










Looking back at the growth process of SIFC,

We are excited.

18 years of history

We are always trying to break through.


On the occasion of its 18th anniversary, on June 18th, SIFC held a school celebration, with leaders, industry peers, alumni, all teachers, students and parents celebrating together. The school celebration activities are broadcast live on multiple platforms such as the official video account.


Principal Fu Teng Xiao, parents and

student representatives speak


"Eighteen years is just a tiny moment in the long river of history, but it is an extremely precious journey in a person’s life. It is the process of a child growing into an adult." At the beginning of the ceremony, the founder and principal of SIFC,Prof.Fu said with deep emotion while reviewing the history of the school.


Standing at the new starting point of the 18th anniversary of the establishment of the school, the educators of SIFC have greater pursuits and greater responsibilities. It is our common ideal to make SIFC a century-old school.


College History and University Acceptance


In the 18 years since its establishment, SIFC has always adhered to the school motto of "Integrating Chinese and Western, in Words and Action", and provide students with "awakening" and "inspiring" education, high-quality educational resources, and teaching staff. The 18th anniversary of the founding of Shenzhen International Foundation College is just a new starting point for the future. We will pursue international education, never forget our original intention, and move forward to a higher peak and a brighter future!

The Guests

嘉宾云集 共庆华诞


Guest photo


Slide to view the photos

*嘉宾 / Guests:

著名天使投资人、科技企业家 龚虹嘉先生

深圳市人大常委会教科文卫委主任 孙福金先生

深圳市政协文化文史委主任 尹昌龙博士

深圳大学一带一路研究院院长 陶一桃教授

方直科技股份有限公司董事长 黄元忠先生

松岗街道党工委副书记 姚伟光先生

加拿大工程院院士 杨军先生

Mr. Gong Hongjia, 

Famous Angel Investor and Technology Entrepreneur 

Mr. Sun Fujin, Director of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the Standing Committee of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Congress

Dr. Yin Changlong, Director of Shenzhen CPPCC Culture, Culture and History Committee

Professor Tao Yitao, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Shenzhen University and Dean of the Belt and Road Research Institute of Shenzhen University

Mr. Huang Yuanzhong, 

Chairman of Fangzhi Technology Co., Ltd. 

Mr. Yao Weiguang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Songgang Sub-district and Director of the Working Committee of the National People's Congress

Mr. Yang Jun, Academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and Professor of the Institute for Advanced Study of the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (Shenzhen)

Jeremy Lin sends blessings



Tap to watch the video

国际篮球巨星林书豪作为神秘嘉宾,为深国预送来隔空祝福,让同学们热血沸腾。祝福视频中,林书豪先生表达了对深国预的认可与祝愿,并将写有“TO SIFC”的签名球鞋赠与深国预。
The international basketball superstar Jeremy Lin, as a mysterious guest, sent blessings to SIFC, which made the students' blood boil. In the video, Mr. Jeremy Lin expressed his recognition and wishes for SIFC, and presented the signed sneakers with "TO SIFC".

Alumni Blessings



Tap to watch the video


At the celebration, videos of blessings recorded by global alumni for their alma mater were played. From college preparatory courses to international high schools, thousands of SIFC alumni spread all over the world and from all walks of life. It is worth mentioning that some graduates of the first American high school of SIFC have been promoted to Harvard University, Stanford University, Columbia University and other schools to study for postgraduate degrees after finishing their undergraduate studies in American universities. He studied for Ph.D. at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Queensland.


Screenshot of alumni blessing video

Campus IP Debut



The picture shows the IP of SIFC


To celebrate, SIFC has opened the door to the future of the "metaverse"! We have launched 4 original IP images, aiming to convey concepts such as internationalization, innovation, cross-border, openness, and integration to alumni and friends around the world in a up to date and digital way, so as to encourage more young people to boldly explore, to create, to innovate, to maintain imagination and curiosity, to persist with dreams, and to bravely pursue their own passion.

Awards Ceremony



Photos of SIFC ambassadors

and meritorious figures


At the celebration, SIFC also presented the "SIFC Ambassador" and "Meritorious Employee" awards to recognize students, parents, staff ambassadors, and faculty and staff who have served for many years. The highlights are endless. As a member of the SIFC family, they continue to convey the spiritual power of SIFC education and write a moving chapter of the SIFC education vision. SIFC's achievements in running a school over the past 18 years are inseparable from the efforts of all faculty and staff and the support of students and parents. Ups and downs, we advance and retreat together; ups and downs, we share weal and woe.

School Celebration Performance



The wonderful moment of the performance


Teachers, students and parents prepared wonderful perfomances for SIFC. Their performances conveyed their sincere wishes to SIFC and showed the international, diversified, personalized and creative SIFC teachers and students.


School song chorus


The school anthem "We Will Fly to the World", co-created by SIFC teachers and students, made its debut at the school celebration. Professor Fu Tengxiao once said in the Principal’s message, "You will fly to the world and stand shoulder to shoulder with giants", which touched many teachers and students of SIFC. He Yusen, who was just admitted to Berklee College of Music this year, took this as inspiration and co-created this school song with his music teacher. This is the first public singing of the SIFC school anthem, not only to celebrate the 18th anniversary of SIFC, but also a deep confession to SIFC. 


"Hamilton" performance photos


The musical "Hamilton" is also one of the most popular shows. The passionate redition of SIFC teachers and students presented a faithful reproduction of this classic Broadway work.


Recitation performance by teacher Jamie and parents

家长们的诗朗诵《星辰大海——贺深国预 18 周年庆》里有这样一句话:“十八年算不上沧桑,却也是砥砺漫漫。融汇中西、坐言起行,深圳国际预科学院逐渐走向强大。一代又一代的深国预人,继续续写这永恒的传奇篇章!” 在未来的日子里,我们不忘初心,谱写新篇,继续向着“百年老校”理想迈进,为今天,也为后人。

As what the parents recited at the 18th Anniversary Gala:

Eighteen years is not a long time in huamn history, but it is also a long time in a lifetime. Integrating Chinese and Western in words and action, Shenzhen International Foundation College has gradually become stronger. Please allow me to open your eighteen years of poetic scrolls, and please allow me to listen to your eighteen years of melodious movements. Generation after generation of SIFCers continue to write this eternal chapter of legend! In the days to come, we will not forget our original intention, write a new chapter, and continue to move towards the ideal of "a century-old school", for today and for future generations.












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