





Larry老师以风趣幽默的方式带来了开场白:“沟通就像是一场情报战,你要解读对面的情报,也要正确的传达你需要对方知道的情报……”“沟通怎么和情报联系起来了?” 坐在椅子上的同学们按捺不住好奇心,开始窃窃私语…… 只看Larry老师挥手示意,大家立马又倾耳续听。原来沟通等于7%语调+38%声音+55%肢体语言。也就是说,人和人之间的沟通,55%要靠肢体语言和表情,所以只要我们能正确解读对方的肢体语言,那么我们就能无误揣摩对方所在表达的内容了。讲到这里,Larry老师生动形象的讲起了自己身在异地购买鸡腿汉堡的故事,由于语言不通,他就使用肢体语言,最终让服务员明白了他要的是鸡腿汉堡。故事生动形象,寓教于乐,在场的同学们在欢笑中有了自己的一份思考和收获。


最后,同学们在Larry老师精心安排的传信员的游戏中结束了此次班会。这一小时虽转瞬即逝,九年级的同学们通过此次班会拥有了受益终生的财富,他们明白了:良好的人际关系从沟通开始,好的沟通可以拉近彼此的距离增进感情,而差的沟通会使原本亲密的友谊渐行渐远。人与人的关系,就像是一条流淌的河,定期沟通处理其中的泥沙,屏障越少流速越快,感情越能源远流长, 反之亦然。

Boarding and Pastoral Care Department


On this breezy and drizzly Thursday night, the Y9 students at Lucton school headed to the same classroom as usual after their evening study session. They had the 8th class meeting since the beginning of this term. Much different from the previous class meeting, we warmly invited our psychology teacher, Mr Larry, to give us a lesson for all the students of Year 9.

Mr Larry started with a sense of humour: "Communication is like an intelligence war, and you have to understand the others' information and convey the information you need the others to know..."How is communication linked to intelligence?" The students were curious and began to whisper......Mr Larry let everyone listen continually. It turns out that communication consists of 7% intonation, 38% voice and 55% body language. In other words, body language and facial expressions account for 55% of communication between people. If we can read the body language correctly, we'll be able to understand exactly what the person is saying. Mr Larry shared his experience with the students:”I bought a chicken burger when I was in another country, and I used my body language to make the waiter understand that I wanted a chicken burger because I didn't know the language.” The story combined education with fun, which attracted the students to laugh together......

In addition, Mr Larry took students and online news as examples to help them understand a series of problems caused by miscommunication such as taking out part of words in the whole context, talking behind backs, errors in decoding, cultural background and so-called "secondary information", namely rumours, which can cause and deepen misunderstandings and contradictions in different degrees......

Finally, the students ended the class meeting with a game, and Mr Larry divided the students into two groups. The time was fleeting, but the Y9 students had a life lesson through this class meeting. They understood that a good interpersonal relationship starts with communication, and good communication can narrow the distance between us and enhance the relationship, while poor communication will cause a broken relationship. The relationship between people is like a flowing river, which regularly communicates and deals with contradictions. The less the barriers are, the faster the flow will be, and the longer relationship will last, and vice versa. 

We sincerely hope these Y9 students can practice the theoretical knowledge they have learned today in the future, practice them repeatedly and strive for true knowledge and harvest their own wonderful life!










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