in the U.S. Navy and substituting in special needs classrooms. Ms. MacNeil served the public school system in Las Vegas, Nevada while completing her Master’s in TESOL from Nova Southeastern University. She transitioned into independent contracting involving tutoring and website content editing. Later, she was contracted to teach K-5 STEAM, Science, and IT within the private charter and turn-around school realm. Ms. MacNeil moved to Beijing, China in 2019. She taught international bilingual homerooms in Shunyi, Beijing until making the move to Shenzhen. Ms MacNeil looks forward to continuing further opportunities at Bromsgrove Mission Hills as an English and Science teacher. In her free time, she likes to explore museums, practice flow arts, attend music events, and biking or hiking outdoors.

Chinese Teacher 

& Banzhuren

Sharon Hu

Ms Hu graduated from the Education University of Hong Kong and holds a Master’s degree in Teaching Chinese as an International Language and a Bachelor’s degree in Chinese language and literature. After graduating, she intensely studied the concept and settings of the IB course and participated in the school training which the IBO organised. Before joining Bromsgrove School Mission Hills, she worked at an International IB School in Hong Kong. With a wealth of bilingual teaching experience, she aims to enable students to develop in an all-around way and enjoy their studying. In addition, she is a teacher who is outgoing and loves reading and travelling. In the new school year, she looks forward to making progress with her children together.

Chinese Teacher 

& Banzhuren

Ryan Zhang

Ms Zhang graduated from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She believed becoming a teacher was a meaningful start to her career. Ms Zhang enjoys sports and traveling which bring her a lot of fun and joy. When doing sports and traveling, she enjoys meeting different people and learning about different cultures which is fun. Ms Zhang enjoys working with students and helping students to learn more about the world around them. Teaching is a lifelong job which helps you to think deeper about our society and the future. She is really lucky to be joining the BMH family.

Music Teacher

 & Banzhuren

 Vivi Guan 

Ms Wei graduated from Singapore Raffles Conservatory of Music and has 13 years of teaching experience. She is good at planning various large-scale cultural activities and moral education activities in schools. She is also an excellent host and has senior psychologist qualifications and kindergarten experience. Ms Wei has worked in Shenzhen Futian District Yaohua Experimental School for ten years and won many important awards, such as the second prize of Futian District Youth Voice Recitation Competition, the first prize of Teacher's Basic Skills Almighty Award, Futian District Middle School, second prize of the Primary School Chorus Competition, the special award of the Party History Storytelling Competition, the third prize of the Music Teacher Micro-Class Competition and the "Future Star" Outstanding Instructor Award. Educational motto: Seedlings need the nourishment of soil, and students need the love of teachers.

Geography Teacher 

& History Teacher 

& Banzhuren

Eason Zhang

Mr Zhang has 8 years of teaching experience, 2 years of experience as the deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of the school, and 4 years of experience as a class teacher. He has repeatedly won awards including "Excellent teacher", "outstanding communist youth leader", "top ten teachers in charge of the school", and so on. The class he led has won the title of "May Fourth Red Flag League Branch" in Longgang District, and he has rich teaching experience, is good at developing the students' learning ability, good at institutionalized management mode; He is optimistic, cheerful, humorous and loves students. Mr Zhang enjoys playing basketball, tennis, badminton, football, and other sports in his spare time.

Music Teacher 

& Banzhuren

Shirley Wen

Ms Wen graduated from Anhui Normal University with a master's degree in Music Pedagogy. After graduation, she has been teaching in an IB authorized school, focusing on IB MYP performing arts teaching. In the past two years of teaching experience, she has served as the head of the art department, which has further convinced me of the importance of international music education for students' overall development. I am looking forward to joining Bromsgrove School Mission Hills and enjoying the world of music with the students! My hobbies include psychological research, oil painting, film and sports.

Chinese Teacher

& Banzhuren

Yuanyuan Ji 

Yuanyuan Ji, majoring in Chinese language and literature at college, has 6 years of teaching experience. She taught overseas for 3 years. Her teaching methods are flexible and vary by the specific conditions of the students. She has a wide range of interests and is also a lover of calligraphy, Guqin and various literary works. She now is completing her master's degree in Chinese Language and Characters, and is committed to becoming a lifelong learner, looking forward to meeting a better self in the new working environment.

