

Gary文集 | 以猴为镜 领悟动力



以猴为镜 领悟动力

















毫无疑问,在激励方面,工商界和教育界的做法与科学认知不一致。指望外在因素来激励人,是时候停止这种做法了。我们应唤醒那种在历史长河的很长时期中一直激励人类的法宝——对学习、探索、创造和成长的那份发自内心的热爱。让我们使孩童摆脱分数和成绩的束缚,使成人脱离“胡萝卜 + 大棒”的桎梏。读罢本文的你,不妨走到窗前或找块空地来理清思路。来几次深呼吸,提醒自己:我有这样的自由——独立思考,找到学习、工作和生活的内在动力!这种自由就在你、我的内心深处,埋得越深,将其释放出来的喜悦就越加强烈。







What a Monkey 

can teach us

Why are we motivated? 

Is there some driving force in us that brings us to learn and grow? 

What can monkeys tell us about motivation?

Is it possible that most of our learning institutions and companies around the world are completely off-track about how to motivate people towards peak performance and deep satisfaction?

University of Wisconsin experiment

At a psychology lab at the University of Wisconsin, Madison in 1949 (coincidentally while my father was studying physics in a nearby building), scientist named Harlow began conducting a two-week experiment on learning. He and his colleagues worked with eight rhesus monkeys to study problem-solving and ended making a breakthrough in understanding motivation. Many scientists believe the findings of this experiment should have changed the world. Sadly, it did not. 

Previously it was thought that it was either primary biological drives (such as hunger, thirst and the need for sexual gratification and intimacy) or external factors (such as rewards or punishment) which motivated behavior. Harlow discovered a third drive which which was primarily motivating the monkeys. 

Monkey experiment


Harlow’s experimenters placed puzzles in the monkeys cages to observe how they reacted and prepare them for problem-solving tests at the end of two weeks. But right away, something strange happened. Unprompted by anything, the monkeys began playing with the puzzles, with focus, determination and what seemed like enjoyment. They soon figured out how to solve the three-step puzzle, with increasing speed. How odd. Nobody had taught them or rewarded them. This ran counter to accepted notions of how primates--including bigger-brained, less furry ones like you and me--behaved! 


We typically assume that if you offer some reward (such as sweet treat for a child or pay raise for adult), the subject will work harder. Was it possible that this newly discovered motivating force was stronger than the other two? Harlow then re-tested the monkeys with the same puzzles but offering raisins as rewards. With this approach the monkeys actually made more errors and performed worse than before. Harlow stated that the raisins were in fact disrupting their performance. Indeed this third motivating force was more powerful in influencing learning than the primary two drives we presumed to be dominant. 


Harlow sounded the alarm that our scientific thinking was lacking, and to truly understand human behavior we had to consider this third drive, which he called “intrinsic motivation”. However, rather than challenge the establishment with this startling insight, Harlow abandoned this contentious research and and later became famous for his research on affection. It would be twenty years before another scientist by the name of Deci dared to take this finding to another level understanding. 

Motivation and human behavior

This time in 1969-71 the experiment regarding motivation and human behavior was conducted on humans. Edward Deci divided the participants in to an experimental group A and a control group B. Through a series of sessions over three days, Deci had the groups solve the now well-known Soma puzzles. In short, when money was used as an external reward with group A, the subjects would exhibit some short-term increase in motivation and work harder; however, at a later session without financial incentive, the originally paid group A would lose their “intrinsic interest” in problem solving, and perform less well, with less interest than the never-paid group B. This finding (like Harlow’s monkeys) ran counter to what we expected. Most interestingly, these findings run counter to what most people think today, and importantly, counter to how we design our schools and work places. 

We know clearly that there is a mismatch between what science knows and what we do in business and education. It’s time we stop looking to external factors to motivate people. It’s time we reawaken the intrinsic love of learning, exploring, creating and growing that motivated mankind for much of history. Let’s free our children from the yokes of points and scores, and adults from the prison of carrots and sticks. When you finish reading this, perhaps you can walk to the window or find an open space to clear your mind. Breathe in and remind yourself of your freedom to think on your own and find your intrinsic motivation to study, to work, to live! It’s there inside you. The deeper it may be buried the greater your joy when it is released. 

And while at Veritas we recognize the value of grades and incentives to reward accomplishment and progress, we put more emphasis on cultivating student agency and internal motivation for sustainable success and happiness.

Since people are motivated by engaging their inherent curiosity for learning, as educators we need to find what interests students in terms of subjects and activities. Students respond best to learning which has personal meaning for them or touches on issues they have interest in.

This is also why—as I discussed in my article on Deep Learning—we engage students in the six global competencies of citizenship, character, collaboration, communication, creative thinking and critical thinking. When instruction and learning activities are focused within these dimensions (particularly creative and critical thinking as evidenced with the monkeys), intrinsic motivation is naturally stimulated.  

We cannot create a curriculum that caters to every students’ individual needs, but we can create options and conditions in a school which matches up with their general interests. Then, when this ecology of natural curiosity is fully engaged within appropriate structure and sufficient options for courses of study, learning is independent of extrinsic rewards or punishments. Students learn because they enjoy the process inherently, and increasingly become agents of their education and growth.

The real rewards are internal and priceless, often leading to successful careers and value to society: A student who finds immense satisfaction from seeking mastery with a musical instrument or field of art, and later becomes a professional in their field; a student who channels their love of video games and design into becoming a programmer; a student who transforms their own personal challenges into becoming a successful psychologist; a student who because of ability to tell stories and influence others who becomes an entrepreneur or community leader.

What they “become” of course is not the point. It is more a question of how to enjoy and thrive in this journey of learning to learn, and learning to live. 







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