

无锡华锐海归学校校长说 | 一位英国绅士,IB学术界的“网红”校长




本期校长说栏目邀请到我校的外方校长Mr.Neil Bunting。他是一位标准的英国绅士,温文尔雅,笑容谦逊,热爱中国文化和中国美食,凡是跟他接触过的人都能感受到他的亲切和对教育的深厚情怀。

作为学术界的“网红”校长,Neil在LinkedIn平台拥有上万名粉丝,他的专业履历让人眼睛里闪烁起崇拜的光芒:30多年国际教育经验,在国内外知名国际学校任教并担任校长超过 18 年,长期耕耘于IB国际课程,担任IB培训官,对国际教育积累了丰富和成熟的经验。他始终不忘初心,把教育当作最神圣的使命。


Neil Bunting(Head of School)

无锡华锐海归人才子女学校 外方校长

  • 31年教龄,英国当地学校教龄超10年

  • 18年校长工作经验,创校校长经历

  • 曾在英国、印尼、沙特、迪拜等知名IB学校任校长

  • 艺术荣誉学士,创意写作艺术硕士,教育学硕士

  • 长期耕耘于IB课程,IB培训官





Dear children:

Learning should be an exciting lifelong journey. Learning is no longer about just gaining knowledge, learning should also be challenging and should extend your understanding of the world. We want all of our students to feel safe and cared for in a happy and thriving school. We aim to develop all of your unique talents and to give you voice, choice and opportunity to lead and take on new challenges. Don’t be a passive learner, develop your ability to think critically and question. Don’t just accept what you are told, get involved, try things out for yourself and take risks. You are preparing for a very different future and we don’t know what jobs will look like.

We have an exciting year for you in the family of OCAC Wuxi. We want you to feel proud to attend our school and to be role models and good examples for the school in your work ethic, attitude and behaviour. Of course, we want you to be studious and work hard, but remember, respect, kindness, good manners cost nothing and go a long way. These qualities and skills are just as important as your academic success. OCAC is a great place to be!

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Neil校长担任IB 培训官多年,IB教学、管理IB学校的经历早就令IB精神深深植根于他的心中,IB课程本身的特点也给予了他教育孩子及管理学校的许多启示。作为名副其实的“IB人”,Neil校长与我们分享了他对于IB的独到领悟。

问:作为IB 培训官,您认为IB学校有哪些优势呢?

答:我从2005年起做IB学校领导,我也是IB研讨会的负责人,曾带领五所IB学校通过认证。我也参加过其它项目,如IGCSE和A Level,但IB是做得最好的。


Q:As an IB supervisor, what do you think are the advantages of IB schools?

A:I have been an IB school leader since 2005. I am also a workshop leader for the IB.  I have led 5 previous IB schools through successful authorization. I have worked with other programs, such as IGCSE and A Level, but IB is by far the best.

 I have witnessed the advantages of IB schools as a teacher, school leader and as a parent in terms of academics, character development, personal and social skills, leadership qualities, questioning skills, creativity, and curiosity. The IB prepares students better than ever for university and a constantly changing future. IB offers an idealistic educational philosophy aimed at creating learners who will create a better world.

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Q:What makes you join OCAC?

A:OCAC is a highly reputed group of schools and I wanted another opportunity to lead IB in China. OCAC Wuxi needs strong leadership to take it forward, combining both Chinese and international education. I have a great deal of experience leading schools in different contexts combining national requirements and an IB framework. I feel OCAC Wuxi is a good fit for my skills and experience.

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Q:What is your understanding of the integration of IB and CNC curriculum?

A:IB is a framework not a curriculum. We use the CNC as our curriculum and map it out to ensure it fits with our IB program and to ensure we have sufficient coverage to comply with CNC requirements. We use IB philosophy and values, such as the Learner Profile and Approaches to Learning, to ensure our students develop the flexible growth mindset that will be necessary in the future world. This fits with our OCAC Wuxi mission: Chinese origins, Global originality.

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Q:How will you cooperate with the Chinese principal so that 1+1>2?

A:Working in any partnership requires trust and good communication. Together we will use the diverse background of experience and different character of two very experienced leaders to find common understanding and to work together for the common good of OCAC Wuxi. Sometimes we will need to discuss things and share our educational views and experience, we will need to find compromise and be open minded to listening to the others point of view to find the best solution for student learning. Ultimately our combined education experience of more than 50 years should great enhance the school’s reputation and future success. 

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Q:What is the core of the international principal’s leadership? How to build an excellent team of IB foreign teachers?

A:The international principal in China needs to work closely with the Chinese principal to build an understanding of national requirements and Chinese education and culture, while at the same time championing the values of the IB with all of the school community. The international principal needs to be open minded and respect both local staff and international staff’s needs and to make best use of the talents of all teachers while training and coaching teachers in line with school expectations and IB principles and practices.

OCAC Wuxi is my sixth IB school and part of my leadership mission is to help Chinese parents to understand and appreciate IB philosophy and to trust the IB framework and holistic transdisciplinary approach is a good fit for their own children’s education.

As the international principal I recognize I have a key role in recruiting retaining and supporting international teachers. I need to build their confidence in the school and its mission and to support them and encourage them. In my team of teachers, I am looking for diversity, experience, qualifications and adaptability. I am looking for people who will express their views and also be prepared to listen to others and learn. In my international team I am looking for diversity of age, gender, nationality and experience. This combination of different cultures will best serve our students and will bring strength through a diversity of opinions and points of view.

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Q:Can you talk about your impression of China and Wuxi? What are the Chinese culture and food that you like?

A:China is an awesome country. So big and so varied.  I hope I can travel to more of China. We enjoyed three great years in Shenzhen. The use of technology was so impressive in Shenzhen enabling you to do everything and buy anything with your phone. Shenzhen is a brand new city and Wuxi is very different – smaller but with a great deal of tradition and history. I am excited about discovering more about Wuxi and my first Wuxi winter.

The great thing about eating in China is the speed and efficiency of service and you don’t need money to pay – WeChat wallet will do. We love the outdoor lifestyle of Asia and in China you can eat at any time of day or night. Service is excellent and no one expects a tip. As a family we eat out a lot and are great fans of Hotpot and Szechuan food. The spicier the food the better. I also greatly enjoy Chinese tea. We greatly enjoy visiting other parts of China and enjoying the wide variety of traditional culture.

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Mr.Neil Bunting不仅仅是一位校长,一位教育专家,也是一位家长,Neil的孩子目前也在无锡华锐海归学校就读。





Q:How to be a considerate husband and reliable father with busy work?

A:My family are in Wuxi. They have always lived with me in all the different countries I have worked. It is challenging to balance work and family time but I always find some time during the day for family and I know that soon my kids are growing up fast and will soon leave the family home so its important to spend time with them now and to support and advise them. As a family of four we have had some wonderful experiences travelling the world. I know it has sometimes been tough for the family with all the moves and new challenging cultures, but we have learnt a great deal about cultural differences and how we should celebrate diversity. With an open mind you can meet wonderful people in every country of the world. One day I will return to the UK, but I wouldn’t trade the adventures we have had for anything.

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为了方便家长更深入了解OCAC,本学期我们计划每月开放一次Open Day活动。






1、 我们如何将IB框架与国家课程相融合,实现双通道升学?

2、 作为一所关注个体发展的国际化学校,我们的英文是如何实现分层教学的?

3、 新学期,我们提供了怎样的省心服务?帮助家长解决孩子的学习问题。

4、 对于低龄学生,我们如何培养受益终身的中英双母语和数学思维能力?

P.S. 活动当日,我们还会有针对低龄孩子的欢乐体验活动。





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