IT Teacher 

& Assistant Banzhuren

 Shamim Akhtar

Ms Akhtar is a graduate of Warwick University and the University of Wolverhampton, England. She holds a BA in Education and is an experienced practitioner with over 8 years teaching experience in her home city of Birmingham, and an additional 2 years in China.  Ms Akhtar has worked with a broad spectrum of students, ranging from 4 years of age to adults and has taught multiple subjects including technology, maths, ESOL and literacy. She believes that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, and socially. During her time away from school, Ms Akhtar enjoys travelling and is a keen hiker, gym enthusiast, and has recently developed a passion for playing table tennis.

English Drama Teacher 

 & Assistant Banzhuren

Patrick Wills

Mr Wills has been teaching in China for the last seven years. He holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Musical Theatre from the Metropolitan State University of Denver, Colorado. He has performed in over 25 productions and directed over 15 productions himself. After teaching in America and attending the London Teacher Training Academy for his TEFL certification, Mr Wills started his exciting journey of growth and education. In China,Mr Wills believes that dramatic arts and performance art are much more than standing on a stage in front of an audience, but a true chance to develop a deep understanding of others' life situations through character study. An empathetic outlook on the world develops the student's comprehension of the world around them as well as their own relationships with others.

Science Teacher 

& Biology Teacher

Alice Jin

Ms Jin graduated from Heilongjiang University with a master's degree in microbiology, and she has seven years of teaching experience. She has taught IGCSE biology courses and also taught biology courses in a high school in Shenzhen. She has been rated as an excellent teacher many times during her work. And She has won the first prize in the school lecture competition. She loves education, respects students' individuality, regards the classroom as her main position, and stimulates students' interest in learning and thinking through life examples. She tries her best to help students enjoy their learning and life.

PE Teacher 

& Assistant Banzhuren

Zoran Espek

Mr Zoran Espek "Eddie" is a physical education teacher from Bosnia and Herzegovina and finished his bachelor degree in Physical Education in the USA. Besides four years of PE teaching experience in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Eddie has also devoted himself to coaching football and basketball in China since 2016. In addition, he has been well connected to the BMH community through his work at Pro Evolution Athlete Sports Academy, which had collaborated with BMH school. Besides sports and teaching, he is passionate about music, cooking, nutritionism and outdoor activities. Eddie is so thrilled to join the BMH team and can't wait to share his knowledge with all BMH students, as he strongly believes that a good physical education combined with a positive diet is the key to success, happiness, and most importantly, a healthy life.

Mathematics Teacher

Bonnie Deng

Teacher Deng graduated from the Education University of Hong Kong with a Master's Degree in Education. During the undergraduate period, she studied Mathematics and applied mathematics at National Kaohsiung University in Taiwan. She has been passionate about Mathematics since she was a child and won the Second Prize of Mathematical Olympiad Competition", "First Prize of Mathematical Modeling Competition" and other awards. In life, she is good at discovering the shining points of students, and accompany them to grow up with love and patience. In teaching, she adheres to the educational concept of "abstract Mathematics into life", hoping that students can travel happily in the ocean of Mathematical knowledge.

CAL Teacher

Edith Luo

Ms Luo graduated from the Normal College of Shenzhen University. Her major is Teaching Chinese as Second Language. She has a bachelor’s degree in Art, Senior Teaching Certificate and TESOL. She had worked as a Chinese Teacher in Singapore International School for two years. She was responsible to a organize HSK in Bangkok area. Ms Luo worked as a teacher in QSI International School Shenzhen after Bangkok. One reason she particular enjoyed this job,and the challenge that goes along with it, is the opportunity to connect with people who has different cultural background.

PE Teacher

Ruhollah Gandomi

Mr Gandomi has a Bachelor of Science in Urban Engineering and has gathered several years of experience including many certifications in fitness, tennis, boxing, sport management, and nutritional science. Mr Gandomi began boxing when he was 8 years old and after 12 years, became a Tennis enthusiast which then became his main sport! Being a 5.0 Tennis player, Mr Gandomi was lucky enough to practice with 15th tennis player in WTA ranking at the National Institute of Sport, Expertise, and Performance (INCEP) in Paris, which is a prestigious French sports training institute for excellence in sports that trains elite athletes. His experiences have moulded him to become a consultant and coach to some professional and high-level athletes. He really loves to share his experiences and teach others about the sport.


Gillian Liang

Ms Liang graduated from Central China Normal University and has four years of teaching experience, including two years of teaching in a nine-year compulsory education school and experience of being a school psychology teacher. She is a national third-level psychological consultant, children's cognitive trainer and a children's sensory integration ability trainer. She has presided over the preparation of child sensory training materials; participated in the preparation of children's attention and literacy training materials; and received the training of children's emotional and psychological growth instructor and focused on solving a short-term consultation system. She believes that children have their own development potential, and as a psychological teacher, Her responsibility is to accompany and support students and guide students to stimulate their potential and achieve themselves.


