

How to Boost Your Child’s Study Skills 如何全方位增长孩子的学习技能



The arrival of May not only welcomes summer breath, but it also brings the beginning of exam season. To help your child successfully consolidate what he/she has learnt in the classroom and to best perform in their exam, Mrs Carolyn Jones, Head of Learning Support at LEH Foshan, offers suggestions not only for revision but also on how to improve study skills throughout their educational journey.

伴随着五月份夏日气息而来的,是考试季的开始。为了帮助您的孩子高效复习和巩固他们在课堂上所学的知识,在考试中发挥出最佳水平,佛山霍利斯的学习支持主管Ms Carolyn Jones在线上讲座分享了她的一些经验和见解。这不仅适用于考试复习,而且还能帮助孩子们在整个教育阶段提高学习技能。

This session was originally held online, you are welcome to access the full recording via our WeChat Video Channel. In this article we share a recap of the highlights.


How to Boost Your Child’s Study Skills


Mrs Carolyn Jones

Head of Learning Support


Learning Style(s)


First, we should understand that each child is a unique individual, and they all have their preferential learning styles. There are three learning styles – your child could be a visual learner, an auditory learner, a kinaesthetic learner or a mixture of the three.

首先我们必须明白到每位孩子都是独一无二的个体, 他们有各自所习惯的学习方式。总的来说有三种学习方式,分别是视觉型学习、听觉型学习和动觉型学习。您的孩子可能是属于其中一种,或两至三种的混合型学习方式。

  • Visual learners learn by seeing and watching; they are good at imagining and dealing with infographics.

  • Auditory learners learn best when they are listening, examples of this includes instructions from a teacher, podcasts or videos.

  • Kinaesthetic learners learn through doing and being actively engaged with their learning.

  • 视觉型学习者通过观看和观察进行学习,善于运用想象力和处理图表信息。

  • 听觉型学习者擅长在聆听中学习,包括老师的讲课、播客和视频解说等。

  • 动觉型学习者则擅长在动手实践中学习。

Revision Strategies 


There are also different types of revision. If time allows, trying something new is always a good thing to do. Students could also try to use a range of different strategies to match their learning styles.


Change up your notes


Instead of taking notes and copying everything from PowerPoints or books, I tell them the best way to do this is to summarise. Identify the key information and write a summary of these with bullet points to include their thoughts, ideas and personal views. This will help them remember things better.


Learn how to research


Research skills are imperative to helping you to find information, and reading skills help you find the answer to your questions. When researching online, try to narrow down your searches by using subject-specific terminology.



Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review


Survey – take an overview of what you're about to read. First, skim through the headings to get an idea; next, read through the first paragraph, then move to titles, pictures and captions; finally, read the final chapter.

调查 - 对你将要阅读的内容做一个概述。首先,粗略浏览一下标题以了解情况;接下来,读完第一段,然后是小标题、图片和说明;最后,阅读最后一章。

Question – ask yourself questions: Why is this important? How does the information help me? What questions is the author answering?

提问 - 向自己提出以下问题:为什么这一点信息很重要?这些信息对我有什么帮助?作者在回答什么问题?

3R – Read, Recall, Review:

Search for answers to your questions as you read. Once you finish reading, ask yourself questions and answer aloud. Next, take notes. Finally, test yourself on what you've learned.




Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar


Spelling, punctuation and grammar skills are vital in writing tasks. Poor skills can make written work harder to understand and less convincing.

  • Work on your spelling before exams

  • Search for synonyms

  • Revise your punctuation – there are many online resources for this


  • 在考试前别忘了复习单词的拼写

  • 搜索和学习同义词

  • 回顾标点使用方法,这方面在网上有很多资源

Brain training


List everything about a topic, brainstorm and make idea funnels. Students can look at their favourite ideas and move on from there.