Assistant Head of Pre School

(Academic and PD)

Joy Rasmussen

Ms Joy has fifteen years of teaching experience. After completing her studies, she taught in her home country, South Africa, before deciding to start a new chapter in her life. She  spent five years teaching in Beijing, China, developing her knowledge of both the IB and UK curriculum before relocating to Shenzhen. Her experience in teaching the different curriculums has given her a wide range of teaching techniques to share in her new role as Assistant Head. She is very excited to be joining the fantastic preschool team this year.

Home Unit Overseas Teacher

 & Head of K2

Henry Green

Mr Green will be entering his fifth year in teaching and his second year at BMH. He is incredibly excited about his new challenge and is looking forward to contributing and developing new ideas with his colleagues. Before BMH, Mr Green taught at an established international school in Sanya. He gained great experience using the IB PYP curriculum that helped him redefine his teaching philosophy. Mr Green has qualifications in EYFS and is currently completing his Masters in Educational Leadership. During his spare time, Mr Green loves to play many different sports ranging from football and basketball to golf and tennis. He is very much looking forward to continuing his BMH journey.

Class Teacher

Hayley Huang

Ms Hayley is an experienced early childhood educator. She has seven years experience in teaching preschoolers. She is dedicated to pursuing excellence in early years education. Ms Hayley has Preschool Teacher’s Certificate and English Teaching Certificate. She’s familiar with English teaching, American education system and inquiry learning. She believes in playful and inspirational learning. Seeing the smile on children’s face every day is her happiest moment.

Home Unit Chinese Teacher

Vic Hao

Ms. Vic graduated from Zhaoqing College in 2016 with a bachelor’s degree in preschool education and holds a Preschool Teaching Certificate. She has worked five years in early childhood education, including two years of teaching experience in international bilingual Pre-K classes. Ms. Vic is also a hardcore dance enthusiast who has been dancing for nine years. She’s good at dancing and song choreography. She has a Level III Certificate in Folk Dance accredited by the Chinese Dancers Association. Ms Vic shows love and responsibility with children and she looks forward to embarking on the journey of growth together with children.

Class Teacher

 Linnet Liu 

Ms Linnet graduated from Guangdong No.2 Normal University majoring in preschool education and has 5 years of teaching experience. She loves education. She loves children. And she is good at early childhood play and inquiry and exploring the motivation behind children’s behavior, then reacts and interacts promptly as well as gives them verbal feedback. As a very responsible and loving early childhood educator, she hopes to use her actions to push children moving towards their zone of proximal development, helping them become a unique person.

Class Teacher

 Nicole Ray 

Ms Nicole Ray has got a Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education as well as experience working in international kindergarten for 12 years. She worked as a PYP/EYFS Chinese class teacher and MLT. Ms Nicole holds a national early learning teaching license and Vocal Music Certificate Level 9. She has experience in teaching the American HIGH SCOPE curriculum, EYFS, using Reggio inspired and Inquiry based approach in her teaching practices. Teaching with an inquiry based programme is Ms. Nicole’s strength. She loves children and she’s warm and cheerful. She believes that early childhood educators should activate children’s own natural desire of learning, so as to let children learn and grow in happiness.

PE Teacher

Vito Wang

Mr. Wang Ganlin is a physical education teacher graduated from Guangzhou Sport University. He has 4 years of experience in teaching young children and is familiar with their thinking patterns and behaviors. He is good at getting children interested in sports through games. Whenever he sees children excercising, his heart is filled with utmost joy. His favorite sport is swimming because swimming stimulates his appetite and gives him a good night of sleep. He is very happy to be part of the BMH family and he hopes to work with everyone to educate children for the better.

Home Unit Chinese Teacher

 Conny Xiong 

Ms. Conny Xiong graduated from Melbourne Victoria Institute of Technology College, Australia. She holds the Kindergarten and Primary School English Teacher Certificate and TEFL-C Certificate. She has worked as a teacher in Walt Disney English Training Center, Melbourne Sunshine Christina school and Nanshan public kindergartens. Ms Conny believes the greatness of teachers is that they love children of other families selflessly. A strong teacher-student bond is the key to successful early years development. She likes jogging and reading. She is looking forward to continuing the journey at BMH.










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