Try out these new approaches by: 

  1. Setting yourself the challenge of learning as much on a topic in half an hour using a different method. 

  2. Test yourself straight after. 

  3. Test yourself after a few days. 

  4. Reflect on what works. 


  1. 给自己设定一个挑战:采取一个不同的复习策略,在半个小时内学习尽可能多的知识。

  2. 学习完后马上进行自我测试。

  3. 过几天后再进行自我测试。

  4. 回顾和反思这个方法是否可行。

Preparing to Study 


What can parents do? 家长可以怎样帮助孩子?

As parents, we need to listen to, support, encourage and reward our children. One of my favourite ways to support my children or my students in my subject (English) is that I always get them to look at the exams not as a hurdle but as a stopgap so they can show off what they've learnt so far.


Parents should create a comfortable and quiet study area at home to make sure they follow their revision schedule with minimum disruption.


Be visible. Let your child know that you are there, even if you are just dropping in with some milk or some juice or some cookies. Being there and having your child know that you can be contacted, that they can come to you for advice, can be very beneficial.


Encourage healthy living – exercise, healthy eating and an adequate amount of sleep are vital to exam success.




Students must want to learn instead of being forced to learn, so the fundamental step is to motivate them to be active learners.


  • Set SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound

  • Set challenges – overcoming even a slight challenge is a win. The sense of achievement keeps you motivated along the way.

  • Talking about your revision plans and sharing them with your peer or parents makes the plans easier to stick to.

  • 设定SMART(具体、可衡量、可行、相关、有时限)的目标                  

  • 设立挑战。哪怕只是完成一个小挑战,都是一种胜利。这种成就感会让学生在学习的道路上充满动力。

  • 与同伴或父母分享和讨论复习计划,他们无形的监督有助于学生更容易坚持执行这个计划。

Beating Procrastination 


Procrastination is using tactics or distractions to avoid doing something. We understand that revision will be complex, the revision will be a real effort, and the allure of staying in bed is far too much for your teenage brain to resist. Sometimes students might even prefer to do household chores rather than begin revising.


The important thing is getting started. Some methods can be adopted such as setting smaller goals, taking regular breaks and writing positive messages on post-it notes.


Another way is to set a two-minute timer and dedicate two minutes to the task – it is often found that students are eager to continue – the brain hates unfinished tasks!




Being organised can improve the quality of the work; it also helps with the length it takes to complete a task and the whole mindset towards study.


Time Management 


Time management is about organising blocks of your revision time to maximise your opportunity to learn – by taking responsibility for your study time, you minimise the stress of over-commitment.


  • Use to-do lists, planners or a calendar to manage time effectively.

  • Consult your plan regularly to make sure you are on target for success. Check at least twice a day – in the morning and when you finish, be sure to move things you have not accomplished to another day.

  • Use your 'spare' time wisely.

  • Be aware of exam paper timings – if you're completing examination questions, set a timer with the allocated time you would receive in the exam to complete it.

  • 使用待办清单、计划表或日历来有效管理时间。

  • 定期回顾自己的复习计划,确保自己的进度达到预设目标。建议每天早上和完成复习时分别回顾一次。如果有未完成的任务,记下来移到第二天继续进行。

  • 合理利用“空闲”时间。

  • 注意考试时间的长度。当你在做一些模拟试题的时候,请依据考试时间来分配合适的答题时间,以此来训练自己的答题速度。

For parents, one of the benefits of being at home and being able to talk to a child about that schedule is that you are able to steer them in the right direction to make choices that are the right choices for your child. It will also help to make sure that you know what's coming up, that your children aren't leaving everything until the last minute, and that they're revising for every subject and not just focussing on one only.


We hope you find Mrs Carolyn Jones’ sharing informative and practical. LEH Foshan holds regular Teacher Talks sessions and invites our talented and well-experienced teachers to share information not only about the School’s curriculum but also about their expertise in teaching and education. Please make sure to follow us and stay in touch for the latest updates.

希望Mrs Carolyn Jones的分享能够帮助家长和孩子们顺利度过备考和学习阶段。佛山霍利斯定期举办学科老师座谈会,邀请我们富有才华和经验的学科老师给大家分享我课程信息以及他们自己专长的教育领域知识。欢迎大家关注佛山霍利斯,留意未来的讲座信息发布和更新!










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